Five minute free write - Atlas

in #freewrite7 years ago


He had watched from a distance for so long.

Witnessing such horrific events as would make the most stalward of mankind break down, fall to their knees, and cry. What humanity did to itself. What it did to the world. What great horrors it seemed to have become comfortable with.

The madness had spread from an early age. Perhaps it was just a phase, was what he had hoped, just a flicker of darkness in what could be such a brilliant light. The moment had not passed, it had gone on and on. Spreading like a sickly ichor, blackening all it touched.

Love had been the potential.

Deep, wide, endless, a path to a better, stronger world. But, instead, they had chosen the other. Despite their occasional burst of effort, it was now only a flicker of light that permeated the almost endless darkness.

It was time for him to move. Time to act. The weight of what he saw could no longer be shouldered. What had been done could not be undone. But, the future could be changed.

Standing, the figure moved into the light and out of a cave on a nameless snow capped peak.

Eyes on the horizon where a beautiful sun shone through the clear sky, he would be the wind that blew through the world. Soon, too, everyone would see the light.

I think @mariannewest might have meant the atlas that is full of maps, but, I went another direction, again. And, I'm pretty sure a lot of other people did as well :) The fun of the Five minute freewrite.

What would an aged god who watched the entire evolution of the human species think of what we have become?

Would they continue to shoulder the burden of inaction, or finally shrug off the mantle of patience and do something? That's what I wonder sometimes...that's what I hope for. Because, as it seems right now, as it appears, humankind isn't willing to do the work necessary to right the least not yet.

Hope you enjoyed the writing! Off to meet up with a friend and talk deep thoughts over endless bowls of tasty green :)

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I love it. It saddens me to see what is becoming of the planet. We are but temporary participants and yet humankind has destroyed what is vital to our existence. There will come a time, when HE will say, enough is enough.

I'm super curious to find out what you mean by HE. I'm a huge fan of Norse, Odin? We talking about Ragnarok? Cause, that would be epic.

Lol, that would be epic for sure if it were Ragnarok. I should have said SHE, as in mother nature herself. But, also the creator of all. But that is still a confusing thing for me which I'd rather not get in to. :-)

Just googled the Norse religion. Very interesting and I need to find some of them magickal apples. :-)

It's a rabbit hole...mythology. So many manifestations of humankind's imaginative ways to explain the unknown :) You also begin to see so many parallels and stolen concepts through the ages for all the beliefs. Beautiful tapestry :)

Well done. Took me a while to get the Atlas theme.

I suppose it would depend on the outlook of the god. Are we a blight, meant to be eradicated or are we still young, needing guidance? Yes, the future can be changed and therein lies a hope that we can learn to become better.

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If we're basing his future actions off the past, Atlas would probably wipe humanity out and try and figure out a way to bring the Titans back since the Olympians really mess him up.

I think they will just watch and let nature takes its course? I think they walk among us and show what must be done but we turn our eyes away and close our hearts and minds.

I think we should stop trying to open our hearts and minds to gods and instead focus that energy and doing that with our fellow mankind. Gods have always served us in ways to explain the universe and our existence, but in the age of science we must find our own reasons to do the things we do and stop leaning on the things that got us through our species childhood but now don't really fit in the puzzle that is our existence. But, that's just me. :)

You have point there. The gods gave us something as a basis or something but it is up to us to discover more about those things. Whether we believe is as it is or it is up to us prove or disprove and believe what we want to believe.

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