New Story - written exclusively on Steemit - WiP - Bouncer Part 38

in #writing6 years ago (edited)

This is turning out to be quite a tale (I know, my opinion...) and I think it'll make a novel-sized story.

I'm listening to the feedback and if something resonates, I've decided that I'll go with it (thanks @kiwideb).

Feel free to give feedback on characters, storylines etc - even if you think it's harsh.

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, Part 16, Part 17, Part 18, Part 19, Part 20, Part 21, Part 22, Part 23, Part 24, Part 25, Part 26, part 27, Part 28, Part 29, Part 30 Part 31 Part 32 Part 34 Part 35 Part 36 Part 37

Pictures from Google free to use search

Please note: This is the FIRST DRAFT, no editing, written straight onto paper. I don't know how to highlight that any more than it is. I'll NOT be making any alterations to what's already been written. As a good friend and excellent author has said, First draft is a race to get the story down before it decides to stop telling itself to you. Thanks Glenn. @alienbutt

85 pages, 33,417 words so far.

What do you think of this for a cover?

cobalt book cover.jpg

Zack watched Nyx trying to get the perfect shot of people as they milled around. He realised there was too much space in the club to make it look like there were crowds of people.

He went across to Nyx. She saw his approach and lowered her camera then, as he got closer, she whipped it up to her eye and started taking pictures.

She lowered it again as he got too close for the shots she was taking to be anything but blurred. Nyx frowned as she wondered what he wanted with her.

“Hey, Nyx,” Zack said.

She nodded but didn’t smile.

“How about getting some decent crowd shots later?” he said.

“With 1500 people max? In this vast area?” she said. “Good luck with that.”

“Yeah, I know, but I have an idea,” Zack said. “Leave the crowd shots for now, concentrate on everything else. It may be best to get the pictures of the cage dancers while there aren’t many in the club.”

Nyx looked over to the empty cages and looked back at Zack. “That’s a good idea. I’ll be able to get closer so I can get better shots.”

“Let me know what you need, I’ll try to accommodate you,” Zack said and turned to go to the VIP area.

He spotted someone in the crowd and changed direction.

Zack approached the bar. The guy he’d recognised turned as he approached and a grin spread across his face.

Zack extended his hand for the other to shake. “I’m pleased you could make it, Officer,” Zack said.

“Me too. I sloped off work early to make it in time for the doors opening. Some guy at the front door called Taylor for me and let me and my friends up. It was decent of Taylor to sort it out for me. I wasn’t sure if these would be allowed in too,” he said, indicating to two women and another man.

“Not a problem,” Zack said. “Enjoy your evening.”

Zack went back down the stairs to check on the front of house, where Crackers and his team were handling the crowds.

Zack walked past the receptionist who was waiting for the next batch of customers.

He recognised her from somewhere but it was still niggling him.

“Crackers,” he said.

Crackers looked up from checking tickets. He gave the ticket back to the girl and went across to Zack.

“’Sup, Boss?”

“Where do I know her from?” Zack said. He kept his back to the receptionist and bobbed his head backward so Crackers knew who he was referring to.

Crackers glanced over Zack’s shoulder even though he knew who he meant.

Crackers thought for a moment. Then his face lit up because he realised how he knew her.

“That’s Sinbad’s ex-fiancée,” he said.

Zack’s expression alarmed Crackers. A deep frown appeared and his jaw set. Crackers recognised the look – someone was about to get fired on the spot.

“No, Zack,” he said, holding Zack’s arm so he wouldn’t go. “She’s his EX! She had an injunction taken out on him. He’s not allowed within half a mile of her home and work. While she works here, he couldn’t work here too, so you have the perfect ‘out’ if he asks for a job.”

Zack’s expression of malevolence melted and he smiled as he realised what the potential of her working there could mean.

“What’s her name?” he asked.

“Jackie,” Crackers said.

Zack nodded. “Keep ‘em waiting a few more seconds while I have a word with her?”

“Sure, Boss,” Crackers said.

“Jackie?” he said as he passed the receptionist’s booth.

“Hi Zack,” she said. “I didn’t think you’d recognised me.”

“It’s a bit busy, sorry,” Zack said. “How would you like to work for me on a permanent basis?”

“Every night, you mean?” Jackie said.

“Not necessarily. I want you to think about becoming a doorman… woman, erm, you know what I mean. Doubling as Receptionist when necessary, but also learning the ropes for the firm?”

Jackie’s face brightened. “Really?” she said. “Wow, I really would!”

“Speak to me when you finish here, I’ll have a word with Mr Vasilyevich,” Zack said and took off back up the stairs.

Jackie grinned as she took the tickets. She had to hand over two tickets for every one received. The tickets she handed out were to be given in exchange for free drinks – the first two were free – the rest of the night had to be paid for.

Zack went to stand by the main bar. The job of people watching was a full-time occupation and he liked to keep his hand in.

the cobalt sign.jpg


I am glad I came across your post but I dont has the time to read it fully right now as I am off to work But good content and I will look at the rest when I am back., This is my first reading in your episodes/parts of this series yet it palpated the pleasure areas of my brain.

Had Zach any bad experience with Sinbad, Jackie's Ex-Fiancee? Well, that I would find out once I read the previous parts of this series.

Meanwhile, for the cover you asked about, I think It's catching and scintillating. It speaks of a depth within that every reader would like to discover in the text.
Kudos to your literary prowess!

Hope you are good?
I have been busy and haven't had time to read chapter one of this new series and i guess i cant understand this story without have a indebt background of chapter one.
I guess Zack is the main character in this series.
Thank you

Very nice story...

Sinbad's EX is a nice twist. Do I smell a bit of trouble brewing? Things have been so smooth...

I really wish I could get a summary of the previous posts. Anyway, in my spare time, I may work up strength to go read them.

I am very happy to read every post @, every writing always have characteristic.
Thank you

Hi Michelle,
Regrettably, I didn't catch the other episodes of the story. But with what I have read here, I must say, they would definitely be worth a read too. For me, being able to write understandably has always been quite a challenge. I like to shroud words in metaphors and make things so complicated that at the end of it all, they may not exactly connect to the readers. But I see the way you write seamlessly, figuratively and yet in an understandable way. It's quite something I aspire to. I will definitely follow your posts more closely to learn just how to ease up on my language use.

And yes, about the cover page, I want to assume that the photographic image is the obvious protagonist, Zack. And the whole idea of lit club houses and starlights, they connect a lot. So given my level of knowledge with regards to the story, I would say the cover page is on a good start.

I'm not sure about the cover. I'm no expert, but to me, it's not capturing the essence of the book.

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