[LEARN & EARN - Week #8] What did you learn in the last couple of days? **2 STEEM BOUNTY**

in #education6 years ago (edited)

One thing a day, keep stupidity away :) I've lately started to write morning journal similar to how Tim Ferris does. But I've added one more column:

What did I learn yesterday?

It quickly became my favorite thing to write down in the morning. Just couple of words. Usually between 3-6. Just keywords. The realization that I'm waking up smarter than yesterday just totally boosts the energy for the next day.


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Last week entries from my personal journal

  • Monday - There's a refugee camp in Lesvos called Moria which hosts 9k refugees and its capacity is 2k.
  • Tuesday - I'm actually not soo good in making kids do some organized work as I thought I am. Im much better in kind of joining them in their craziness but I struggled a lot to quite them down and make them draw.
  • Wednesday - Names of several old-school French rappers
  • Thursday - There are soo many like-minded people you meet if you do things your mind craves. Sounds obvious but I was just totally stunned how much common did I have with other volunteers while being out for a beer in the evening.
  • Friday - Athens airport is actually quite huge. Deffo bigger that I've expected it to be.



I want YOU to do the same! And because I know that we're all driven by the number in our STEEM wallet, I'm adding a tiny STEEM Bounty on this post. There are three ways how to get the bounty:

  • UPPER (20%) - To get into the upper tier, write a post with your submission. The only thing the post has to have is to use the picture above (my notebook with week number) as the title picture and [Learn & Earn] in the title. No need to use any special tags, just post the link
  • MEDIUM (15%) - Comment and write what have you learned on each day of this or last week
  • LOWER (10%) - If you've just randomly came over, comment just 3 random things you've lately learned and you will get some cut as well

Whale users? Anyone?

I thought about fourth REAL LEARNERS' bounty size which would require participants to daily fill in the Google spreadsheet! I could take care of writing the script to check if people are not cheating. But to make people come back daily, the bounty needs to be higher than 1 STEEM. If some whale users read & like this idea, just lemme know if you could donate couple of STEEM for the cause to increase bounty and get the REAL LEARNERS' division going :)

Back from Greece and time to make us STEEM STEAM!

Yupp, it's time to increase the rewards and also get us bit more attention. I'm finally back in Innsbruck after 3 weeks and ready to get my feet wet in the Discord waters to find us some extra donors or something. Also, @knircky supports our cause by his nice full upvote what is deffo appreaciated :) Thx!
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Learners' table

We only had 5 learners this week and I'm not pleased by that. I hope it's caused by my time away from being soo active here on Steemit and hope that I will be able to lure more people here next week..

Current title holders:
Hard worker (the longest current streak): @manoldonchev defends for the 1st time!
Efficient learner (most STEEM earned): @brittandjosie defends for the 1st time as well!

LearnerCurrent streakWeeks attendedEarned Learned together
@brittandjosie461.550 STEEM
@manoldonchev661.252 STEEM
@trincowski151.316 STEEM
@viking-ventures331.077 STEEM
@blanchy240.852 STEEM
@hockney010.373 STEEM
@oclinton010.280 STEEM
@delishtreats030.883 STEEM
@simplymike040.672 STEEM
@mattifer040.604 STEEM
@mariannewest020249 STEEM
@rjoshicool010.146 STEEM
@dosdudes010.146 STEEM
@theadmiral0010.128 STEEM
@booster916020.306 STEEM
@zekepickleman020.247 STEEM
romaldos010.169 STEEM
zzuzza010.355 STEEM
cloudblade010.18 STEEM
macchiata010.128 STEEM
el-nailul010.101 STEEM
gmatthe2010.057 STEEM
akomoajong010.057 STEEM
nickyhavey010.188 STEEM
felt.buzz010.188 STEEM
vimukthi010.062 STEEM

I'll be untagging people (removing @ sign) after two weeks of inactivity so that they don't get unnecessary notifications.

Previous weeks can be found here:

You'll be surprised how addictive this habbit is :) The great feeling of being smarter then couple of days ago is just too good to resist :) It doesn't take even 3 minutes really! Join us and see yourself!

Can't wait to read the stuff you learned this week :) Matko.

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You can find my latest posts here:

🏆 My STEEMMONSTERS trophies/scalps 🏆

Reached #16 in leaderboard
One-sided win over JoeParys
Proud owner of legendary Hydra



@matkodurko has set 2.000 STEEM bounty on this post!

Bounties are a new way you can earn rewards irrespective of you Steem Power. Go here to learn how bounties work.

Earn the bounty by commenting what you think the bounty creator wants to know from you.

Find more bounties here and become a bounty hunter.

Happy Rewards Hunting!

Congratulations to the following winner(s) of the bounty!

Monday: I learned if you put a small drop of warm milk in the glass just before you make coffee then you will get a better head on the coffee so ut looks and tastes better
Tuesday: Made a chilli con Carne with cocoa.Learned that cocoa is a key ingredient.
Wednesday : Learned all about the new internet bank called Revolut and now use their Rounding tool to save money . So every time you buy anything with your debit card , the card rounds up to the nearest pound/euro etc. The round up gets saved in your vault. I have saved 10 euro last week and did not even see it.
Thursday : After having success with the Revolut card my new Curvecard arrived which is a card that you can hold all your accounts in. You use the card and then you can choose which account the money can come out of even after you use it. I have a few different accounts , joint , personal , savings and now Revolut. So having this card is an excellent addition to managing my money.
Friday: I watched Manchester by the Sea which won 2 Oscars. There are valuable lessons here and I learned never to leave the fire burning when you go to bed especially with children involved. I have a toddler so the film hit me hard.

Hahaha maaan...I've made my Revolut account just 2 weeks ago :)) It's an amazing concept indeed. It still hasnt arrived tho cuz I've topped it up just yesterday..soo have to wait to order it. And monday/tuesday are totally new facts for me :) Thanks for the entry :)

Amazing yet expected that thing about the refugee camp hosting almost a quintuple amount of people than its capacity...

It's nice how we learn other things as well, reading those posts, not only personal experience.

Mine was pretty messy last week. I felt somewhat depressed. Still, I tried doing things all the time, although I felt nothing gave results. I will just point out three important things and I don't remember the order of those:


I am totally new when it comes to Stock photography. I watched a lot of videos on the subject and I found it was quite normal to have a super low starting curve of success. It came in months for most people. But they persisted. So it's time to see what happens if when I persist;


Something somehow connected to the one above - during a search of one of my images that I included in a post here, but which also appeared on various online media, I found out that the agency which I have give it to some 7-8 years ago has deleted it and all the archives of images of me (about 100 events) and other freelancers, leaving only material by full-time photographers on their website. I knew for a few years now that they can't pay royalties anymore and and I suppose that's the reason for that not wanting to sell people's stuff they won't be able to pay for over and over again. The good point is, I now feel free to share a lot of other materials elsewhere even though they be old. Some photos age well;


Yup. Knowing you talk in front of the camera made it difficult. It was not going to work the first time. Neither the second. Nor the third... But I think I went through it. Still, there will be some time before I start sharing vloggies.

Have a nice week and thanks for the schooling!

Yupp, the stock photo curve is suuperslow from what I've heard...altho with your skills I guess you have a nice chance getting some buck out of it :) Oh man, don't tell me about the public vlogs really :D Im still wondering if I should try it again :D lower tier this time but consistency is the key! Thx for entering!

Always a pleasure, sorry my head was really a mess.

Good luck with your stock photo career. It is indeed a very long and sometimes frustrating run. It took me one year and half to earn 500 buck on SS which is the milestone you need to achieve to upgrade to the second tier of earnings. But I am a complete photo amateur - I dont even have a regular camera, I take all my photos just with my mobile phone :D I am sure you will be doing much better in the world of stock photography. Just don´t give up and be persistent ;)

Well, thanks. As of now I don't know what's going to happen. I had a few attempts some years ago and I quit each time. Persistent was an alien word to the young me, sadly.

Amazing you achieved that with a cell phone.

I don't know about a second tier yet. Does it take total or monthly?

Total. It took me 1,5 year and almost 1,000 uploaded photos to reach that milestone. After that, you will get 33 cents for a subscription download instead of 25 cents and the other rates for single, on demands photos etc. also increase. But you are a great photographer. You can reach that in just a few months I think.

Really grateful for the encouragement, @phortun. You know, a person feels only as great as one feels... eh... great. Which is not much right now, tough times. But such words mean so much!

Shiit.. you must have thought I'm total ignorant.. neither commenting nor upvoting your entry last week, right ? :D

Posted using Partiko Android

Didn't even think about it :) I only realise when I saw your post today.
Anyway, you were off being awesome in Greece. I watched your video from the airport. It made me feel all middle-class: uncomfortable and guilty. Peace to you!

Shiit.. you must have thought I'm total ignorant.. neither commenting nor upvoting your entry last week, right ? :D

Posted using Partiko Android

Wow this movement is really taking off and it is so nice to see people engaging and learning together.

Nothing earth shattering here and I forgot to write down some learning I had.

Monday: I learned that the local grocery store carries a great beer recommended by @cryptictruth!

Tuesday: Learned of a new schedule at the BJJ academy coming out Feb 1 that will allow my daughter to train more and she is happy.

Wednesday: I learned that fake bacon bits, as great as they sound to a veggie who used to love bacon, suck. I kinda liked them on the pizza but it didn't pas the committee. ;)

Thursday: I learned that Yoga can be more painful than BJJ! We had a good class and had then the yoga guy was there to give us an hour of agony stretching out all the junk and tightness. I gotta do that more often.

Friday: I learned a had a dead Guinea pig. I suppose that is not much learning rather than discovering but it is neat to see my little ones dealing with loss in a much more controlled and mature manor.

Saturday: I learned I can get to the big city from my place in exactly an hour and a half when there is not the normal business traffic. Not sure why I like metrics like this but that's the way my brain works.

Sunday: I learned about a couple new tracks my brother's band is recording and mastering right now and will blog about the details when I have them!

Ou, the Friday sounds sad. So were they brave and didn't even cry? Nice! Oh shit and Wednesday scares meee..I have some veggie plans/resolutions for 2019 ..but I love bacon..for how long have u been vegetarian btw?

Btw since u were last here, I've added a new top tier - separate post. Writing this qualifies you for the medium tier. Not sure if u noticed, just so you know

This week I haven't learnt enough to get a full entry but I'll try to share 3 things I've learnt. Let's see if I remember them:

  • There will be a fine for spitting on the floor in Porto, Portugal;
  • Maria Sharapova recovered well from her injury and won her match last night without a problem;
  • 8 years ago I was a total noob and the MySQL queries I made back then are very, very, very dumb.

Hehe Im just writing some SQLs today :D Thx for the entry :) lower tier this time but consistency is the key!

I'm a random person who just saw this post.

  1. Do NOT miss the pill I am supposed to take each 90 days to kill parasites that go into my body. I'm here in SE Asia as a westerner and was told to take it. Well, after the last dose was in May and I just took it again last week, I thought I was dying along with all the parasites and now I have to take another pill in a couple of days to kill more of these invaders since the first pill was not enough.

  2. Global warming is now called "climate change" in official documentation because worldwide temperatures have been dropping for the last few years.

  3. 50% of people give up on their New Years Resolutions by Jan 15.

Thank you for the cool idea, and I put you on my list and will return :)

Hah, well I hope you won't forget!! And 15 Jan is way tooo soon haha, I'd hope that those people keep on the track at least for month hah :D I'm still on the track with my resolutions and it's already 20th hahah :D Woohooo! :D

Monday - I have learned that there is a Harry Potter marathon on a British channel which is very important to me as I love those movies! :D

Tuesday - I learned how to make vegan caviar! And up until today I made 5 new batches already :D different flavors of course!

Wednesday: I learned that upcoming 4 months will be pretty busy for me and that I won't be spending a lot of time online.

Thursday: I spent the whole day in a company providing personality assessment and I learned things about me that I would never ever say :D

Friday - I learned how to make the best miso soup - I can tell you if you really really really want ;) YES, I do cook a lot as I'm creating recipes for my restaurant ;)

Saturday - I've learned today that Kelps are not being sold in Switzerland because of some controversial properties. This is a bummer as I need them for my ramen! :D

Sunday - not sure what I'll learn tomorrow but it's going to be something important ;)

Hah once the restaurant is open, I'll maybe come over and order that miso soup in your restaurant :) Soo nope, you don't have to tell me :D

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