Five minute free write - Syrup

in #freewrite7 years ago


How does one take a random prompt like SYRUP and turn it into something of their own?

I've been doing this Five minute free write for a while now. Not sure how many prompts have passed in front of my eyes...but enough. Enough to get my head thinking a bit deeper about them.

On the surface, the prompt is the prompt. People write about all sorts of things. Some recall memories, some weave tales of fiction, others, jumbled nonsense that draws an appreciative chuckle when you finally get the joke. But, when it comes to writing, I mean, if you really want to make a go of it, that simple word can really begin to mess with your head.

What does it mean to you?

What kind of story should you be about? Fiction, non-fiction, poetry, what? What do you want to write about? Do you worry about what others might want to read? What kind of voice should you tell it in? Will all the parts still wrap together in a tasty burrito when that 5 minute timer dings? It's just supposed to be a fun 5 minute exercise, but... Maybe I'm just overthinking it, lol.

Without further ado...a memory that is not a memory...

To everyone else it was just a coffee shop.

All around them people milled about, ordering lattes, checking their phones, enjoying mindless conversation. The place was bright, windows letting in all the sun there was, and you could cut the smell of roasting coffee beans with a knife.

But none of that matter. Not to these two.

They sat across from each other at a small table in a corner.

Drinks sat in front of them, completely neglected. Not a phone was to be seen. Just their hands resting gently on top of one another's.

The world flowed to and fro, frantic in it's daily pace.

But, between these two everything moved slower, like syrup out of a cold bottle.

Even if you tried to listen to what they were saying, it wouldn't have made sense.

Two lovers lost in their own language telling jokes no one else would get. Nothing but smiles and laughs.

Their eyes never stopped looking right at each other. No distraction could break the lock. Tight and focused, their universe encompased only that small space.

Sitting here across the room from them I watched.

Their magical moment observed by none but me. In this crazy world of non-stop motion, at least two had found a bit of peace. My world might be blowing up in proportions that coule be measured against nukes, but, them... they were good. At least for now. And in that I saw hope.

That never happened...but it my head.

That's what I think messes with me a bit. That as a writer I can create this entire new universe for people to explore. I can take words, bring them together, and make people think things. Make people feel things. Make people wonder, hope, dread, laugh, cry, get those warm fuzzies or irritating goosebumps. All with some words...words from my own head.

Crazy, right? Have you ever thought about your writing like that before? We think our emotions as our own, to control, to change as we see fit, but there are so many influences we might not even realize, especially when it comes to words. Subtle, small things, they intrude upon our consciousness, forcing it to imagine, to create what we're reading in our heads, even if we don't realize it. for thought.

It's Tuesday, the month is going by fast, and I have a lot to do today. So, I hope you liked my little bit of writing :) Always curious for feedback. What do you like? What do you hate? What do you want to hear? What do you want to feel?

Happy Tuesday!

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That as a writer I can create this entire new universe for people to explore. I can take words, bring them together, and make people think things. Make people feel things. Make people wonder, hope, dread, laugh, cry, get those warm fuzzies or irritating goosebumps. All with some words...words from my own head.

I was in a hurry to quickly check this post that bumps up on my feed immediately I was finish submitting my post, and just got trapped with the way I was able to vibe the emotional sense in the writing. In my own sense, I think you have the sword already to perfect your writings, all you need is just to swing and strike.

I didn't know considering being a good writer could cloud an uncertainty and worries, but I believe the soul will address what the mind is wary about.
There is more to us than we could imagine and control. Success to you bro.

Hehe, cool words :) The uncertainty and worries I think come up because I'm not exactly sure what I want to say. With all the possibilities I get kind of lost. I think I just need to find the specific direction I want to head in and I'll really be able to get going. Thanks for dropping by this morning :)

I meant the uncertainty and worries are also interfering with me, my bad i didn't personalise it.

I find seeing others find joy to be uplifting too. It takes me out of my own troubles and makes the world seem that little bit brighter a place. It’s a true expression of that feeling in this write, even if the experience, for you, was pure fiction. Great write!

Thanks! I feel that way as well. I try not to get jealous when I do see things like that. And tell myself I too will be able to find someone like that. It's hard sometimes. But, at least I can imagine and write about it until I do, hehe.

I never felt jealous of others in those moments. Before I met my husband, I was prone to pondering what was wrong with me… if I was just unloveable. Being witness to such moments between others inspired in me dueling senses of hope and hopelessness, pleasure at seeming someone happy and despair that I’d ever find that. At the same time, it pushed me to keep hanging on, being open to finding love.

Hehe, haven't felt that kind of love in so long it's become a mystery to me. And, I don't think it's jealously, just a deep longing for something I feel will never be. But, I can't waste time on thinking on those thoughts...not enough time in the day to get done what I need to get done anyways... :)

Finding it is difficult but not impossible. Just remember, when you do find it, finding love is only the first step. Growing it and holding on to it requires hard work from both people in the relationship.

Lovely story...that kind of love seems on its way to extinction - at least if you look at the young couples today...

In many ways, yes. Dating apps, social media, the feeling you can always find something better and trust, trust...damn, that doesn't exist anymore. The idea that we can't just be who we are, but have to be what others think of us through the lens of the internet. And when you do meet someone who doesn't hide who they are, you can't necessarily trust it because it's too Love still exists, it's just a lot harder to find even though everyone really wants it sigh

Happy Tuesday! lol :)

cheating ... cheating ... lolz. Nice one!

Writers certainly have a great power in many ways :-) Gods creating worlds in our own image so to speak. I think in many ways we write like that to escape the reality we find ourselves trapped in; an"alternative" reality that appeals more to our nature :-)

Be it real or imagined, it was beautifully told.

It’s myself again with the latest prompt on which to feast your freewriting fangs:

Yes. You are overthinking it!! this is supposed to be your 5 minutes of fun. Spill whatever comes out LOL
And all marketers and salespeople know for sure that you can manipulate emotions. And writers and movie makers and visual artists and, and, and - we all are about creating the space for emotions to swirl :)

Mmmmm, swirl...vanilla chocolate ice cream :)

Hehe, Yeah, I'm a little weird like that. The more I do something, the more I think about it. Just want to get better, but then all the technical stuff of writing starts coming up in my head as I'm about to write. But, makes for a lot of fun figuring out how to restrain the overthinking bit of me :)

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