New Story - again written exclusively on Steemit - WiP - Bouncer Part 22

in #writing7 years ago

Sorry there was no Zack's story yesterday. I had physio and felt really battered after, so couldn't concentrate on writing about Zack.

I started a new story to share on Steemit. It's not my usual type of tale, but I decided it has legs so I'm going to let it run.

Meet Zack, my newest character. I hope you like him.

The first part was written a few weeks ago and since then, I've been mulling it over in my head where the story needs to go.

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20 Part 21

Pictures from Google free to use search

Please note: This is the FIRST DRAFT, no editing, written straight onto paper. I don't know how to highlight that any more than it is. I'll NOT be making any alterations to what's already been written. As a good friend and excellent author has said, First draft is a race to get the story down before it decides to stop telling itself to you. Thanks Glenn. @alienbutt

49 pages, 19,491 words so far.

“A date?” Taylor said.

“Yeah, you’ll see. Dress nice,” Zack said. “I’ll get a taxi to yours and pick you up. I don’t want to leave your car in town, ok?”

Taylor dropped Zack off at home and went to get ready. Puzzled, because Zack didn’t usually play games, he decided to hedge his bets and ‘dress nice’ as Zack instructed. It couldn’t hurt, could it?

They were not the first in Finnian’s Cave. Joe stood at the bar, chatting to the doorman.

“Zack, this is Dave,” Joe said, introducing the doorman to Zack.

Zack understood the reason behind the formal introduction and he nodded at Joe. “Give me a ring tomorrow,” Zack said, passing his business card to Dave.

Dave looked at it and then at Zack. He placed the card in his wallet and put the wallet back in his pocket. Then he took out his phone and tapped at it. “OK, I’ve added your number to my contacts. I’ll ring you tomorrow,” he said.

Joe, Zack and Taylor moved further into the room, ducking beneath the low beams.

“He memorised my number,” Zack said to Taylor.

“That’s a skill you don’t see too often,” Taylor said.

A few more of Zack’s lads turned up and joined them and then Liz walked in.

Taylor had his back to the door as she walked in and she waved at Zack and went to the bar.

Zack nodded and waited.

Liz joined them once she had her drink. “Hello,” she said.

Joe looked at Zack, then at Liz but said nothing.

Taylor turned around to see who had joined them.

“Hi,” he said, with hardly a pause. “I’m pleased you could make it.”

“Nice recovery, brother,” Zack said.

“Yeah, well I had a bit of a clue. You were a little too cagey on the way home. The instruction to ‘dress nice’ gave it away.”

Liz smiled at their banter. Zack introduced her to the guys that had already arrived and any that came later would accept her as part of the group without question, just because she was with the brothers.

Zack didn’t mention that she was the manager of The Cobalt, he figured he didn’t want the guys to feel like they had to be on their best behaviour.

“You not drinking?” Joe asked at the next pub.

“Not alcohol,” Zack said. “I have work early in the morning. So do you.”

Joe nodded.

Crackers also noticed Zack wasn’t drinking. “Hey, if you’re going to be staying sober, I’ll fetch my car and you can drive us all home,” he said.

Zack thought about the proposition for a moment. “Sure,” he said. “But don’t expect me to take everyone home. Just you, Liz and Joe. OK?”

Crackers nodded and nipped out to fetch his car before he became too drunk to drive.

By the third pub, everyone that Zack had invited had joined them and they were making merry. Liz and Taylor were getting along well, he bought her drink at the third pub and she bought his at the fourth.

The group moved on to the next pub and had almost got to the doors when Taylor noticed who stood on the door. Sinbad had a scowl on his face that turned into a leer when he realised the group were heading towards his door.

“On to Industria!” Taylor said and veered away from the pub at which Sinbad was working. The group went with him, only a few saying, ‘hello’ to Sinbad.

The door crew at Industria passed them through the doors without making them wait - a doorman’s privilege.

Annoyed muttering of the waiting queue died down when people realised who the guys were. It’s best not to draw attention to yourself if you later intend to visit the pubs where the guys work.

Liz and Taylor had become firm friends and stood in a corner, chatting and getting to know each other.

Zack watched his little brother and smiled. It was about time he found someone he actually wanted to talk to. The girls he usually ‘got off’ with were good for a romp for one night, but in the morning, conversation became a necessity if things were to go any further.

Zack knew this, because Zack had gone through the same phase.

Industria had become part of a small independent group of pubs and clubs, built-up slowly, with meticulous care and attention to detail, the management team knew what they were doing and made sure the highest standards were upheld – in every aspect.

Zack knew he and Taylor would be able to look at the method of professionalism the independent group had adopted and they would do well to adopt similar high standards if their new business was to succeed.

By the time the group reached the last pub, time had drawn on and ‘Last Orders’ was being called.

“Great timing!” Taylor said and went off to the bar to fetch drinks for Liz, Zack, Joe and himself.


I felt that you are very busy, so you can not concentrate on writing history, health is important.
How nice that you create such a variety of genres in your blog.
Zak as before shows himself as a strong and calm character - it's his strong point. I like how you describe Zak's thoughts. But the main trump of the whole story is dialogues, and they are gorgeous.
Thank you, we are waiting for the continuation

Sinbad, I think will be bad news for the brothers. Nice romantic twist. Can't wait to see where this goes.

dear this story
Sinbad seems to be at odds with the group and Zack has strong will to do whatever he likes

last i #resteem your post

Every time I read your writing then always want to read the continuation of the story you write. Healthy always for

Hey bro

I like what you upload.
will you vote on my account, and follow my account with me

I like this...

Zack is a towering characters, all other characters are underneath his shadow. Sinbad seems to be at odds with the group and Zack has strong will to do whatever he likes.

May you be blessed with health and happiness. Take good care of your health:)

I love your posts ! Amazing photos,flawlessly insight does not mean much, but it's from the heart ! I will keep following you :)

An intriguing story, I want to know what will happen next? Thank you for sharing.

interesting write up and
outstanding experience in writting
i really had a wonderful experience reading your story
keep it up ma

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