Daily pick of hidden gems #39

Finding the content that gets hidden in all the spam to help new authors get their posts noticed

Previous picks:
Pick 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38
Month 1

Featured posts

1--We expereince ourselves in the past, present, and future based off of comparisons we make with others


We not like everyone else. Everyone has different strengths and weaknesses.


2--Can we survive without bees? And What's Behind the Problem of Disappearing Bees?


I learnt to respect bees at a very young age, as we had a few hives at the house and decided to play with them..... did not end well.


3--Photography: How to Really Become Great - Part 3 - Create Curiosity and Anticipation



4--Knowledge is a Key Organizational Asset! A Road Map to Knowledge Valorization as Asset Management.



5--5 Tips to Stay on Track


Loosing your head is easy, I would know.


6--Health and Fitness: The Dynamic Warm Up. (5min read)



Format for the daily gems will continue to change as I try make things better for you(the viewers)

People's pick of the day

This is where I will add any great content/posts you think should be featured


English | Russian | German | Spanish | French

------------ | -------------

@dragonslayer109 | @serejandmyself | @knozaki2015 | @webosfritos | @sebastien

This section will be edited throughout the day

Press image to go to the post

Russian - @serejandmyself

Not in yet

French - @sebastien

Not in yet

German - @knozaki2015

Not in yet

Spanish - @webosfritos

Not in yet

Quote for the day

Image credit


I voted on @Daxon already - they are all good!

Thanks @dragonslayer109
I am now thinking in picking Hidden Gems in Filipino version. What do you think? :)

sounds good let me know more :D

Great selections. I like what you are doing with the daily pick.

Thank you, you're doing a great job!

Awesome thanks for sharing my blog ^_^

Upvoted like always! :)

@dragonslayer109 how do my post get featured like this?

Awesome feature! Thanks for doing it and I hope I can make an appearance one day! Subbed.

When is the next one?

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