Five minute free write - curry

in #freewrite6 years ago

wagamama ramen NM.jpg

He pushed the empty bowl forward and away from himself.

Chopsticks hanging off the edge of the bowl bits of noodle and thick curry still stirred in the bottom but he was full. It had been a day. One for the books. And here, hidden in this small noodle shop on a street lost in the hidden warrens of the megalopolis Tokyo he felt safe. Well, safe as he could be considering what he did for a living.

The place was pretty empty. A couple other people sat at the counter, visible from where he sat at a small table in the corner. It was late at night but people still wandered by the fogged up windows peeking in. Every once in a while the sound of a group of salarymen in mid celebration could be heard over the tinny J-pop that blared from the speakers.

By now his eye had grown used to the almost unnatural yellow lights that lit the place.

The blue green from the kitchen a crazy contrast that set the two worlds apart.

He paused, in mid-thought, as the door slid open.

'Irrashaimase!' came the traditional call from the 2 people who staffed the restaurant.

A nod to the greeting as he entered.

The newcomer didn't seem to fit. His suit was too straight for a person at this hour to be wandering into a noodle shop like this.

Everything about him screamed, 'out of place!' and that set him on edge. 'A day of days'...came floating up as his hand unconciously went to his breast pocket.

The other man stepped forward to the counter and sat down. Only a cursury glance to the corner. Nothing suspicious, ontoward, innocent. Another salaryman here to get some noodles before heading home to his wife. But, from the corner nerves still screamed, 'caution!'

Minutes passed.

One man ordered. One man watched. The TV in the corner, silent against the music, showed another variety show. Faces laughing, talking, pouring their opinions on to the world. Unwatched, it went to commercial.

Then, a gap in music. Silence. Time slowed to a crawl as the entire energy in the room gathered into a tight ball about to be thrown.

The clinking of dishes in the kitchen a countown...clink...clink...clink...

Then, with a crash the latest Jpop tune blared out of the radio. The tissue of tension tore in two and the fight began.

Gonna be honest. I really miss Japan.

Been dreaming about it for the last couple months. Might be because all I seem to be doing is drawing samurai and kimono, or might be because I crave some of the solace that country provided me with. Something about it felt right, like home...even though much of it only politely bore my presence. The hot springs, sushi, temples, nature...they do a lot of stuff right there. A lot of the deep beliefs that run through that country are amazing. How Buddhist and Shinto run through everyones life, whether consciously or unconsciously. At their essence they have an understanding that I think goes uncared about in Western life. Those of you who have studied either religion, or spent a good amount of time over there will understand what I mean.

But, that's besides the point of this free write. I saw curry, had flashbacks of all the noodle shops I used to go to on random streets in Kyoto where I used to live, and tried to figure out how I could make that interesting to anyone who might want to drop by and read some of what I write. I figured, fight! Because action and violence usually gets people's attention. Unfortunately the timer wasn't kind to me and I was only able to pound out the lead-up to what was going to be a breathtaking series of acrobatics, verbal sparring, and words that would make you blush. So, you're just going to have to imagine yourself if you care to take the time. My recommendation is imagine something crossing between an old Bruce Lee flick, Bourne Identity, and Chefs Table.

Hope y'all are having a great weekend!

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