New Story - again written exclusively on Steemit - WiP - Bouncer Part 9

in #writing6 years ago

I started a new story to share on Steemit. It's not my usual type of tale, but I decided it has legs so I'm going to let it run.

Meet Zack, my newest character. I hope you like him.

The first part was written a few weeks ago and since then, I've been mulling it over in my head where the story needs to go.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8

Pictures from Google free to use search

Please note: This is the FIRST DRAFT, no editing, written straight onto paper.

Zack turned on his phone and got into the car.

He turned the key and sat with the engine running. The notification ping of his phone receiving the messages he’d missed while at work took a few moments to stop. Zack looked at the phone nestled in the cup-holder in the centre console of the car, then he looked at Taylor.

“Looks like we’re in business,” Zack said.

“You don’t know the half of it,” Taylor said. “Guess who owns The Cobalt now.”

Zack looked at his brother. Taylor sat grinning like the cat that got the cream and he grinned back as realisation took hold.

“The Russians?”

“Yeah. They’ll be up and running within the next three months if I know anything about it,” Taylor said.

“I think I owe James a drink,” Zack said and drove out of the car park.

Zack dropped Taylor off at his house and drove home. He parked his brother’s car on his drive rather than at the side of the road.

One pint of orange juice, teeth brushed, a quick sluice in the sink and a pee and Zack fell into bed, exhausted. It had been a hectic few days.

A little after eight the next morning, Zack’s phone started pinging and woke him to the point of no return.

He stumbled to the bathroom, set the shower going and looked at his bleary-eyed reflection. “This had better be worth it,” he said to his reflection.

Zack, hair not quite dry from the shower, suited and booted, went ‘round to Taylor’s house for the full (sober) run-down of the meeting with the Russians.

Taylor looked a little better than Zack felt and with a wry grin, the older brother decided life wasn’t fair.

“What are you grinning at? I’ve not even told you what the Russians and I spoke about last night,” Taylor said, pouring Zack a coffee.

“I’m thinking life isn’t fair, brother,” Zack said, putting on his ‘listen to my advice’ voice.

Taylor frowned and glanced at Zack. “Not fair?”

“Yeah, you went out, had a great meal, a skinfull of booze, came to the club, watched me work, had girls throwing themselves at you, had drinks bought for you, got driven home and you don’t even have a headache. I went to bed stone cold sober and woke up feeling like I have your hangover,” Zack said.

“Living the dream,” Taylor said.

“Bollocks!” Zack said. He grinned at his brother. “What did they propose?”

To start with, Viktor wanted us to work exclusively for him. In fact, I think he was hinting at owning the company,” Taylor said. He studied his brother’s face for his reaction.

Zack didn’t disappoint. A frown furrowed his brow. “I hope you told him to fuck right off – respectfully, of course?”

“Not in so many words, but yeah. I told him that wasn’t going to happen. ‘We don’t want to get into bed with anyone,’ I told him. I also told him that we’d think about the bankroll he offered us as a ‘cushion’ for wages,” Taylor said.

“There’s always a catch when people offer money,” Zack said.

“I respectfully declined that offer too after thinking it over. I did agree that his company would be first in the order of clients, though. To be honest, it wouldn’t take much to justify that. They were the first to ask about our services,” Taylor said. He stopped speaking. Zack’s expression warned him that something may be a problem.

Zack tapped a finger to his bottom lip. “That’s not entirely true. Mikhail said he’d be interested in our services when I told him I was quitting.”

“Yeah? Well he didn’t mention it to me last night, so I’m taking it that Viktor got in first.”

Zack nodded once. “OK, I’ll go with that logic. That’s our story and we’re sticking to it.”

“Right. On Monday afternoon, we’re off to Viktor’s hotel. He wants to meet you, and it’s a good chance to talk everything over. We’ll get a taxi over, they can be heavy-handed with the vodka toasts,” Taylor said.

“You were steaming last night. How much did you have to drink?” Zack said, studying his brother.

Taylor looked down at his hands. They shook as his lifted his coffee mug. “Like you said, I had a skinfull.”

“And you drove to the club like that?” Zack placed his mug down deliberately. He wanted to slam it onto he counter, but kept his cool.

“No. Viktor’s driver drove me. Vicktor’s bodyguard drove his car and followed us. I insisted. I won’t drink and drive, you know me better than that,” Taylor said.

“OK,” Zack said. “So we’ll be twiddling our thumbs with no income for three months. Never mind, I think we’ll manage.”

“Not entirely accurate, brother,” Taylor said. “Viktor has a casino and another couple of clubs he wants us to provide security for. Starting at the beginning of next month.”

“Next month?” Zack said. “That’s next weekend.”

“Yeah. Sorry about that. Your holiday is going to have to wait.”

“It’s a good thing I didn’t book anything then,” Zack said.


It’s annoying to me that people comment on your post with Great story!- one min after you post. Come on people- let’s dignify the effort put into the story by actually reading it. It only took me a couple min but that’s more than 60 seconds.

Anyways I digress...

I respect what you do and the time you put into it. I spent all night trying to make a decent post and I had writers block— so nothing happened. Tomorrow is another day.

You have a good point. People should read before commenting.

Thank you. It annoys me too.

Today's story has had to be a little less action because no story can be all action - otherwise the characters wouldn't have a chance to endear themselves to the readers.

Thank you for your observation. Better luck for tomorrow :)

It’s the dialog that gives you that bond with the characters- so when the action happens, you are rooting for them. Oh and my name is Zach by the way :)






I second your opinion @theessential & @chidiarua.

Michelle, I do not always have time to read your posts right after they were published, but never once during the time when you signed not missed a single of your posts and always comment on them :)
This chapter as the previous interesting ends and left a desire to think what will happen next :)
Your dialogues are just as magnificent as before, thanks

Thank you and I hope you know I appreciate your comments.

What's the vodka toasts

Oh, really :) Brits have cheese on toast while Russians prefer toasts with vodka. I know for sure that a traditional Russian breakfast after a good "booze session" consists of pickle juice (usually the one from pickled cucumbers).

I barely use dialog on my stories right now. I just CAN'T use it well. I need a lot of practice and maybe just read more of them. When i try to make my characters actually talk, i sense they are faking it, somehow.

You? Man, your dialogs seems so natural and full of spark. Gotta lot to learn.

Thank you so much for sharing!

Record yourself talking, speaking your dialogue out loud. With practice, you'll get better, I promise :)

The story is developing in a good way. Nothing much has happened in this part. The dialogues between brothers are quite beautiful.

I must say a lot can be learned from your use of beautiful language in your stories. Thank you for sharing.

Thank you. I appreciate your comment. You appear to have read the story :)

I always do. Sometimes I am short of words to express in detail but I try to write down whats in my mind. Thank you for your support and encouragement :)

The conversation betweeen Zack and Taylor is very interesting to read.
Now I am waiting for the next story.
Thanks for the daily efforts to write a new story for us.
I wish you the best of luck:-)

This is a great fiction.another wonderful reading for me

Amazing story.Much obliged for sharing it

I have to commend your effort. I like your dialogue. Nice write.

This is yet another good one from you my friend
Excellent writing skills.

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