[LEARN & EARN - Week #6] What did you learn in the last couple of days? **2 STEEM BOUNTY**

in #education6 years ago (edited)

One thing a day, keep stupidity away :) I've lately started to write morning journal similar to how Tim Ferris does. But I've added one more column:

What did I learn yesterday?

It quickly became my favorite thing to write down in the morning. Just couple of words. Usually between 3-6. Just keywords. The realization that I'm waking up smarter than yesterday just totally boosts the energy for the next day.



Last week entries from my personal journal

  • Monday - How thymian looks in the free nature
  • Tuesday - Maany new logos while I played a "guess logo" game with my young cousin.
  • Wednesday - finally searched more about Revolut card and its wide variety of advantages
  • Thursday - Greek town Thessaloniki is actually "Solun" in Slovak language. I always thought those are 2 separate towns.
  • Friday - Greek police doesn't accept all the NGOs in Greece and they even arrest some of volunteers for handing dry clothes to refugees from boats.



I want YOU to do the same! And because I know that we're all driven by the number in our STEEM wallet, I'm adding a tiny STEEM Bounty on this post. There are two ways how to get the bounty:

  • UPPER (20%) - To get into the upper tier, write a post with your submission. The only thing the post has to have is to use the picture above (my notebook with week number) as the title picture and [Learn & Earn] in the title. No need to use any special tags, just post the link
  • MEDIUM (15%) - Comment and write what have you learned on each day of the week
  • LOWER (10%) - If you've just randomly came over, comment just 3 random things you've lately learned and you will get some cut as well

Whale users? Anyone?

I thought about fourth REAL LEARNERS' bounty size which would require participants to daily fill in the Google spreadsheet! I could take care of writing the script to check if people are not cheating. But to make people come back daily, the bounty needs to be higher than 1 STEEM. If some whale users read & like this idea, just lemme know if you could donate couple of STEEM for the cause to increase bounty and get the REAL LEARNERS' division going :)

Last week of sponsorship from simplemike @simplymike + thanks @knircky :)

Time flies and we've used up all the STEEM we got from her. HUUGE thxx and sorry for the name issue :P You also got a pass this week with your steemmonsters tourney entry ;) I'll continue with 2 STEEM anyway as it's laughable FIAT value + @knircky supports the league with nice upvote :). Hope I'll manage to find some "mighty" users to help us, poor students :D For now, helping here in Greece so no time..

Learners' table

Hmm the circle/community of stable participants is starting to be formed. It's not a big number but I honestly didn't expect more anyway. At least for the first weeks. Let's keep this up and hope with time we'll get some more traction. Rewards-wise as well as community-wise.

Current title holders:
Hard worker (the longest current streak): Same 4 people as last week battling for the throne (@simplymike, @trincowski, @manoldonchev and @mattifer)
Efficient learner (most STEEM earned): @delishtreats defending the title again! Without taking part! She really knows when to learn and when to skip it ! :D

LearnerCurrent streakWeeks attendedEarned Learned together
@delishtreats030.883 STEEM
@trincowski440.88 STEEM
@simplymike440.672 STEEM
@manoldonchev440.549 STEEM
@mattifer440.604 STEEM
@brittandjosie240.741 STEEM
@mariannewest120249 STEEM
@viking-ventures110.268 STEEM
@rjoshicool110.146 STEEM
@dosdudes110.146 STEEM
@theadmiral0110.128 STEEM
@dosdudes110.146 STEEM
@blanchy020.255 STEEM
@booster916020.306 STEEM
@zekepickleman020.247 STEEM
@romaldos010.169 STEEM
@zzuzza010.355 STEEM
@cloudblade110.18 STEEM
macchiata010.128 STEEM
el-nailul010.101 STEEM
gmatthe2010.057 STEEM
akomoajong010.057 STEEM
nickyhavey010.188 STEEM
felt.buzz010.188 STEEM
vimukthi010.062 STEEM

I'll be untagging people (removing @ sign) after two weeks of inactivity so that they don't get unnecessary notifications.

Previous weeks can be found here:

You'll be surprised how addictive this habbit is :) The great feeling of being smarter then couple of days ago is just too good to resist :) It doesn't take even 3 minutes really! Join us and see yourself!

Can't wait to read the stuff you learned this week :) Matko.


You can find my latest posts here:

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@matkodurko has set 2.000 STEEM bounty on this post!

Bounties are a new way you can earn rewards irrespective of you Steem Power. Go here to learn how bounties work.

Earn the bounty by commenting what you think the bounty creator wants to know from you.

Find more bounties here and become a bounty hunter.

Happy Rewards Hunting!

Congratulations to the following winner(s) of the bounty!

It was a week of festivities and fullness... Let's see if I learned anything:

  1. Monday - five to six hours on the train pass very quickly when your mind is busy having fun;

  2. Tuesday - I enjoy reading books at night, even if they contain lessons which I will probably not use. It was my brother's Basics of Programming with C# student's book;

  3. Wednesday - yes, we can still make a fire and toast some edibles in the hills during winter;

  4. Thursday - the Sun rises at approximately 122 degrees south east at Pomorie on the Black Sea coast. It was cloudy anyway;

  5. Friday - I learned what the westernmost part of my hometown looks like.

... I should stop here. Things to be, places to do...

Have some great learning next year! We love it!

Haha man you really had a blast in that train, taking those pics right? :D oh wow, so you're turning into a fellow programmer? I'm actually opposite, I don't like to put stuff in my mind which I'm not actively interested in. Happy new year and thx for the entry :)

Posted using Partiko Android

This week I learned a lot about tech apps .
Monday : I learned as about a gadget pebble that acts fitness trainer called actif 5 which will be great when traveling away on business .
Tuesday : I learned if you peel any onion in Water then it doesn’t make your eyes water.
Wednesday: I learned it’s advised to pan fry Brussels sprouts
Thursday: I learned all about the assassination of the 3rd in command of nazi party in Germany . He was assassinated in Prague . Good film staring Jamie Dornan and Cillian Murphy .
Friday I learnt all about Superannuations in Australia
Saturday . I did a Beatles tour and learned lots of amazing facts about them. See my latest post.


Posted using Partiko iOS

Oh maaan, that Tuesday is a game changer!! Heading over to your Beatles post :)

Posted using Partiko Android

Man, which post is it? I can't identify it haha :D the one with beatles

It’s named after one of their best songs . A day in the Life

What i learnt this week
Monday- i get angry too much.
Tuesday -i learnt that those celebration in place do bring a lot of people together
Wednesday-fight strengthen relationship more and you can not like everybody
Thursday- The source of anger is self being helpless with one self.
When that is settle the rest are no issues
Friday -i learnt people take alcoholic drink to shy away from sorrow which they come back to after the drinks wash down.
Saturday i learnt that you can not predict what will really happen in future time when i lost a bet on arsenal to win against liverpool.
Sunday i learnt i don't like going to church.

Hah I also used to bet a lot during highschool....on the other side, now we buy crypto which is also betting, it just sounds better :D And I learned your Sunday lesson last weekend as well haha :D Thx for entering!

Medium tier

ha ha na margo tvojho Thessaloniki, tak ja som pred xy rokmi zoznami s dievčaťom z Latvie - celých x mesiacov som žila s tým, že je z Litvy a ona bola z Lotyšska :D dobré ne?! :D

btw @phortun aj toto by sa dalo považovať za N. Mandela teóriu? (mysleli sme si to 2) :D

*traja :P inak lajknut ti to tu nemozem, bo podla toho ten contract vyplati odmenu. Jedine, ze by si sa ucastnila ;)

Posted using Partiko Android

ty sis to též myslel?! :DDD jááj delo! brečím smíchy! eheh (to je moja odmena) ;)

Tomu ver :D ale tak..bol som asi mensi nez vy :P

Posted using Partiko Android

I come in to read the learning curve of others I will do a blog about My curve saturday, following your greece adventure 👍💪

Woohoo, the Champ is here! :D waiting for it :)

Gotta succeed When you enter a challange 💪

This past week was more for relaxing and having fun than learning.

The only useful thing I learned is that my new Panasonic camera has a feature to set the graduation of the viewfinder, for people who use glasses. Like me. 😂

Cmoon u can do better :) we need two more :D

Posted using Partiko Android

Next week I'll make a complete entry. :-P

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