Well! ... that escalated quickly!

in #life6 years ago (edited)

I woke up to 6000 followers! It seems only a short time since I thanked everyone for the 5000 followers!

I have to apologise to my mentorship group for not having anything for them to do in the last week, but as you can probably understand, we've been a little stressed. Explanation here.

Trev's mum broke her hip and had to have an operation. Trev's sister is frail (13 years older than he is) and cannot drive to the hospital herself. Trev has been going straight from work in an evening to pick up his dad and sister (if she hasn't got a lift to the hospital earlier in the day) and taking them to visit. Picking me up on the way through, we've not had chance to sit down until almost 8pm.

Chattering away like they haven't been speaking on the phone that morning...

I've also been visiting in the day, to break-up the day more than anything.

Trev's parents have always been there for us and now it really is our turn - if they let us help, of course. They're both in their mid-90s and independent!

Trev's parents speak on the phone for an hour or more every day - and that's why they're still together in my opinion, they can talk and talk to each other. They really are soulmates. They celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary last year.

Our son has been staying overnight at his grandad's 'just in case', making his breakfast and making sure he takes his medication (he doesn't like taking it, so it's sometimes a battle of wills).

Mum-in-Law may be moved to another hospital that specialises in physio and rehabilitation for such injuries.

She's finally realised that she's been doing far too much - making a cuppa every lunch time for Trev, cooking a full meal for her granddaughter and great-granddaughter once a week, making cakes, cookies etc for the guides, amongst other things.

She now acknowledges that she has earned the right to sit back and allow others to help take care of them. She will only make food for her and her husband and she's promised to let other people do things for them, whereas before, she refused (and she's a determined lady!).

Trev will still be going there at lunch but instead of his mum making his cup of tea, he'll be going to make them their cup of tea (and lunch too, if we can persuade them).

Still no news on when she'll be fit enough to be allowed back home, but we have fingers crossed that it will be soon.

In other news...

I'm coming up to the 50th episode of Cobalt Nights (still not sure of that title and the cover image needs work).

You can start reading from the beginning using the links below.

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, Part 16, Part 17, Part 18, Part 19, Part 20, Part 21, Part 22, Part 23, Part 24, Part 25, Part 26, part 27, Part 28, Part 29, Part 30 Part 31 Part 32 Part 34 Part 35 Part 36 Part 37 Part 38 Part 39 Part 40 Part 41 Part 42 Part 43 Part 44 Part 45 Part 46 Part 47 Part 48 Part 49


I am praying that your mother-in-law gets well soon. Hoping for her fast recovery @michelle.gent! Maybe it's Trev's turn to serve her.
Congratulations you now have 6000 followers, it seems like just last month that you had 5000. Soon it will be 10,000!🎉😊❤

Congrats on the followers! I can only dream of those numbers at this moment in time. I wish Trev's parents a speedy recovery, what a life they must of had so far, 70 years of marriage is almost non existent in modern society. They are inspirational.

Trev's parents have always been there for us and now it really is our turn - if they let us help, of course.

Yup, I looked after my mum and dad for 4 years everyday, cooking and things.. (gone now).

It's tough sometimes! Especially when they are so independent. lol.

But like you said - your turn to step up to the plate, when they have being doing that for you, when they could.

Good luck, hun.

Sending my love, I hope all goes well and that the hip will recover. It’s sad that this is happening but be strong and grateful for all the time. You got this. Much love. @michelle.gent you’re followed because you’re valued.

6000, nice. Well done. Also, that cup of tea looks really good (I like tea).

I hope she recovers quickly. They are too darn independent at times these parents

Because you have been dedicated, diligent and devoted to your followers... bravo well deserved @michelle.gent heres to the next 6000!

...un abrazo hermano, espero que se mejore, pero esta lección de vida te dará otros ángulos para escribir, disfruta como veo lo estas haciendo de estos detalles de las almas gemelas.

No es fácil cuidar a las personas mayores, solo denle su tiempo y cariño. No te preocupes tus lectores sabrán esperar. No es el final del mundo es el inicio de él que nunca termina.

Congratz on the 6000 amazing.. very good to read that you take care of your parents in law. Family is what matters and also giving it forward to your son. I hope everything will be ok soon and that they live another 20 years together..

I woke up to 6000 followers! It seems only a short time since I thanked everyone for the 5000 followers!

Congratulation on your 6000 followers, i really striving hard just to reach 500, i look up to you

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