Five minute free write - vandalism

in #freewrite6 years ago

HAF 4.jpg

It was dark, really dark, and that's the way it needed to be.

There were 5 of them, almost lined up, perched at the edge of a series of low shrubs. Their target was close, only a few houses down. The hour was late, as one of his buddies checked his phone, 2:30am, or early, depending on how you looked at it.

They were armed, and had a will for some revenge. It had been a tough semester, their math teacher Mr. Rex had been a total ass to them. All of them. Well, except Bill, he was somehow in good with the guy. So, why he was here no one was really sure. But, he held the bag of goodies and seemed ot have the biggest smile on his face.

The road was quiet.

Typical surburbia at this hour. Off in the distance an occasional truck could be heard, the lights just small pinpoints. Not that anyone would notice, or care.

A couple deep breaths, they looked at each other, a glint of mischief in their eyes. It was time!

He could feel his heart poinding in his chest.

The thrill was indescribable. Three rolls, that was his ammunition. Toilet paper, simple, effiecient, and a pain in the ass to get down, especially because of the fall dew. Small retribution for months of torture.

The first went up and over the large tree in the front yard. He restrained a yelp of victory as the arc was perfect and the roll came down within arms reach of his buddy Tom. 'Quick, efficient, let's get this done and run,' was the plan. Tom picked it up and wound up for another high lob.

Five minutes turned into ten.

Laughs eventually leaked their way out. Caution was thrown to the wind as the last roll dropped to the ground, spent. Just the brown tube remaining.

3.a.m. He knew this because he was in the process of checking his phone. That was when the unthinkable, but definitely predictable thing happened.

Anyone else have those awesome memories of toilet papering a teacher or fellow classmate back in high school?

I know I have a few good ones. I didn't do it often, because it was really a dick move, and I knew it, even then. But, as a young kid the burden of guilt was definitely worth the memories made. And, we got caught by the cops enough to make the karmic balance even out.

There was a meme by a police department the other day that made me chuckle. It went along the lines of:

Dear youth, please don't toilet paper people's houses. It's a dick move. We do not condone it. But, it is also a great way to get out into nature, away from your phones, do something with friends, and make some great memories. Which is a really good thing. Sooooo, yeah. We don't condone it but...

That got a good laugh out of me, as well as a bit of a sigh.

When you've got a police department giving you a wink and a nudge to get out of your houses, away from your phones, to commit a bit of vandalism you know there's something mess up in the system and society. But, not gonna get into that. Let's instead dwell on the good memories of our youth. I've got tons of those, and I'm pretty sure everyone's got at least some.

Maybe, someday I'll talk about all the random giant stuffed animals we began to Saran Wrap on trees in our friends front yards out senior year. And the confusion the cops had trying to figure out WTF we were doing. And the fact that our entire friends group and their parents knew what was up and didn't care... moving from the popular jocks to outsider gamers was probably the best social move I made in my life. But, once again, a different story for a different time.

Thanks again @mariannewest for keeping this lovely challenge going for so long!

Thanks for stopping by and reading :) Hope y'all have a great day!

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I must say I never heard of this toilet paper thing except in American movies. Seems like a tradition specific to your country.. and quite fun, I must say.

Hehe, it might be. No idea where it got started. I did it several times when I was part of a sports team in high school. Definitely a fun adrenaline rush, and no one ever got hurt. Hella wasteful and annoying, but, kids, so, kinda forgivable :) Thanks for reading!

When I was growing up, the older kids would toilet paper houses during Halloween. I guess they figured if they were too old for candidate they had to get into some kind of mischief! I can understand the frustration and a little bit of mischief after a bad year with a bad teacher LOL

Lol. Yeah, the stuff we got up to as kids. Never did it for Halloween. That seemed a bit excessive for me. The whole running from the cops bit was fun...for like a minute. That's how we got our frustration out as kids back then. Now, it's like a dang war zone between social media and guns :\

I never actually participated in any toilet paper shenanigans. I grew up so poor, we had to steal toilet paper from gas stations at some points, so I couldn't fathom wasting it that way! :)

I love what you did with this freewrite. Great job!

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I never participated in toilet papering yards, although it was done from time to time. Later, when I was in my late 20s or early 30s, it became popular to fill a person's lawn with plastic forks stuck into the dirt. People my age were doing it! And I know of one young adult woman who sneaked into a neighbor's yard at night to steal all the plastic pink flamingos because she thought they were ugly. Or did she bring more to add to the unsightly flock? Oh dear, it was too long ago, and I'm not sure!

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