A role model Steemian - Learning, sharing, blogging, curating, connecting, commenting and having fun!

in #community7 years ago (edited)

I would like to think I am a role model Steemian. Seriously, I have never nominated myself for anything in my life, but as I went through the "role model" bullet list in @anomadsoul's contest post, I heard myself saying "check... and check... and check." So I have to at least try. It's such a very cool contest with such exciting rewards!

Image credit: Pixabay

Okay, so a quick introduction for those who don't know me:

I arrived on the scene last June, and was so timid I had no idea what to post. Fast forward to today. I am currently on a daily blog challenge called #challenge30days! And at this moment my blog header says I've written 832 posts.

My posts are almost entirely about the craft of fiction, including short stories, and workshop posts to help other writers. I launched my workshop series several months ago and just recently posted my 15th post in the series. Additionally, I'm involved in several writing communities, in particular The Writers' Block on Discord, and was recently upgraded to "Blockhead" (woo hoo!) although I'm kind of quiet there at the moment because I was also recently inducted into a 16-week boot camp sponsored by The Writers' Block called Write Club. And I talk to the Write Club guys daily on Discord because in spite of the reference to Fight Club we are all in this together and very mutually supportive.

I still consider myself a Steemit newbie because I learn something new here every day. I wrote a new introduceyourself post the other day because I feel like I have come light years forward since my first scared little intro post shortly after I joined the platform.

The part of my introduceyourself post that I really spent some time on was writing my personal Steemit credo. It's a bullet point list of what I try to bring to the platform, and how I choose to conduct myself to contribute to quality content and respectful conversation.

What follows is the set of criteria for being considered a model Steemian, and my answers. RMS (role model Steemian) are the criteria, and Me... well that's me.

RMS: Is not permanently Powering down - nothing wrong with powering down a few weeks if you need money, but permanently powering down means you don´t trust the platform and are not very committed to Steemit.

Me: I have never powered down.

RMS: Posts original and quality content - quality is subjective, but we all have a certain standard.

Me: That is my aim every day. I write mostly helpful workshop posts and short stories. I have a zero crap posting policy.

RMS: Cites sources whenever part of the content does not belong to her/him.

Me: Yes, all my posts include the photo credits (typically Pixabay).

RMS: Tries to reply to the comments on his/her posts.

Me: I'm pretty sure I respond to all comments except spammy ones.

RMS: Comments on other people's posts and gives some feedback to the author.

Me: Yes, long-winded thoughtful comments! I'd probably have time for more commenting if I didn't write such verbose tomes.

RMS: Does not selfvote more than once a day.

Me: It's okay to self-vote? I haven't done it. I'd rather upvote other people. But if it's not horribly gauche, maybe I will occasionally self-vote when I'm particularly pleased with something I wrote.

RMS: Does not use bidbots to get votes - nothing wrong to use them once in a while to boost a good post or to promote an initiative or project, but come on, not on every post.

Me: I don't even know how. Although, I did have a fun and rousing conversation about bidbots with one of my hilarious friends from The Writers' Block today, in the comments on his post.

RMS: Spreads his/her votes as wide as he/she can within their SP possibilities.

Me: So I think what this means is that you use your daily voting power wisely - more votes without using full power instead of fewer full power votes. I am just coming to understand this, and I now check my VP on Steemnow.com multiple times daily. I usually give several 100% votes each day for quality posts and then a whole bunch of 5% upvotes on quality comments. Does that count? (Also I fret that if I give good posts less than 100% votes, they will think I didn't think it was good enough for 100%. Am I just being neurotic?)

RMS: Hangs out in some chat channels regularly.

Me: Absolutely! Discord is my other happy place, besides Steemit.

RMS: Approves at least 10 witnesses (30 would be better but well).

Me: I'm pretty sure I have more than 10 including my write-ins. I will continue until I'm maxed! In witnesses I look for people who not only support the backbone of the platform, but also post quality content regularly and follow some people. I don't know, is it just me or does it seem like people who don't follow others are only into themselves? I feel like witnesses are role models to a degree.

The best part of all this is community. I'm making some amazing friends and helping to build a wonderful mutual support system amongst like-minded creative writers.

Thanks for considering me, @anomadsoul! If I'm chosen, I promise to use the SP wisely. I think what I'd like to do is support new writers, probably through contests. But I'd probably talk to my esteemed leaders at The Writers' Block to get their ideas about how to create the most value. This is so fun. Thank you!



We hope to be as well-experienced as you @jayna. It's been over a week since we have been on the platform and we feel so grateful for being on here. We can relate so much to your first nervous/timid feelings about being on this platform as we are experiencing that ourselves. We had a vague idea of what to post after the introduceyourself, but we had to rethink and focus on what we are passionate about. It seems like you have found your niche on Steemit. We wish you all the best and voting for you for the contest. We will post ours soon. :) a big hug for @anomadsoul

Thank you so much and a heart welcome to Steemit! I will follow you and look forward to hearing about your coming-up-to-speed journey. I get from your Steemit name that you guys travel! That should give you a rich resource for your posts.

One thing I’ve found to be really helpful is to simply Google my questions. For example, “What do Steemit witnesses do?” The resulting articles will take you back here to people who share their knowledge. Good luck and again, welcome!

Thanks you @jayna for your warm reply! We hope you do enjoy our posts and we would like to gain some insight to your style of blogging. Yes, we do travel, but we thought to give our blog more content we would travel about our other passions and interests.
We were slightly confused about that search bar on Steemit as we did search a tag that wasn't on the main list and saw a google search come up. Now, we know it's linked to Steemit and will re-direct back here. Thanks for the advice!

You're welcome! Good luck with all of your knowledge gathering and blog posting.

Thank you very much @jayna

Looks like you are fulfilling all the criteria of being a role model steemian! You really don't know about buying upvotes?? that's interesting.
By the way, Good luck on winning the competition.

Thank you, and I'm sorry I missed your comment from a couple of days ago. No, I haven't looked into buying upvotes. I'm not judging anyone who does it, but I guess I'm not comfortable with it. I wish I was! And thank you for the well wishes!

I join the contest too...though O am a newbie and dont know much about technical aspects...i enjoy steemit

It’s a great contest! I’m glad it will make people think about whether they are doing things to help the community. The more people who do that, the faster it will grow and flourish for everyone.

I swear, this was more enlightening than some of the 'meant to be informative' posts!

I didn't know it was remotely okay to upvote your own posts! I've avoided it like the plague.

I also just recently learned about voting at less than full power and now I love having more of an ability to spread out and vote for a LOT more people, but like you, I also worry that someone might think I voted at 25% because I thought their content wasn't as good, which isn't (usually) true at all!

Good luck and I just wanted to say that I enjoy following you and I think you're deserving of the win!

*Also, I tend to be a bit wordy in my comments, too! :)

Thank you for your splendid comment, @byn. I have really enjoyed becoming acquainted with you.

I know, can you believe it's politic to upvote yourself? I kind of shudder when I see it done, but I'm trying to rearrange my thinking. Still, I'm going to have a fit of self-consciousness if and when I go to push that button!

I've been posting and commenting so much this month on my #challenge30days that I have dropped my upvotes for comments down to 2% for the most part. I keep running out of VP by the end of the day! I'm trying to feel good about upvoting comments, since I see that some people don't give votes to comments on their posts at all.

But yeah, voting on a really nice post at less than 100% feels like I'm saying "Good try, sport. Maybe you can do better next time!" :-)

Thanks so much for your comment and vote, my friend!

If you don't mind, what is the challenge30days? I tried clicking the tag, but it seems to be fairly... um, random. The search pulls up things from 7 months ago. I find challenges on steemit help me keep my focus a little bit better, so I'd like to learn more about it.

Hi @byn. Yes, this is a challenge from @dragosroua, and he has run it several times. I know he has intended to post daily updates this round but likely got busy with too many things. You can read one of his posts here. I love the challenge of posting daily. It has really given me some nice motivation, particularly as I got crazy busy with Write Club!

Thank you for the link. I'll go check it out! I try to post daily, but have been feeling a need for a new challenge lately.

I know what you mean! Challenges are so great for motivation. As I mentioned to @dragosroua, some days I write my post at midnight, fighting sleep, and have to go back in and fix my typos the next day. But by golly I haven’t missed a day!

I hear you! I have done the same thing. Some days I'm super inspired and write two posts (or at least take lots of notes for post #2. Other days I'm fighting to get one done, but I put my all into it and fortunately still have a giant well of ideas and things I want to write about!

I can't but just say I love your active participation on steemit. And how can I join the writers' club

Hi @camillius, I linked to the information you need in the post. Also check out @thewritersblock.

Nice post dear keep it up

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