Photography: How to Really Become Great - Part 3 - Create Curiosity and Anticipation

in #photography8 years ago (edited)

Being a great photographer is a mindset. It has nothing to do with the camera you use.

Let's quickly reflect on part 1 and part 2 which lays out how we near automatically arrive here at part 3.

Part 1: Pick and Stick to Your Topic
Part 2: Be Consistent

We previously discussed that the most important thing to do before you lay hands on a camera is to define the theme of want you want to photograph. It will give you purpose and photography will feel natural.

The next step is to consistency capture and upload photos of that theme you defined at the start. Regardless of how good or bad the photos are it shows you have determination. Each day you'll learn to snap better images as you expand your willingness to learn more.

As long as your theme adds value to the viewers and you have been doing it consistently over a period of time then you will automatically arrive to the point of curiosity.

Create Curiosity and Anticipation - Part 3

Curiosity is the eventual result of working really hard at adding value in peoples lives. Captivating your audience to a point where they can't wait to see more and wonder what could possibly come next.

Laying that out into an equation:

Topic = The theme you are photographing. Aim for interesting
Consistency = The action of uploading at least one thing everyday

Curiosity = Consistency + Topic

So the next time you upload a photo, your viewers will be like "wow, what an awesome photo, you're such a great photographer".

People have a idea of what’s going to come next as it's within your topic range, but they have no clue what it could be.

Oh the anticipation!

How do you get to the point of curiosity?

By being really consistent in publishing your photos you'll become so accustom that they will start to bore you.

But that's a good thing. That is the exact point at which you have to make the decision to either sink or swim as a photographer. You can't keep doing the same thing because your viewers will get bored and your photos won't surprise people when they see a new post. So, you have mix up your photography style.

To make your topic interesting you have to break out of your normal routine and try something new. This only comes with consistency of uploading and absorbing feedback. Unfortunately breaking out of your comfort zone usually brings a lot of frustration and cursing. But it will be plain sailing once you've broken free from the mould to realise that anything's possible.

Try something new.

The aim is to expand your theme's angle by approaching your subject in a creative way.

You become what you create. If you yourself develop a curious mind in being able to showcase things from a different angle then you're well on the road to curiosity (pun intended).

Creating curiosity is what establishes a connection between you and your viewers. They idealise your skills and the effort you put into creating such art and photography. To which, in their eyes makes you a great photographer.

The task of being a great photographer then rests in your ability to keep creating interesting photos as you keep bringing your viewers on a journey that opens there mind. (Much like Steemit, if you continually publish interesting and valuable content your readers will be grateful and respect your work)

You in turn become a great photographer by consolidating and fine tuning the areas of consistency, a structured theme and creating curiosity.

I've been doing this for the last three years on Instagram to which I feel the areas are aligning. Regardless of the crazy engagment it gets, I know my photography has a lot of room for improvement.

Are you curious for part 4?

Hope so, follow along for more.


Create Curiosity and Anticipation == i like that! good tips for sure

I remember that Heinz Ketchup
Commercial Back in the early 1980's

lol :D
I forgot who you were, until I checked out your instagram. I thought you're some 50y old photographer giving out tips. But then "Hey, I know that guy! Love the pictures!" :D Sorry.

Ha that's me. A 50 year old photographer with a fresh mind :)

.. Waiting on the fourth cat picture..

oh the anticipation!

loving the photography lessons - keep them coming

Great ideas!

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