in #story6 years ago (edited)

Soon, the debut novel from Australian author Lois Murphy, is a mesmerising, yet disturbing work of fiction. A slow burning journey into the world of Pete, and his slowly dissolving home town of Nebula, an intense story of a past left broken, and a present entrapped by it emerges from the pages of this gripping story.

This is Pete's story, but this is also the story of Nebula, a small country town that has had a mystery descend upon it. A mystery dripping of the paranormal, the ghoulish, and the long forgotten battlers of the outback wastelands. A mist has descended upon the town, having arrived after the mysterious arrival of the dark SUVs and their black clad passengers. A mist that makes Nebula its home every day at sun down, leaving only on the arrival of the morning sun. A mist that speaks, that screams and howls, that holds memories of the recently departed. A mist that encircles the town, slowly suffocating the life out of it.

We first meet Pete when the town has been reduced to just six inhabitants, all the others having fled in fear, or worse – succumbed to the mist itself. These few remaining are the last, the ones with nowhere else to go. The ones who have seen it all since the mist's arrival nine months earlier, and survived to talk about it.

But slowly the numbers drop again. Best laid plans go astray. Weariness sets in. And a stranger arrives. And her warning is clear – Pete has until the next winter solstice (three months away) to leave, otherwise it will be too late. And leaving may finally be an option, that is until the beautiful out-of-towner named Alice arrives. Just as the deadline is looming.

Soon is a well written thriller, a slowly emerging horror, and a story of how the past just wont let us go. Like the mist, it encircles, trapping those who have lived through its days, embittered by its fading memories, and its litany of broken relationships. The horror within is subtle, though noticeable, building to a crescendo as Pete battles with his own demons, and desires to make amends.

I highly recommend this book, and would score it at 4.5 out of 5 stars.

Images source.

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Links to earlier works

- Fiction
My Fiction Writing Collection
Writing Myself Out of Existence
When the Levee Breaks
Reality Fading
Lessons Learned From a Dying Man - includes audio version.

- Blog Posts

-Notes From an Amateur Writer
Notes #49 - Conversation With My Multiple Selves
Notes #50 - Revisiting Childhood With Storm Boy and Mr Percival
Notes #51 - Some Of The Books That I Am Reading
Notes #53 - Finding the Right Character For the Job
Notes #54 - But First Coffee

-Ramble On (Humour based fictional travel blog)
#1 - Introducing My New Travel Blog
#2 - Making a Deal With the Devil
#3 - Getting Arrested, For Resisting Arrest
#4 - Love, Sex, and Guru Powers

Book Reviews
The Girl Who Played With Fire - Steig Larsson
Altered Carbon - Richard Morgan
The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo - Stieg Larsson
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep - Philip K. Dick
American Gods - Neil Gaiman
Fight Club - Chuck Palahniuk
Crooked God Machine - Autumn Christian


This would've made a perfect foreword! Maybe you could sneak this in for the second edition? Sounds like a thrilling tale! The mystery of it all is quite interesting. Definitely putting this near the top of my to-read list. What tethers Pete to Nebula though?

Glad I could do justice to the story. It truly is a great read, and even - despite what some people below have said - handled in a very original manner. If this were my debut novel I'd be very pleased with myself. If they'd like to use my review for their 2nd edition, then that would make my day - perhaps the publisher could even remember my name for when D-Day arrives and I have my debut ready to go :D

As for Pete, and also the few that remained, they found themselves in a situation where they had nowhere else to go. No other family, no government support, no financial means to pack up and move on. Their individual cases are explained in more detail throughout the book, and you see the nuts and bolts of these relationships, and these individuals themselves. They are people at the end of their lives, or the end of their patience, and willingness to save themselves.

This is a book that delves into the emotions, the lives, the scars, behind all these people - especially Pete. That's why its not just a horror, and it isn't just like all those other stories. I gave it a 4.5 for a reason - it's well written and developed thoroughly.

Oooohhhhh you're just continuing to whet my appetite, aren't you? Definitely convinced. Just because of that this has moved up even further up the rankings!

Happy to share my book addiction with you. Remember books are like drugs, and I am likely to encourage your addiction :D

Are you sure it's not a communicable disease? In any case, I don't feel like any cure is necessary.

Addiction, disease? If it doesn't hook you one way one then it'll grab you with the other.

That's how addicts talk!

You did a good job, Scott, of laying out bare bones of plot, describing the novel’s unsettling mood and commenting on it, in poetic prose.

Interesting concept doing book reviews, I’ve not really see anyone else do such a thing on Steemit.

I wonder, might you be interested in tackling my forthcoming book of aphorisms (different genre I realize than what you do...)

Let me know if so, and I’m happy to send an e-copy for your review, @naquoya 🤓

Wishing you continued success, Yahia

I'm glad to know you appreciated the review, and the style in which it is written. There is an art form to writing these, and doing justice to the works themselves, without giving too much away - I am still learning it, but enjoying the process.

I have only seen the rare few book reviews here, but I have started to make them a dedicated part of what my blog is about. As I read more to grasp the details of the craft of writing, I found adding reviews made a lot of sense.

As for your own upcoming work, yes I'd be honoured to have a look and do a review for it. I don't try to stick to just one genre, although I have my favourites. I find the more I read, the more I struggle to even want to contain myself to what I once read exclusively.

If you want to go ahead with this, then feel free to let me know via Discord. Thank you :)

Yes, there's certainly an art to reviewing - I remember a mentor advising me early in the writing game to try my hand at it, to hone my craft. Since then, I've done quite a few & benefited from the process.

Very encouraging to hear you're interested in reviewing my work; will reach out on Discord, now :)

I can see now why your mentor would encourage you to try your hand at reviews. I do find it helps clarify my own thoughts about both the writing itself, and how that relates to what it is I wish to pursue with my own writing.

Everything we write is a form of apprenticeship. Or, as another writer I admire told me when I was disparaging journalistic money work I was doing: We never write with our left hand.

Which is to say, if we put our all in what we do, we are always honing our craft.

Wishing you a good day, Scott ✌🏼

Wonderful comment - that is very good to hear. All towards a goal, but first things first. Thanks for sharing that.

Sounds like a good book! I can't do horro movies, they have gone to blood, guts and shock rather than intrigue and suspense, but a great read is always a great read!

Yes I'm the same with horror films. They are mostly blood and gore. Using horror to describe this book was done tentatively. It very loosely fits within the genre, but it crosses boundaries, and is ultimately a thriller, and a mystery, as well as a wonderful character driven story.

I usually don't read horror thrillers but you made this one sound enticing! Who is Alice? That's what I want to know after reading your review.

It's far from your typical horror, more literary thriller. As for Alice, she is a mysterious stranger that arrives on the scene in the second half. She inadvertently messes with Pete's plans to exit town and stay exited. Exactly who she is and how she becomes embroiled in the drama are properly revealed within the context of the story, but I didn't want to give too much of the finer plot points away.

I love a good mystery. Another book to add to the list.

Good to hear.

Mmmm, I think a book is just what the doctor ordered. I'm going to see if I can find it online, it looks like my favourite kind of story.

A good book can work wonders. This one certainly helped keep me sane over the past week. I got into this more than I expected to. Hope it hits the spot.

I need some sanity, or at least an escape. Life sucks sometimes.

I wish I could disagree with you, but I'm a terrible liar. So like they say - when life gives you lemons, escape with a good book. Or did I mangle my metaphors again?

This sounds really interesting! I'm going to have to check it out :)


Hope you get a chance to take a look, it really surprised me. It is a high quality novel.
Thanks for your comment :)

Awesome stuff @naquoya! Consider it added to my "To-Read" Goodreads shelf! I am all about any even vaguely armageddon-type plots, and this one certainly fits the mold. Thanks a ton for sharing my friend!

It has an armegeddonish feel to it, with the outback setting helping with that mood. It's no Mad Max, but you can feel the ticking countdown throughout. I think you'll like this one.
Thanks for your comment.

First time I am seeing your blog, guess I will use your reviews to restock my library. Thank you for this.

I have a few book reviews now - many more to come. But I also write fiction. Hopefully something here you like :)

Thanks for your comment.

I'm coming across your blog for thim time. This is awesome.

Thank you, glad you think so. And welcome to my blog :)

Soon sounds so interesting- the kind of fiction stories I enjoy a lot, but I don't know why somehow I don't feel ready to watch or read anything intense. It has been like that for a few months now. Maybe it is because of the so many upsetting news I get to hear every single day (rape cases, murder, poor political scenario etc.) However, soon I'll be reading Soon. The review increased my curiosity and eagerness to read it.

I hear what you are saying about the volume of upsetting news. I'm also one of the ones who shuns the news, for those same reasons. This book didn't upset me in anyway. I felt connected to the people, especially to Pete. I felt that I did care about what they were going through, and the mist and its potential horrors was always there, but it mostly plays second fiddle to the story about the characters. You don't get bombarded with graphic details - that is why I said the horror was subtle.

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