Five minute free write - ASH

in #freewrite6 years ago

All around ash fell like snow from an evil dimension. Death, destruction, what was left of the world, it sat loosely covering everything for as far as the eye could see. Drifting casually in the eeire calm.

The man stood alone in the middle of the street, eyes wild, searching. Clad in a loose white bathrobe now covered in reminents of his world, there was nothing left for him now. His civiliztion in ruins, the mind tried to followed suit.

Orange highlights lit the movie set that had become the remainder of his life. Fires raged, covering all that he once new in a fresh carpet of destruction.

How, why had he survived that which all he knew couldnt, didn't, wouldn't. Who would want to live in a world that no longer offered the bounties of life.

A freak of nature, perhaps?

Wondering if there could be others brought a small spark of light to his eyes to offset the voids that had begun to form. Were the attacks done? When had they begun? Who had thrown the first stone?

The few surivived, but the many suffered. He was one of the many. This wasn't survival... Were there others? Could he find them. Life, like the fires around him were stoked with the small hope of more. Even in this armegedon his mind sought to find a light in the darkness.

A bright star, cutting through the ashy fluff blinded him for just a microsecond before he too joined the rest of the world in it's end.

Hard to go wrong with end of the world I right?

Lol. When I saw the prompt I had this vision in my head of a world kind of out of the movie, Silent Hill. An evil place filled with death and destruction...but also the hope for life and redemption. I mean, that's human nature, that even in the worst of situation, we try and find a way to give ourselves a reason to live. I find that kind of nifty, Even as a person who suffers from deep depression there's always that little spark that brings the fire back.

So, this poor dude somehow survives what seems to be a nuclear attack, is standing out in the middle of the road, the last person alive, probably dying from radiation poisoning even though he doesn't know it, and begins to hope for other people...until he's taken out by the next, there's that. It's crazy where the mind goes when it's given a prompt like this and left to play. How people take their own lives, experiences, hopes, dreams, aspirations, whatnot, and turn it into a somewhat cohesive piece of writing in just 5 minutes...what amazing creatures we are, hehe.

Leave a link to your Five minute free write and I'll check it out! Love to hear what you think about mine :) Hope y'all have a great Friday!

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Yes, I've felt like the prompt went with the end of the world too. :)

It's the end of the world as we know it...and I feel fine :)

poor dude! At least he died with hope on his mind - and being the only one left would suck anyway.

True...but imagine all the wild shenanigans you could get up to you until that hopelessness kicks in :) I mean, trying to fly an airliner might be kinda cool as a last activity :)

Your freewrite about ash calls to mind the destruction of Pompeii, destroyed and decimated by the volcano Vesuvius. Well done. Very atmospheric.

Pompeii..didn't even think of that. Awesome comparison! :)

I like end of the world stories. There's a deep sadness but also, so many write of the beauty of hope and of wanting to experience more of life. Looking for that spark and desiring to light it in others, is another example how similar we all are! 😊

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