Five minute free write - first African in space.

in #freewrite6 years ago

Today I decided to take a departure from my usual storytelling for these lovely five minute prompts. Today I decided to just write like I always do, before and after the free write.

Why? Because when I read this prompt I was filled with an abundance of mixed feelings. Mainly, how could I create a story from a prompt so pointed. Or at least that's how it felt to me. Instead, a different thing sprung to mind.

That, in the 2018, skin color is still something that matters. That instead of celebrating achievements as a human species combined. There are those that still hate, that still descriminate, that feel superiority over another due to a slight difference in melanin levels.

The utter absurdity, that we can go to space. Rocket oursleves off this lonely rock into the depths of infinity, and, yet, look at each other differently based on a shade.

What strength it took to become the first african in space. A depth of feeling, a desire to be, to break out of the bonds of their times and fly to the stars. To brave what they knew was going to be what to all others seemed impossible. To have so many hate them, stand in their way, to look down at them, but to still stay the course and continue through that kind of gauntlet.

But, to imagine the feeling that went through their minds as wave after wave of intense gravity drove them deep into their seats. That more than exhilerated feeling of having achieved something, not only for themselves, but for everyone that looked like them. And that frustration, that people would still be just as dumb when he got back to that little planet.

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LOVE this and your message/thoughts...I had a hard time used a grasshopper in my story.....

But yes, was an odd prompt but it really made you think so was good too I think.

Have to check yours out :)

And that's exactly what my buddy said. Because it did kind of get under my skin. In a way that forced me to think differently. How did I want to go writing on the prompt. Especially something so specific. Curious about your grasshopper :)

Mike - I love and agree with what you say. Who cares about the nationality of the person going into space. That person should be proud of their achievements and their nationality (going into space is a proud moment for anyone - I haven't done it!!) Then again - no one said it was a person. Could be an African Bird or an African anything (inspired my prompt). Another blog I read asked - which space? Outer Space? Inner Space? Block Chain Space?
Anyway - it's what we make or create of it and doesn't just have to be about skin color. At least I hope not. I want and believe that we are beyond and can take others beyond with us!
Apart from that - like a true writer your blog addresses the issue and explores what currently exists. It was hard to write about and I managed to avoid the issue (with a bit of a joke) - you addressed it. You have done well!!

Thanks! I think my mind really couldn't stray too far from that topic because I find it so stupid that we're still hung up on that. And that a story wouldn't do it justice. I feel very strongly about this topic and every time I come across people who think like neanderthals I let them have it with a logic bomb or 10. Seriously...a slight difference in melanin and we hate and discriminate bc of it? I guess humans have hated more for less...but we shouldn't let it continue like this. After all, we were supposed to be that brilliant future that people once dreamed about...

It is very mad how we are still struggling with such issues in this day and age. In many ways it's almost like we are slipping backwards, where discrimination is increasing rather than decreasing. I remember when we welcomed in the Millenium how so many of us thought we were going to see things improve, yet all the things that seemed as though they were being sorted and laid to rest made a massive zombie like comeback. It is crazy...

Yeah, like I said above, we were supposed to be this glorious future our past dreamt about. Flying cars, world peace, interstellar travel...yet here we are hating each other, destroying our planet, killing each other for the dumbest of reasons. Love is a much easier solution...but not the most profitable one.

It certainly does appear that way for sure...

I like that you just freely expressed how you feel! That the prompt brought out something inside that you wanted to make damn sure was said. Hug! You're right that it's completely ridiculous to be hung up on something so insignificant as color. Our world has come far but it's so sad that we have a long way to go.

Today's prompt comes to you as an advertisement in the Freewrite Gazette. It's right above the Lost & Found on page 2. (Side note, if anyone has found a left prosthetic leg - last seen Tuesday night at Mugsy's Pub - please return it to Eugene at the Rec Center.)

Freewrite Prompt Day 141 - Grocery List

Ready got day 141 up! :)

Yeah, lots of feeling on that topic, hehe.

Agreed. Skin color shouldn't have any more weight then eye or hair color...

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