You too can participate in Write Club!

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

Let the fun begin! Write Club starts now.

A quick note: This is my day 7 post of #challenge30days. With Write Club starting, I wrestled with whether or not I could continue, and decided that I just can't give it up! I'm on a roll. So for the remainder of the 30 days, I will be doing some lighter posts. Some will be take-aways from Write Club that may help other writers. Other days, I plan to do "word of the day" posts about fun and interesting vocabulary words that can enrich your language and your writing. And now, read on for my first post on Write Club!

You too can participate in Write Club!

Image credit: Pixabay

Write Club is launching, and while only a few people are officially participating, anyone can use the framework @jordan.lesich has established to set this project up for success.

What is Write Club?

To start, here’s a little background:

Briefly, 8 writers will spend 16 weeks in this boot camp program. On the first day of the first week, all 8 writers will receive a writing prompt from one of the members. We have one week to write a full-length story from that prompt and submit it to the others. For the next week, we will edit each other’s stories. Then it starts all over again for round two. At then end of each two week period, all 8 writers will have a written, edited story, resulting in a total of 8 stories per writer for the 16 weeks.

How can you use Write Club for your own purposes?

Okay, now you know that Write Club is a kind of boot camp. There are just 8 members who will be officially walking the walk over the scheduled 16 weeks. But the neat thing is that anyone can unofficially participate. We will be posting the prompts every two weeks.

Here’s a FAQ to guide you:

Q: Why would I want to unofficially participate in Write Club?
A: If you are a writer who has been at it a while, but you want to get off your current plateau, Write Club may be an excellent way to give you the boost you need. A plateau is a nice safe and stable place. Write Club is about getting from safe to published.

Q: How can I participate?
A: First, follow all of the writers in the “who we are” link above and follow @thewritersblock.
Next, use Write Club as your editorial calendar. Watch for the prompts. When you see the prompt, get writing.

Every two weeks when the new prompt comes out, read the prompt and spend a week writing a story based on that prompt that is a length of between 1,500 and 7,000 words. Yes, you read that right. These are to be full length stories--the type of fiction work you would submit to a literary magazine. (By contrast, a lot of stories on Steemit are 750 to 1,500 words.)

Finally, spend a week editing. Most importantly, get some help with this part of the process. You can find editors to help you at The Writers’ Block on Discord.

Q: When does the first prompt come out?
A: By the time you read this, it has probably already been issued. The first prompt is to be issued by @tanglebranch. Then you will hear the snap of whips, the cracks of knuckles, and the collective sound of many hands clicking across many keyboards.

Q: Will I see all the stories on Steemit?
A: Alas, no. The idea is for a Steemit-based group to work together toward this common goal, with the purpose of publishing our stories in the traditional publishing world of literary and sci-fi magazines. By following all of the writers, you will get regular updates on our progress as well as quotes and juicy gossip about how the process is going.

Other questions? Just ask.

Oh, and please cheer us on. We are going to be sweating bullets, so we'll need some applause and a kick in the rear when the going gets tough!



Excellent. I admire your stick-to-it-ness. It would be a shame to abandon the 30 days of writing in favor of Write you combined the two, at least for one post. Nice :) I look forward to your Write Club struggles, at least those struggles that make it out for public consumption.

Yes, exactly! There may be some share-worthy ah-has. But I have my back up plan too. Must not give up! Must not fail!

Good luck everyone! I'm gonna try to unofficially participate! :D

Strap in! Let’s go!

Thank you!

Thanks for explain some basis of the group. I entered few days ago and didn't fully understand how was the movement inside. Maybe I will participate in the challenge that you present, it seems really hard D:

Hi @aleli, do you mean you went into The Writers’ Block Discord channel? It is confusing at first, but please try again. Just say hello in the general chat and someone should greet you.

@jayna how to be a part of this sorry I didn't get it well

Just follow the information above. It explains everything. You go to the "prompt" link and use that information and story to inspire your own story. Every two weeks, write a story from the new prompt. Complete the story in one week and spend another week editing (and get help from the editors at The Writers Block). Share what you write, if you like, on your Steemit blog, using the #writeclub tag.

While the formal Write Club boot camp is just 8 specific writers, anyone can use the prompts to spur on their own writing. See what @therosepatch is doing, for example.

I wish to participate! Will the prompts be published on this account?