Are Cryptocurrencies "A God Thing?"

in #cryptocurrencies7 years ago

"The more I study science the more I believe in God."
- Albert Einstein

When I first understood the evils inherent in fiat currency,

I was appalled. I felt powerless.

Decisions made behind closed doors rob the hard-earned savings of millions of sleeping Americans. The Federal Reserve makes bank robbers look like amateurs.

Honest Weights and Measures

Honest Weights and Measures
Photo courtesy of Harald Landsrath and

I was outraged at the U. S. federal government.

How dare the "powers that be" shake their fist in God's face?

The scriptures are clear that God opposes such economic dishonesty. Here are but two of the many biblical condemnations of that manipulation:

"“You shall not have in your bag two kinds of weights, a large and a small. You shall not have in your house two kinds of measures, a large and a small. A full and fair weight you shall have, a full and fair measure you shall have, that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you. For all who do such things, all who act dishonestly, are an abomination to the Lord your God."
- Deuteronomy 25:13-16

And again, in fewer words:

"A false balance is an abomination to the Lord,
  but a just weight is his delight."

- Proverbs 11:1

The central government of the United States once maintained an "honest dollar." The dollar was literally defined as a specific weight of silver. For a while, paper dollar bills were "silver certficates" that could be redeemed for silver, but they were abandoned in the 1960s.

Since then, through the "dishonest weights" known as "quantitative easing," A.K.A. inflation, government steals from everyone who holds their savings in dollars.

Enter Bitcoin.

Now at long last, we have a new form of "money" based on mathematics. Bitcoin, by design, is not subject to arbitrary inflation. The supply of Bitcoin grows at a pre-determined and limited rate. Furthermore, there is an "end-game" after which the supply can grow no more.

Mathematics is a "God thing."

Mathematics is a "God thing."
Photo courtesy of Roman Mager and

Users of Bitcoin implicitly agree to its design.

The economic value that flows into Bitcoin is governed, not by the arbitrary diktat of some "central authority," but by the mathematical design itself.

Is this not a "God thing?"

No presumed authority can change the immutable fact that two plus two equals four. The sum of two plus two was four yesterday, it remains so today, and will be so tomorrow.

Other cryptocurrencies have different designs.

Some may have varying levels of inflation "built in." However, by their very nature, all must be grounded in mathematics. Most openly publish their source code. Thus, users have the ability to know in advance how the system works.

There can be no back-room deals. No one can swap weights, or put their thumb on the scale. Naive users can find a consensus of experts to either vouch for the design of a particular coin, or expose its flaws.

"Love does no wrong to a neighbor;

therefore love is the fulfilling of the law."
Romans 13:10

An honest and open cryptocurrency does no wrong to a neighbor. It's "a God thing."


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@creatr @creatr @creatr

WOW! Great insight that has totally changed my thinking.

Cryptocurrency, one world currency, it's easy to think mark of the beast and end times stuff... this was a great article, thanks @creatr!

Thanks, @gregm - I appreciate your visit and your encouraging comments! :D

"A false balance is an abomination to the Lord,
but a just weight is his delight."

  • Proverbs 11:1

That's one of a great many favorite passages of Scripture of mine. And I'm always amazed at how God's Word truly speaks somehow to everything. Like the following, that instructs us on how to think of animals: "A righteous man has regard for the life of his beast."

Have you read "The Creature from Jekyll Island"? From what it says, I'm not so sure that the U.S. had an honest dollar even before the 1960's. It seems the banks have been a source of serious corruption since even before the country's founding. I haven't really read anything of Mises, though. I'll have to check out sometime.

Hello, @doule,

I have read most of "The Creature," and I don't think it is the beast whose life God instructs us to have regard for... ;) I do think that the state is a beast, and most likely, the beast of Revelation.

Yes, I realize that the corruption goes back much further, and that the value of the dollar has been under attack for a long time.

Nice to "meet" you here, and thank you for your thoughtful comments!

I believe in cryptocurrency being the saviour more so than this god thing 🤐☺️

Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's.

If Satoshi trumpets from his private key I will gladly pay him a tribute in thanks. But the government should get their grubby hands out of our cryptocurrency.

On a more serious note, even as an Atheist I implore you to explore Jesus' teachings as it relate to the State.

Hello, @go1dfish,

Nice to meet you here, my atheist friend.

"I implore you to explore Jesus' teachings as it relate to the State."

Thank you for your appeal!

I can assure you that I have done so, and found the state severely wanting. If you explore my writings on my blog, you will find that I am by and large quite well aligned with (what I know of) Ben Stone. I will however listen to and likely enjoy the video you've recommended here.

Please do check out my postings on Christian anarchism and agorism. You can find a somewhat out of date Topical Table of Contents by clicking the GIF below.

Thanks again for your recommendations. May I implore you to read John's book? Even as an atheist, you may be surprised when Jesus confronts you with his claims about himself. :D


Ah you misread me, I was saying that even if @abh12345 is an atheist he might find value in Jesus' teachings like Tolstoy and Jefferson did.

Both essentially rejected the supernatural aspects of Jesus and even edited down non-miraculous versions of the New Testament

Went ahead and followed you, not sure why I didn't do that as soon as I saw this post.

Crypto is certainly a great improvement over the thieving ways of bankers and governments, but here's my point:

It is an improvement because it is potentially, by design, more consistent with God's moral design of the universe. It is less subject to fraud. And yes, it can temporarily "save" us from the economic ruin brought on by the coercive systems of central governments.

Thanks for your comment! ;)

Yes, I'm with you :) but why do you say only 'temporarily'? Are you expecting corruption to find a way in, or just thinking ahead to the impending asteroid strike?!

Ah, by "temporarily" I only mean as long as our physical life in this world lasts, only until death overtakes us.

And, yes, there are also other things in the world as we know it that can interfere with the success of crypto. And so, what I see is a grand improvement, but not the solution to every ailment of mankind. ;)

Indeed, baby steps in the right direction is good for starters though. An enjoyable morning discussion, thanks :)

Certainly, and thank you, my friend! :D

The Federal Reserve is a privately owned organization, and its shareholders are private banks. It is not part of the US government (though it is supposedly subject to its regulations).

The government borrows from and pays interest on money printed by the central bank. It's all debt-based. There's more debt than money in the world because all banks charge interest on money that doesn't exist.

A nice feature of Bitcoin (and similar cryptocurrencies) is that debt cannot exist in the system itself. Transactions are one-way, and you can't spend money you don't have.

Hello, @gruppler,

Thank you for mentioning the nature of the Federal Reserve for my readers who are as yet utterly unaware.

The Federal Reserve is a "tool" of the government, and / or vice versa. It is all part of one, big, ugly system designed to rape and destroy humanity.

Thank you also for contrasting the debt-based nature of fiat currency with cryptos like Bitcoin, which actually "settle" debt. Your comments and added explanations are appreciated.

It is all part of one, big, ugly system designed to rape and destroy humanity.

I wouldn't disagree, but I think it's important to acknowledge that there are multiple agendas within our government, and not all of them are malicious. Like any organization, it's made up of many different people.

We resisted the infestation of central banks for many presidencies, but once Woodrow Wilson finally let them in, our government started becoming like a confused animal futilely struggling against a zombie parasite.

My new friend @gruppler, I hope you are aware that regardless of confused multiple agendas under the overarching umbrella of "government," the fundamental premise of your government (it is not my government - I lay no claim to it) is immoral?

It is based on the illicit initiation of force against peaceful individuals. It's end-game is imprisonment and ultimately murder against those who resist it. I care not how "noble" the agenda may be; if the government mandates an agenda, the ultimate outcome for resisters is death.

I apologize for assuming you're a US citizen. I'm usually careful about avoiding such assumptions.

I agree that the illicit initiation of force against peaceful individuals (a.k.a. "archation") is immoral. However, I wouldn't agree that this is the fundamental premise of the US government.

The end-game of imprisonment or murder is not the foundation of (hopefully) any government, but rather the intentions of those who infiltrate and corrupt governments. This subtle game is played not only in government, but also in capitalism, in religion, in banking, in marketing, and in every area of influence on culture.

The reason I'm trying to clarify this point is because thinking of any group of people as a homologous entity tends to yield oversimplified conclusions, which limit the possibilities we're willing to consider. Just as the government has become a vehicle of slavery and death, it is possible that the same vehicle may be used to eradicate that corruption from itself, however unlikely this may be.

Hello again my new friend.

First, no apologies needed. In forums like this, there are bound to be misunderstandings. We just clarify and move on! And so to do that:

Technically I am a US citizen. However, I do not in any way consider the gang of thugs that claims to run this place "my" government. The only one I recognize as having a right to rule me is Jesus.

"The end-game of imprisonment or murder is not the foundation of (hopefully) any government..."

Au contrare, it is the end-game of virtually all human governments as presently organized.

Although the U.S. government lays claim to high and mighty principles, it ultimately relies on murder. It passes "laws" and it claims the right to enforce them.

Sampling some of your writing, I see that you value truth and clarity of language. I am not being hyperbolic when I say the government will kill you if you don't comply. I'll offer you this pithy presentation of that truth (<-just click the highlighted link) in defense of my statement.

I believe that humans could potentially organize themselves into cooperative societies that do not employ coercion to achieve goals. What we presently have instead are organizations with the immoral foundational flaw of initiated force as a principle inherent in their very nature and structure.


I like @dullhawk's "archate" term... and I will resist all attempts to be archated upon... ;)

I agree, this is the way the US's and other governments are now.

What I mean by "foundation" is the original intent or purpose for existence. Of course, this is debatable. My point is that like religion, governments may begin with honest and benevolent intentions, but when they become powerful, they fall prey to those who seek power. The foundation is deliberately distorted and forgotten step by step over many years.

I believe the original intent of the US was to get away from the slavery of the central banks, not to perpetuate it. Yes, there is more than one kind of irony in this.

I'm neither a patriot nor an anarchist; I think it will all be irrelevant soon. But I think we can start improving our current situation by expecting integrity in leadership and refusing to settle for less.

Excellent post as always @creatr. I am not as knowledgeable on this subject as perhaps I should be and remain skeptical in general until I have a better understanding myself but your confidence in cryptocurrency and what it can be used to achieve gives me confidence that maybe it is indeed a force for good after all.

Thanks again my friend!

Hi, @tonyr,

Thanks for showing up with an encouraging comment once again!

As I've said, I am not an expert on crypto; however, I find it to be a very hopeful development, and would be glad to further discuss my reasoning if and as you have questions. Take care, my good friend!

It was my discovery of the crypto world very recently that introduced me as well to Steemit. What has impressed me the most in my crypto journey so far hasn't been the technology (which is certainly awesome given that I love open source and wholeheartedly support decentralized and distributed systems!), but the enormous FAITH that the people have in BTC, ETH and the other blockchain projects.

It is this very same faith which spurs the public into investing unimaginable sums of money into ICOs based around solely prototypes and binds us all here in the collective belief that Steemit has the greatest potential of all the blockchain projects to actually change our world for the better!

And based on my own personal experience, Hard Work + Faith = SUCCESS!

Great post @creatr!

You make a fascinating point here, my friend.

Yes, there must be tremendous faith behind such investments. Faith in mathematics. Faith in the future. You have given me something to mull over, Thank you!

Exactly, faith is an incredibly crucial component of everything, including the success of the blockchain and cryptocurrencies, and I'm glad you mentioned it in your excellent post! Thanks amigo!

The creator of bitcoin is still unknown person if I'm right, don't think he is god though just someone I'd call a superhuman. Just like a cure for cancer its out there and like Satoshi Nakamoto brought us bitcoin someone will one day provide that cure if we deserve it.
You are right about banks they are the worst kind of muggers there is.

Thank you for your visit and thoughtful comment, @goofyu.

Satoshi N., whether a real or fictional person, certainly has done mankind a service. He has set us on a road that has more promise than the road of traditional banking.

Cancer is already being cured regularly. It is also the state that militates against that knowledge. Please have a look at .

If you personally need a cure for cancer, please ask and I will provide other references.

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You quote a lot of scripture here ..and I am glad as I am also a disciple of Him.
Living in the last days as we are according to scripture, it seems we are heading up towards a cash less society. The war on cash is hotting up, and the stage is being set ...the middle east and the status of Jerusalem will begin to take the center stage by my understanding. I feel uncomfortable with crypto currencies, partly because I do not understand them ! and feel there has to be a great element of trust in the cloud or internet for this all to work.
The whole world is heading into a one world government , a totalitarian state if you like, which scripture tells us is going to make life very difficult if we do not have some kind of digital mark or other such thing, therefore I think this cryto currency phase could be hijacked by the rulers to be (anti Christ and his followers) ... I feel more comfortable with precious metal as I can hold it it my hand and trade and barter with it. Does this not make sense for all of us who want to obey scripture and not take this 'mark' .
The world may love this new currency form ..and many of them will willingly take the 'mark' , and even think it's a great idea ! ( oh yes it will appear attractive ! ) ...some of us will refuse to take it, as you know. My best to you.

"I feel uncomfortable with crypto currencies, partly because I do not understand them ! and feel there has to be a great element of trust in the cloud or internet for this all to work."

I think your concern is valid in the sense that the network must be operational in order to support these currencies. However, the internet has become a utility on which virtually every organization, government and otherwise, presently depends. Furthermore, private and independent mesh networks are springing up all over. The present amount of capital dependent upon the operation of the internet is incredibly vast. Because of this, it is my belief that those who own that capital will stop at nothing to keep the network operational.

"I think this crypto currency phase could be hijacked by the rulers"

I don't believe that to be possible. While the powers that be will very likely develop and deploy their own versions of crypto, the distributed versions are already beyond their reach.

Without getting into an extremely long discussion, I'll summarize my thoughts about "the mark" you refer to.

I believe that some writers, for example Hal Lindsey and Tim LaHaye, have sensationalized the end times and produced an unrealistic caricature of what the bible actually teaches. The mark of the beast is a prime example.

Paul tells us that, as believers, we bear God's mark:

"In him you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until we acquire possession of it, to the praise of his glory."
Ephesians 1:13-14

This is the seal spoken of in Revelation 7, there symbolically placed on the foreheads of God's people. It is the opposite of the mark of the beast. Just as a brand identifies cattle, the seal of the Holy Spirit identifies God's own, while the mark of the beast identifies Satan's own.

These things have no relationship to physical reality other than this: Those who are sealed by the Spirit, we who follow Jesus, will refuse to participate in dishonest and coercive systems. That is one of the primary reasons that we will have trouble in the world. We simply don't fit in.

The entire thesis of my article is that cryptocurrency is, if anything, an antidote, or counter to the beastly world system of coercion.

Thanks for participating in this discussion! :D

I loved how you started this article with the Einstein quote. That's exactly how I felt when I took anatomy and physiology in college. While they were pushing evolution in the textbook, the more I realized how insanely complex the human body is. It further confirmed my faith in a divine creator.

Hello Jay,

Very nice to meet you here on Steemit, and Welcome!

I appreciate that you've stopped by my blog and taken the time to comment. I hope as you have time you'll check out my Topical Table of Contents (presently a little out of date) by clicking on the GIF below.



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