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RE: "Six of the Best" MAP26 Minnow Contest [Vote Now - Win Upvotes]

Hi! Thank you for this opportunity!
Here are a few of the things I do on steemit:

  1. Community Efforts:
    I'm currenty trying to establish a Playwright Workshop. The Fiction Workshop is beyond wonderful, but a play -- regardless of if it's for screen, stage, audio, or a comic page -- is a bit of a different animal. And it needs its own workshop.

  2. Experiments in Poetry:
    I can't sing, but I can rap... but I never knew how or if I wanted to pursue it (still don't)... This is "experiment number two"... an entry for the Week #14 ADSactly Rap Challenge

  3. Random Digital Art:
    My CG efforts are usually in service to my other creations (visualising settings and characters from my fiction)... But this time, I just wanted to make a cute autumn shot and wound up with glowing willow trees that make me very happy. ^_^

  4. Work-In-Progress Screenplay:
    I'm currently taking a screenwriting class in which I'm meant to produce a feature length screenplay. Since it pushed my novel, Chance Way, to the backburner... I've decided I'm taking it all the way! Well, I'll at least make a comic book. If I made it a film, I'd want quality fight choreographers... Anyway, here's the first few minutes:

Sorry my comment was a bit delayed, I wanted to get the script up first.
Thanks again! Good luck to all the participants! ^_^


Away for a few days, missed your post. Glad you could join us, good luck!

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