The Christianity Shelf ~@creatr's Library~

in #christianity7 years ago (edited)

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Please check back often for updates, and visit our Main Library.

~NOTE: Click most any image to return to the Main Library page~

Table of Contents

Truth is Where You Find It

~Musings and Rants About Philosophy and Religion~

I'm Not Asking You To Believe
Revolutionary Perspective on Tax Withholding
What's Your Plan To Achieve Immortality?
Truth is Where You Find It
Eternity: A Mind-Numbingly Powerful Perspective
Why You Need to Know that Jesus is My LORD (And No Other Need Apply)
Suspending Our Disbelief... An Essential for Change?
If God is Good, Why is there So Much Pain in the World?

Table of Contents

A Curmudgeon Looks At The Bible

In which I grumble about translations...

Jesus and Nicodemus
II Thessalonians 1
The Word "Church"
The Word "Angel"
🕎Is John's Gospel Anti-Semitic?🕎
"Hallowed Be Thy Name" - Thinking About Jesus
What Are The "Governing Authorities" of Romans 13:1?
"The Man of Lawlessness"
What the Heck Is A "Pastor?"

Table of Contents

Sermons You'll Never Hear In Church

Taboo topics from the pulpit

Sermons You'll Never Hear In Church - First in a New Series
"Render Unto GOD What Is His."
Another "Sermon You Won't Hear In Church" - "Do You See Anything?"

Table of Contents

Various and Sundry

TIL - Why Communion Cups are Shaped Like Trumpets🎺
Enter Only: One Way
Meet Someone Who Is Absolutely, Positively, Unequivocally, YES!
"JESUS LOVES YOU - But I'm His Favorite"
What's Better Than Life? - A Short Meditation
Are Cryptocurrencies "A God Thing?"
Is ~Faith~ Vitally Important to Healing?
Is it a SIN to Lie to the Government?
The Shocking Truth About the Bible
Human Governments Are Satanic
The Universe: Now, ✨Ten Times Bigger!✨

Table of Contents

New Heavens and New Earth

Whoopee! I can't wait!

Heaven? No, I Mean the *Real, Ultimate* Heaven...
How To Deal With That First, Rough Morning In Heaven...
Eternity: A Mind-Numbingly Powerful Perspective
Is There Such A Thing As "Blessed Forgetfulness?"✝️
"What Happens When We Die?" ☠ My Response To @sykochica
Have You Reserved Your New Replacement Body Yet?
The Most Popular Person In Heaven...
Whispering Hope - ~Forbidden Tales~ From Your Bright Future (#1)
~ #2 ~ #3 ~ #4
~ #5 Work
~ #6 Relationships
~ #7 Sex In Heaven?
~ #8 The 'Noes'
Hey, Followers... I'll Be on MSP WAVES RADIO at ~10:10PM UTC Today

Table of Contents

Poetry and Art

🌲The Christmas Story in Ten Haiku🌲
I Will Write The Stories, Celebrating...
"Incontrovertible Truth" - A Haiku
"Five Hundred Saw Him" - A Haiku
"My Little Margie" - A Theological Fantasy, Part I
"My Little Margie" - A Theological Fantasy, Part II
"Good God, Why Me?" - A Sonnet by Duncan Cary Palmer
"Gentle Shepherd" - 🐑 ~A Papa-Pepper Haiku~ 🐑
For My Children's Children's Children...
"Jesus Wept" by Duncan Cary Palmer
"Pulling Strings" by Duncan Cary Palmer
"🐑A Shepherd's Christmas Tale🐑" by Duncan Cary Palmer

Table of Contents

The Bible vs Science?

The Seven-Day Universe - A Response to @gavvet
The Seven-Day Universe - Part 2
The Seven-Day Universe - Part 3: Physical Evidence for a Young Earth

Table of Contents

Guest Theologians

~Other articles on Christianity, religion, and philosophy~

I Just Want This THING Out of Me.
by @tlester
Immortals waste time they do not have
by @leaky20
The value of different opinions.
by @uglysweater
God Waves with Globocop!!
by @disarrangedjane
God Waves Radio - Sun 9 pm UTC - 5 pm EDT, 4 pm CDT, 2 pm PDT
by @globocop
Jesus Versus Religion
by @allforprivacy
Theology of Steemit Series: Article 1 - Introducing the Series
by @genxrev

CLICK HERE for Library Information


Table of Contents

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Thanks for your time and attention.
You are why I'm here on Steemit!
I have very eclectic interests and hope, over time, to write about them all.

⬇️To Check Out @creatr's World⬇️CLICK Each Image Below⬇️

@creatr @creatr @creatr


Yes I remember your religious writing. I am glad you compiled these. Thanks @creatr

Found you through the Treasure Hunt, thought you were cool, and come here to find out your super-cool!

I've been wanting to connect with other Christians on Steemit. I've asked around a bit, but no one has any answers. I come here and you've not only got a library, but other authors I can check out!

Are there any organized communities in Steemit of Jesus-lovers that you know of?

Hi again, @coachjj,

Ah, I see you've already discovered my Library. Great!

Yes, there are many Christians on Steemit. One particular group I can direct you to often writes using the #christian-trail tag.

If you want to see all posts with that tag, in chronological order (newest first), use this link:

If you want to see trending posts with that tag, use this link:

I hope that helps!

Very much so! Thank you!

I've already read through several of the posts in this collection and I want to say how nice it is to encounter others who have reached the same conclusions as I, and to read their own accounts of why they believe what they believe. Thank you for sharing this library of great content I would have otherwise missed.

Thank you for spending some time in my library! :D


"Sermons you'll never hear in church" - Sounds like my tagline here on Steemit and on my blog "Stuff You Won't Hear In Church". Brilliant minds think alike :)

Thanks for the visit here, the nod, and the cross reference. I'll give your blog a browse. ;)

This is beautiful.
Nice one

Ammazing photography.