THE LIBRARY #5 - A Curation Post for Readers and Writers

in #curation7 years ago (edited)

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The Library #1 | The Library #2 | The Library #3 part 1 | The Library #3 part 2 | The Library #4

The Library - For Writers and Readers.

Welcome to the fifth edition of The Library. A brand new, writing focused curation post. Coming out of the ideas and discussions generated in the Seeking a Community of Writers post, I wanted to be able to pursue that idea even further. I know there are writing communities on Discord (of which I am also a member), and there are also curator blogs on Steemit. So this idea is nothing new. But I want for The Library to be a curator post focused solely upon writers, and the world of writing.

I intend to dedicate this space for other writers out there who are writing stories, blogs about writing, even blogs about books and reading. The more I explore Steemit, the more I come to realise that there is still so many bloggers out there who I have not encountered yet. People producing quality material, but not always finding the audience they deserve.

This idea is founded with those principles in mind. It's to help share the often disconnected writing worlds here at Steemit with each other, in the spirit of support and creative encouragement.

This is in no way meant to indicate the best (or worst, by omission) posts on Steemit. These are the ones that I saw - and that I liked - during the previous week, taking several factors into consideration, such as number of days since it was published, whether it is a series or not, and the overall quality of the writer's other material.

I can be contacted via DM on Discord if you see a writer who you believe needs to be brought to my attention for future editions of The Library (it may be yours, but I will give more weight to those who recommend other writers).

To start with, the writing groups on Discord that I recommend are:

- The Writer's Block - how to join. Their Steemit address is @thewritersblock
- The Isle of Write - how to join. Their Steemit address is @isleofwrite

If you know of any others then feel free to mention them in the comments section.

Changes to Our Workshops

@thewritersblock has detailed a comprehensive list of changes to their editing process. One of the Discord groups highly recommended for the opportunity to have your writing assessed by others, they have undergone such a level of growth in users that a new editing process consisting of several levels has been instituted. Consisting of Developmental, Nitpick, And Polish, they each focus on a different aspect of the editorial process.

If your writing is in need of another set of eyes to look over it (and let's face it, whose isn't?) then consider exploring this idea:

Remember that our goal is to grow good writers, not get upvotes. We're not a promotional server.

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@therovingreader explains her vision of what adventure reading is:

Turn your reading into an adventure! For me, this often means shoving a book into my hiking pack and heading to the hills, but you can take your own interpretation. I want to learn all about what you’re reading and where you’re reading it!

For lovers of reading, and especially those who go to great lengths to explore that interest, this may be a post worth checking out. The previous contest lead to one of the earlier entrances in The Library, thanks to @winstonalden.

The Proofs! Again. #publishing

@nobyeni takes us through the latest happenings on her journey towards having her Philosophy book published. With marketing a new and vital step to come, dealing with the proofs and spotting the mistakes (like finding a needle in a haystack) still stand in the way.

The Monthly Reading Review: January Edition

@ethandsmith talks us through the many books he read throughout the first month of the year. Included with each is a review, so take a look, perhaps you'll find your next great read.


I noticed several new short stories, as well as new series to enter the Steemit universe this week. Listed below are the shorts, and I talk you through the series further down.

A Tired Old Cliche

@geekorner's little western is anything but cliche.


@ellievallie's entry in @carolkean's She Liked It competition, this is a stand out short story that will take on quite an emotional journey.

Legend of the Scroll

@jayna delivers a beautiful little tale of longing and adventure.

Don't Fry Your Chickens All In One Bucket

@cizzo's little story packs a very big punch. Step inside the Diner and see for yourself.

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There were several series, both new and already established, that I noticed on my journey through Steemit this week.

Realm of Beasts

@cheah delivers new series that has progressed through 4 chapters already this week. Quality writing from a writer who also has published material available. Check out the links at the end of his post for more details.

Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4

White Hawk and Sable Swan: A Martial Romance of the Far Future

@t2tang's work is worthy of inclusion in this week's The Library. Also involving the release of several chapters in the space of a week, this will keep you busy, and entertained,

Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3

Three more works also qualified for entry in The Library:

Lovestruck - A Bloody Modern Fairy Tale from @jrhughes. Chapter 1 | Chapter 2

The Making of a Reb from @authorofthings. Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3

The Bane of Abeyance from @geke. Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3

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Thank you for reading the fifth edition of The Library. Please feel free to leave comments, suggestions, ideas, etc.

As always, I appreciate your time and attention, and hope you enjoyed your library visit.

Images sources from and used with permission.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you liked it then please like, comment, and follow.


Links to earlier works

- Fiction
My Fiction Writing Collection
Writing Myself Out of Existence
When the Levee Breaks
Reality Fading
Lessons Learned From a Dying Man - includes audio version.

Book Reviews
Hellbent - Gregg Hurwitz
1Q84 - Haruki Murakami
Soon - Lois Murphy
Altered Carbon - Richard Morgan
The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo - Stieg Larrson
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep - Philip K. Dick
American Gods - Neil Gaiman
Fight Club - Chuck Palahniuk
Crooked God Machine - Autumn Christian

Audio Poetry
The Dance of Destiny and Fate
One Day, Just Not Today


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Take your time, savour and enjoy. I hope you find something you like :)


THANK YOU for this post!
I headed over to @geekorner's page and read his Silence (Man with No Name Fiction) post!!

I love westerns... historicals too!

Yes, I heard he has a new one, called Silence. I've yet to read it, but glad you found it and enjoyed it.

I'll keep an eye out for historicals. I don't single out (or rule out) genres, so if it's there and I see it I'll be happy to include it.

I'm glad you liked it! Thank you for the kind words, and also, @naquoya, I love your collections, thank you for including me in one :) I guess I finally wrote the sort of content that is featured here, and I'm honoured to be included.

Thank you for the mention and for curating my story, @naquoya. I am honored. I’m also having fun reading the other works you listed! I love curation posts from trusted friends. It’s such a rich resource for discovering great content.

Very happy to include you in this work. It's a worthy inclusion. And yes, lots of material to keep you busy (as if you weren't already!). Thanks for taking a look at The Library.

Thank you so much, @naquoya!

I love that you are curating all of these resources for writers, and those who love to read the fruit of writers! I look forward to keeping up with these posts in the future.

Thanks for reading and leaving a comment. I do enjoy curating these, as I am often reading through many stories and writing resources each week. It's a reasonably new venture, but I do intend to keep producing these once per week for some time. Help keep the spotlight on the talent that is out there.

Glad to see @therovingreader crack the list for her initiative! Also, I see that you've opened up a subsection for ongoing series. That's an awesome idea! I hope that these fortunate souls get the boost that they so rightfully deserve.

There's so many more series I haven't gotten to, but yes I may list them like this now, so people can go back to the beginning whilst also rewarding the current post.

I think numbers coming though this post are increasing. I'm getting a lot of positive feedback. As with all things perhaps the numbers will take some time to trickle down through, but hopefully not. I'll keep plugging the different authors, and hopefully make sure all links are very visible.

I don't want this to be just another curation post where people don't support the authors listed.

This is inspiring and awesome @naquoya. Although I haven't been a physical reader for quite a long time, I still enjoy reading posts on Steemit as I learn from all these good writers and admire their writing skills. Your curation will help me to select my picks. Hats off to what you doing for the community! :) Thank you!

Thank you for dropping by. Keeping up ones reading can be difficult. Novels do take a good investment of time. Even series here do as well. That's why I include shorts as well as longer form stories. Hope you find something you like. All top quality. I appreciate your comment.

Thank you for the curation and the great blurb for my little story @naquoya.

This is a very well done initiative to promote good writing than can sometimes get lost in the myriad of posts out there - thank you.

I find stories can and do get lost in the endless rush of posts. Even good ones deserving of more attention. If I can help even in a little way, perhaps bring a few more people your way then that is something. But ultimately any form of success here (not just financial, but also improved writing skills and community development) is a long game. Encouragement plays a part in that game.

Thanks for your comment.

Yay! A great curation idea, I hope to be lucky enough to find myself on your list. The isle of write discord link worked but the other on for the writers block didn't work. Not sure if it expired.

Thank you, very glad you find value here. And I appreciate you letting me know about the dead link - it's been fixed now.

And who knows, one day maybe you'll see your name here - most on here seem to be regulars at either of those Discord groups. Which is why I promote them as they make a difference.

Nice, I will follow that link now and join. :-)

Thank you so much, I'm really happy you liked the story!

You're welcome. Glad I could include some of your work.

Thanks for the on-point curation. Helpful for my reference :) as a curator too <3

Thank you, its good to know this is helpful.

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