Five minute free write - Grocery List

in #freewrite6 years ago

50mm love 11.jpg

You never know what's going to happen on these morning free writes...

Not even me, and I'm the one at the keyboard. I was figuring I was going to take this in one direction...but then the timer started and suddenly I was thrown into a completely different place. From mysterious cats and aliens to, well, this... It just goes to show you that you might not have as much control as you think you do over your writing ;)

Sit back, take a minute, read this, and let me know what you think ;) Put on some dramatic shifty music and enjoy!

Light streamed in the windows, reflecting off the soft white and ivory interior of the kitches.

Bright, open, lush green plants filling up various nooks and crannies around the space. So many places for the sun to enter, but today the beams that should have brought warmth brought only memories. Memories that she could do without right now.

It was still there, held on by a smiley face magnet who's tongue stuck out at a jaunty angle, seeming to say, 'nah! nah!' The grocery list. Right where he had left it. Short, maybe 10 items, she couldn't remember. The little mark he always made in the bottom right to remind himself of something. A something that he had never explained. A something that now she would never know about.

Why had it happened?

How could it have happened? They were supposed to be safe...weren't they? Life had been crazy in those first couple of years after the plague struck. Dead flesh coming back to life in frustrated agony that sought revenge for unknown wrongs.

He had been at the park, walking Sparky. A place that was supposed to be safe. All the signs had said it was. But, they had been wrong.

The tears streamed from her face

As she sat at the counter, just staring at the list. It was supposed to be safe. But the video footage from a nearby observer, caught on their cell phone, was indisputable.

Out of nowhere, apparently, a dozen had rushed from the bushes ambushing him and their toy poodle.

High school footballers caught in the early years of what had been called Apocalypse V1. It had been a blender. Teeth and fingers tearing at what had only remained living for moments before being turned into a human smoothy.

Poor dude, poor gal. Nothing is really fair in post-apocalyptic worlds, is it? Then again, nothing is really fair in everyday life either. We just gotta live on and deal with what comes our way as best as possible, no matter the situation. Right? We all hope for some idyllic situation where everything is figured out, and where true happiness resides...but that kind of place doesn't exist. Life is what we make it, good or bad, it's the perspective we look at it with.

I guess that sentiment for this comes from my own life.

Mine has become quite warped over the years due to depression and bad luck that would make Job wince, but that's just the way I saw it. Others, looking inwards, saw something completely different. My mind, over the last several months of being here and having the opportunity to write, get feedback, and make a lot of amazing friends, has been trying to reconcile those two completely different views. I mean, which one is it? A living hell of tripping from one bad situation into the next, or this amazing journey of trial and tribulation that will lead me to some amazing places...that has led to some amazing places...what we think is real to us...but it doesn't necessarily make it reality.

The line Dan Harmon, creator of Rick and Morty, said

To a seriously depressed person who reached out via twitter for a glimmer of hope in their deep night of despair...our feelings are real, but not earth shattering statement for those who's ears are open to listen and want to find a way out of their darkness.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that life isn't about the situations that happen to us, but about how we deal with them. So utterly trite, but also so completely true.

I'd better get on to my next thing, as always, so much to do, but I wanted to get this Five minute free write hosted for, what, 141 days straight now, by the lovely and dedicated @mariannewest. Always fun, always challenging writing prompts for us addicted to writing :)

Be well everyone!

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Profound words: “our feelings are real, but not reality”

If there was a "creepiest freewrite of the day" award, you'd get it today! LOL That sure was an unexpected twist toward the end!

Lol, creepiest free write of the day. I like that :)

For the apocalyptic part: Romero would be proud of you! For the autobiographic part: thank you for sharing your thoughts...I appreciated your authentic and existential perspective.

The Old Steemian’s Home everyone is under the attack of infamous masonic Port-a-potties. They have been sent from their lord, the evil Hairy Potty, to destroy the creativity of this community! Will you help the Home to resist the siege and fight back? Here are our weapons!

Taking it to zombies was not what I expected from a grocery list! Well done!!

And wishing for you that the view of opportunity, learning experience and all of that can be yours soon.

Hehe, zombies is where it's at! All the cool kids are doing it. :)

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