New Story - again written exclusively on Steemit - WiP - Bouncer Part 21

in #writing6 years ago (edited)

I started a new story to share on Steemit. It's not my usual type of tale, but I decided it has legs so I'm going to let it run.

Meet Zack, my newest character. I hope you like him.

The first part was written a few weeks ago and since then, I've been mulling it over in my head where the story needs to go.

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20

Pictures from Google free to use search

Please note: This is the FIRST DRAFT, no editing, written straight onto paper. I don't know how to highlight that any more than it is. I'll NOT be making any alterations to what's already been written. As a good friend and excellent author has said, First draft is a race to get the story down before it decides to stop telling itself to you. Thanks Glenn. @alienbutt

47 pages, 18,656 words so far.

“Oh, that’s my humiliation complete,” Taylor said with a groan.

Zack laughed at his brother’s agony. “Let it go. You’re in no fit state to be trying to impress anyone,” he said.

“Thanks for the vote of confidence,” Taylor said, but he smiled. It was a weary, hung-over smile, and the manager took pity on him.

“Coffee?” she said.

She gave them the full tour of the club from top to bottom, including the rooftop terrace and the cellar and sub-cellar.

“There’s still a lot of work to be done,” she said.

“Yeah, I can see that,” Zack said. “Viktor seems to think the work will be complete by the weekend.”

“Oh yes, it’ll certainly be done by then. We have the press-releases going out later today so they drop into the press email-inboxes first thing in the morning,” she said.

Her tone was light and cheerful and Zack looked to see if she was pulling his leg harder than she had pulled Taylor’s.

Zack nodded. ‘They mean business,’ he thought.

Taylor and Zack left when they were satisfied they had all the information necessary for the next stage of their work – finding the right door staff.

At the office, Taylor went to find a quiet corner to settle in and clear his head. Zack smiled to himself. The younger brother could handle the early morning, but keeping going proved impossible, whereas Zack found he could work through the hangover.

At a little after 4pm, Taylor’s phone rang. Taylor brought it to Zack.

“Answer it please, it’s Viktor,” he said.

“Hello?” Zack said.

“I know I have not made a mistake this time, I have Taylor’s number on my screen, Zack,” Viktor said.

“Yeah, it appears you’ve worn-out my brother. The Champagne hangover has wiped him out,” Zack said.

“I have received your estimates for The Cobalt and everything seems in order. However, I would like more door staff if that is possible. I would also like there to be at least two on site 24 hours a day, starting from tomorrow morning,” Viktor said.

“OK, that’s not a problem. Until I can get the Doormen sorted out and signed-up, it may have to be Taylor and me, at least for tomorrow morning,” Zack said.

“Good. I think that is acceptable too,” Viktor said. “You are going out tonight?”

“Yes, with my old door team. As a final blow-out,” Zack said.

“I would appreciate it if you were not in the same state as you were this morning,” Viktor said.

“Absolutely. I don’t drink before a shift. That’s not my style,” Zack said.

“And one favour, if you please?” Viktor said. His voice softened a little, as though he was indeed, asking a favour.

“Yes, of course.”

“Would you please invite my daughter, Elizaveta. She has no friends in the town and I think she would be safe with you and your brother,” Viktor said. His voice sounded less business-like but still commanding enough for Zack to realise the ‘favour’ was more of an instruction.

“Your daughter?” Zack said.

“Yes, you met with her earlier. The Cobalt’s manager.”

“Ah, yes. Of course I’ll invite her out. I have her number.”

Zack phoned the number he had for The Cobalt’s manager and she answered almost immediately.

“I hope this isn’t on my father’s instruction,” she said when Zack asked if she’d like to join them for drinks.

“Your father?” Zack said, expressing denial.

“Oh, didn’t you know? Viktor is my father,” she said.

“No, I asked because my brother is a bumbling fool and if he’d asked, you’d have called the police to report him as a stalker,” Zack said.

She laughed. “I suppose that’s true,” she said.

“So, how should I introduce you? Miss Cooper? Boss?” Zack said.

“Oh, I didn’t realise you didn’t know my name,” she said. “Liz is fine.”

“Liz? OK,” Zack said. “We can meet you anywhere, or I can pick you up on my way into town.”

“I’ll meet you in the first pub, which is it?”

“Finnian’s Cave,” Zack said. “It’s a quiet Irish bar on the edge of town and we have a few there, then move on into town. We’ll be there around 7:30.”

“Thanks, Zack,” she said. Then, in a little-less confident voice, she added, “He’s kinda cute… for a bumbling fool. Bye!”

“Taylor!” Zack shouted when he’d ended the call. “Taylor!”

Taylor wandered into the office.

“You look like the laundry basket threw-up on you,” Zack said.

“What? Who threw up? I didn’t…” Taylor said and looked down at his clothes, searching for vomit.

“I meant it looks like you dressed yourself from the dirty washing basket, you basket-case!” Zack said.

“Oh,” Taylor said. He stretched and yawned. He looked at his watch. “Ooh, time to get ready to go out!”

“Yeah, and dress nice, you have a date,” Zack said.


Interesting, this must be a fictional tale, I don't know any father that would openly tell to younger guys to invite his daughter out. If anything I would've expected him to tell Zac and Taylor to keep their paws off her. Will be interesting to see how this plays out.

Security 24/7 at this new place, I have a feeling it is much more than a club

Think about it this way,

You're investing in a brand new business. The guys that run the business need the initial start and therefore, the stability of a secure and regular client.

You're Russian with a LOT of money and influence.

The guys are ALL bouncers.

Where would your daughter be safest? Going out alone to meet new friends in a new town, or going out in a group of ready-made bodyguards? :)

When I went out with my Door colleagues, I never felt safer ;)

Haha you raise a good point. I guess I'm thinking of it from a guy perspective, having a dad tell me to look after his hot daughter haha

It's like awaiting for an uncoming storm. I know, Sinbad is going to include their story but in an unpleasant way. Just don't know how :)

A wonderful part, and the dialogues were really fluent. You are teaching writing lessons here :)

Hahaha! You keep your eye on Sinbad... something is going to happen ;)

Great one I really enjoy your stories. Keep writing, Waiting for next parts.


Really.i very enjoy your story. did so well

"Meet Zack, my newest character. I hope you like him."

I got confused at first and I asked you why you repeat this always haha

Great job

I appreciate your creativity, and so nice your story..
i wait your next post, carry on your creativity..
best of luck my dear friend

great creativity that is carry on
best wish to you

Nice story guys

Sorry. I was upvoted your comment

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