January retrospective - goals, results, lessons learned, insights for Steemian writers

in #life6 years ago (edited)

January is a great month for goals, and this one was a doozy. I’m going to share what I set out to do, what I got done, and the lessons learned.

Quick summary: I primarily set out to rocket-launch my fiction writing efforts and my Steemit presence. If you just want to know how it all turned out, just go to "The results" and "Insights."

Image credit: Pixabay

The goals

My goals were a teensy bit insane, but I set out to do the following:

  1. Daily blogging: Write a Steemit post every single day on a chosen topic for the #challenge30days, a 30-day daily blogging challenge.
  2. Weight loss: Follow the Whole30 diet, a 30-day highly restricted diet (no grains, beans, dairy, sugar or alcohol).
  3. Write Club stories: Write two full-length stories for sessions 1 and 2 of Write Club, an intensive 16-week (8 session) writing boot camp.

Actually, what happened is that I launched the first two challenges, and then I got conscripted into Write Club. It seemed like perhaps a little too much. But I thought just maybe I could do it. I really wanted to push myself to write more fiction, post more regularly on Steemit, and lose a few pounds. So I prepared myself mentally and decided to do it all.

By the way, I should mention that I have a full-time job and a household to run (husband, two teenagers, and approximately a million pets).

The results

First, here are the results for the three main goals:

  • Daily blogging: I wrote and published a post every day, without fail. All posts were either short stories or posts on the topic of fiction, with the exception of two, which were loosely geared toward gaining visibility for my fiction. (I’ve put the whole list of 30 posts below.) Some nights I literally fell asleep on my computer while I was writing my post, but I would not allow myself to go to bed until I hit the Post button. Very typically I had to make some edits the next morning!
  • Weight loss: I maintained the strict grain-free, bean-free, dairy-free, sugar-free, alcohol-free diet for 30 days, with only a few teensy misdemeanors, and I lost 8 pounds. (What is left to eat when you remove all that stuff from your diet, you ask? Basically vegetables and protein. I did this month-long adventure with my sister, @ducksaplenty, who blogged about it. Her posts are funny and insightful. Check out her post about primate bonding over food.)
  • Write Club stories: In addition to daily blog posts, I completed two full-length stories (5,000+ words) on deadline for Write Club, along with other write club requirements. (Note that I submitted some of my items due one minute before the deadline, much to the nail-biting of the other members, since you get kicked out if you don't do all the things and do them on time!) The commitments included reading the other 6 writers’ stories, and critiquing several in depth. (Will I be posting those stories on Steemit? Nope. They will be submitted to regular publishing channels when the whole set is done.)

Image credit: Pixabay

A few numbers

I am a firm believer that you can't just post stuff on Steemit and expect results. Every day I curated, upvoted, commented, and engaged with other Steemians as well.

Over the course of the month:

  • I left around 500 comments.
  • I received around 400 replies.
  • I went from about 250 followers to over 400.
  • I went from following a couple hundred to following over 380.
  • But... I started at level 56 rep and stayed at level 56 rep. (Would have been nice to bump up. But you get up in the 55+ zone, and it really takes time!)
  • Both my Steem power and my Steemit account value increased. (Would have been nice if I recording starting values, but I didn't think to do that! And the volatility was such that I'm not sure this makes a great metric anyway.)

Recognition, curation support, contest wins

Several of my posts achieved recognition, which was wonderful and helped me to stay the course:

Pros and Cons

This was a very positive experience in almost every imaginable way. But as with anything, it had its challenges.

The good stuff:

  • I have never been so productive in my life, and I had so much fun!
  • My fiction writing skills improved. I also stopped being so critical of my own work. I only posted quality stuff, but at the same time, I didn’t over-think everything.

The not-so-good stuff:

  • I had almost no time for exercise and I ended up with a stiff neck from too much computer time. (And yes, if I had actually had time for exercise, my 8 pounds would have been 10 or more.)
  • I had to dramatically reduce my time on Discord, which meant very little time spent chatting with my writing communities and providing editorial support at The Writers’ Block. This was by far the biggest downside. See the Insights below.

Other than that, I didn’t give up much. I went to multiple social events and parties, and even hosted my book club. (In my book club, this involves putting out a full smorgasbord and wine for 10-15 people.) I learned how to clean house really efficiently, too.


First, I'm really glad I did it. I didn't find the pace sustainable, particularly during the weeks when I was working on a full-length short story for Write Club and still made sure I wrote a daily blog post. But I met a lot of new people on Steemit, made friends, had some phenomenal conversations, and found so many wonderful people to follow so I can read and upvote their posts!

Also, I did learn some strategies, which I think can help you if you decide to post daily, either short term or long term:

  • Having a focus around a particular topic was awesome. I knew what I had to do each day.
  • Variety within that focus was absolutely critical. (See "The breakdown" below the list of 30 posts below.) Writing some longer posts and some shorter posts gave me the flexibility to pick what I had the time and ability to do each day.
  • It's important to do some letting go. I turned a blind eye to some of the messes in my house, for example. There's no way I could have kept any sort of high standard in that department. You just can't do it all. But one day, looking back on this time of my life, will I remember that my house wasn't in order or that I pushed my writing forward? No contest.

Thoughts going forward:

  • Focusing on goals was absolutely amazing, and I accomplished more than I thought possible, until I tried it.
  • I do not plan to write daily posts on a long-term basis, though it was fun for a sprint. (And I absolutely would not attempt daily blogging if I didn't think I had interesting stuff to share.)
  • Going forward, I will likely create a schedule. For example, I am considering posting three times a week, and spending the rest of my energy on curating and engaging with other people. Which brings me to the next item.
  • The biggest missing piece, for me, was the time and ability to engage in community to the full extent I would like. If I was a full-time Steemian, I could have done that really well too. But with my full-time job and other commitments, that was the thing that got bumped off my plate. The membership at The Writers Block, for example, exploded. They formed alliances with Scribes and Scribblers, and there are so many new folks! Amazing! But I only managed to pop in a few times a week. I'm so thrilled to be done with the 30-day sprint so I can re-engage.

Tools and apps to track stuff

There are many great tools and apps out there, now, that can really give you some great insight. Here are some I adopted this month:

  • www.steemnow.com: Check voting power throughout the day. Only upvote when VP is 90+.
  • Steemify app: Install on your smart phone. Add people whose posts you want to see. It also notifies you of all follows/unfollows, upvotes and comments.

The next order of business is the one I couldn't get to, but is super popular as it will tell you who resteemed you:

The 30 posts

And here they are, all 30 posts from my romp through #challenge30days:

The breakdown:

  • 7 Write Club posts
  • 6 writing workshop posts
  • 6 50-word short stories
  • 4 Steemit-length short stories
  • 4 “Words to learn” vocabulary posts
  • 1 poem about fiction writing
  • 1 introduceyourself post
  • 1 Role model Steemian contest entry post

In conclusion: some recommendations

My three recommendations from everything I learned are the following:

  • Set goals and follow them. Short term goals that support long-term goals are the best, in my humble opinion.
  • Find a way to balance your writing and posting activity with community and engagement. They go hand-in-hand.
  • Track your progress. Knowing that you are getting somewhere makes it all worthwhile. And it requires metrics, and some looking back. Write down all your numbers now, and then see where you are a month from now and six months from now.

If you have insights from your own journey with writing or making progress on Steemit, please share them in the comments. Also, I'm always interested in learning about additional tools and apps!

To your success!


Are you a writer seeking community or help with your writing? If so, please check out The Writers' Block on Discord. Or check out @thewritersblock.


Wow, you should win an award for this post alone @jayna.

Way to stick to your plan and accomplish it all. I got tired just reading your goals and your accomplishments (and maybe a tad jealous)

I think you're right; that pace is unsustainable though. You'd burn out unless you cut something back.

Sounds like your February will be a bit calmer?

Thank you, and yes it will. Right after I clicked send, I thought of you and a few others who have consistently supported me through all this and I thought of doing an edit to add some shout-outs. But I think I will do that in a future post. This one is long enough! Anyway @negativer, thank you, wholeheartedly, for your friendship and curation support. It means a lot!

Hi @jayna, I just stopped back to let you know your post was one of my favourite reads and I included it in my Steemit Ramble. You can read what I wrote about your post here.

Join us on Thursdays for Pimp Your Post Thursday at 11am EST or 7PM EST in the Steemit Ramble Discord or:

If you’d like to nominate someone’s post just visit the Steemit Ramble Discord

Thanks so much, @shadowspub! I truly appreciate it. I meant to join last Thursday for your PYPT show, and promote this post, but I couldn’t make it. And of course by tomorrow it will be too late for upvote love! I will have to see if I can get another pimp-worthy post written for tomorrow. 😊

Thanks for the shout out sistah! Congratulations on all you’ve accomplished last month.

It was a wild ride! Losing some pounds in the process and reading your posts about the journey were some highlights!

Wow! Thank you for sharing your insights on what you learned, and the pros and cons. I applaud you for being able to keep up. I have a hard enough time just dealing with household stuff and the baby. I can't imagine adding a full time job and teenagers in the mix! I'm impressed!

I'll be glad to see you more on Discord. We've missed you about as much as you've missed us!

Thank you, @therosepatch. I so appreciate your kind words! Now to find a balance. :-)

I love your Ellie stories. It's so fun to see what you're accomplishing!

Wow, this was a very inspiring and insightful post, congrats on making the 30 days happen!! (I think I got here from the fiftywords somehow :) will try that out soon)

It’s funny how we find things! I’m glad you followed a trail and landed here. So you do the fiftywords stories? I will find yours. I have SO much fun writing these. They feel like a great stretch, and result in almost poetic stories. Love ‘em!

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