Five minute free write - red wine

in #freewrite6 years ago

ALC 3.jpg

Her glass was almost empty.

It had taken a long time to get to this point. The journey had been long and hard. She'd made some good decisions and some bad ones. They had all been to for one reason, to get her where she sat. But, right now she was wondering about one specific decision in particular.

On the mantle above the fire an old wooden clock sat, slowly ticking the seconds away. The soft movements of it's internal workings almost lost in the crackle of the flames below it. Several logs were heaped, brushed with swathes of lively flame. Around the small well furnished room the highlights and shadows flickered in a slow, hypnotic fashion.

Her eyes focused on the embers, drawn deep into the oranges and yellows to a time long past.

She sat deeper in the chair with a sigh, rolling the bits of wine around in the glass. An empty bottle, casually sitting on the floor beside her, rested on it's side. Pinot Noir.

That had been her favorite back then too. Something about the nose, so earthy, bits of leather...and the mouthfeel. So many memories mixed together, notes in a symphony that was her life. She could almost feel the clock get ready for the next moment as she took the last swig and braced herself.

'Was it worth it?' came a swarthy, insidious voice, from the chair across from her. A figure,

Damn that five minute timer! Lol. I was just getting warmed up to this story too. A woman, sitting alone in a room with a glass of wine. A crackling fire. A dark figure. Questioning choices of long past. Anyone wanna take a swing at who that dude is and what he's there for?

At some point in our lives we all make a deal with some sort of devil (sorry for the reveal if you didn't figure it out). Some deals more serious than others.

I think you could call it a metaphor for life. That, in order to get what we want we must make sacrifices. The whole, 'you can't have your cake and eat it too.' Nothing comes for free, everything has a price, though not always your soul.

How much do you want from life? How much are you willing to pay for it? Are you willing to give the devil his due when the bill comes up?

Hope y'all have a great Friday

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oh man....who is he? Why is he there? I will take a gander and guess! Although, i have a feeling I will be way off target.

Who is he?
Her AA sponsor

Why is he there?
It had been weeks since she had attended, or contacted him, and he was worried that she may have relapsed. He stood outside her door for 7 minutes, contemplating on how to just walk into her home, hoping that she wasn't a gun owner, or the very worst, dead, surrounded by her poisons upon the floor.

Lol! That's awesome! :) You never know...story was left open so it's anyone's guess. I just my own spin on it in the after-story thoughts, hehe.

Oh my! My head went to some sort of she had made some serious choices to make to reach goals...but maybe they made her more evil!

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Muahahaha! Mission accomplished :)

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