Whispering Hope #7 - Sex in Heaven?

in #story7 years ago (edited)

A Theological Fantasy - Continued...

"How beautiful and pleasant you are,
    O loved one, with all your delights!
Your stature is like a palm tree,
    and your breasts are like its clusters.
I say I will climb the palm tree
    and lay hold of its fruit.
Oh may your breasts be like clusters of the vine,
    and the scent of your breath like apples,
and your mouth like the best wine.
It goes down smoothly for my beloved,
    gliding over lips and teeth."

- Proverbs 18:24 -

Dear Earthling,

Duncan here, writing again from The Glory. I thought this might be my last letter, but I may pen one more to summarize "odds and ends" that don't fit neatly into a "topic."

Today's topic ought to raise some eyebrows... Sex in Heaven!

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Romance, perfect and unbroken...
Image courtesy of frank mckenna and http://unsplash.com

Do you remember what it's like to fall in love?

If you've ever been in love, you know the wonder and glory of that experience.

It's pure magic. You feel as though you are walking on air. The world seems new and fresh. Everything smells and tastes better. Burdens are lighter. Joys are amplified. Your sense of worth is elevated.

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Loving friends.
Image courtesy of Jeremy Wong and http://unsplash.com

In the old, fallen world,

these feelings were often ephemeral. All but a blessed few couples soon faced reality and disillusionment. Honeymoon over.

But picture this:

Imagine falling in love and never, ever, becoming disillusioned in the slightest...

Can you imagine your beloved, always and at all times meeting, even exceeding, your elevated expectations?
Never letting you down?
Never disappointing you in the slightest?

And yourself?

Can you imagine never failing, never disappointing your beloved?
Can you picture yourself always and under all circumstances being the true-hearted, loving, strong person you know you ought to be for your dear one?

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Heavenly times in good company.
Image courtesy of Cristian Newman and http://unsplash.com

That is the way of it here in Heaven.

Every woman you meet and learn to know —
Every man you encounter —
Every one of them is capable of being, and will not fail to become, "The One."

And you, by the kind grace of God, will not disappoint any you may choose to partner with; now, next year, next millennium, and for all eternity.

How can this be?

I know all your life you've been told "There's no marriage in heaven."

You've been told that, in the glory, we've somehow been transformed into neutered, inhuman beings.
That all romance has been left behind, relegated to the dustbin of history.
That in Heaven we have "better things to do" than engage in emotional and physical intimacy.


Those are unbiblical, inhuman sophistries that were promulgated — possibly as a protective mechanism — by teachers who may have been well meaning, but who equated all God-given physical attraction with the worst of all possible sins.

Their motivations were good.

It's just that they read Matthew 22:30 and drew the wrong conclusions.

Those teachers hoped to discourage us from engaging in destructive relationships. It's true that such casual relationships were prohibited and harmful on Old Earth.

However, their hermeneutics and theology became flawed when, on the slimmest of biblical grounds, they extrapolated such thoughts into eternity. Think about it:

"Why would God throw out the pinnacle of his designs?"

In the old age of the world,

with finite lives, limited time and resources, it was all we could do to handle a single marriage.

In those days, "marriage" was a ceremonial law, a living symbol foreshadowing the age to come. It was an illustration meant to showcase the wonderful future relationship between God and his people.

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The beauty of perfected love.
Image courtesy of Cristian Newman and http://unsplash.com

Thus, in those days,

marriage was restricted, tightly governed by inflexible rules. God gave us those rules to insure that there would not be abandoned, unloved children. That we would not have genetically defective offspring. That we would be able to devote our time and attention to our spouses, to care for them as well as possible during an age characterized by darkness, fear, distrust, and irresponsibility.

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"Come, play with me!"
Image courtesy of Yoann Boyer and http://unsplash.com

By dictating that marriage be a loving, life-long commitment, God displayed to the world the nature of his eternal loving care for his beloved people.

But none of those devastating risks exist here.

And, nowhere does the bible say marriage is absent here in Heaven.

Quite the opposite, in fact.

I can picture you scrambling for your concordance, sure that the bible does rule out marriage in heaven... Go ahead!

But please review the precise wording.

To be sure, the bible does tell us there is no marrying nor giving in marriage in the kingdom age. However, it speaks of our entire future as a marriage.

It is true.

Here in the Glory, there is no marrying, and no "giving" in marriage. But that's because the real marriage has already occurred.

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You are beautiful.
Image courtesy of Ariel Lustre and http://unsplash.com

It is because there is an eternal marriage, a permanent state of being married.
We are married, both to Jesus and to one another.
The land, the universe itself, is now married:

"You shall no more be termed Forsaken,
    and your land shall no more be termed Desolate,
but you shall be called My Delight Is in Her,
    and your land Married;
for the Lord delights in you,
    and your land shall be married."

- Isaiah 62:4

The plain truth is,

physical intimacy between a man and a woman is inherently a good thing. God designed it from the beginning, and pronounced it very good.

How good?

If you are an adult who has experienced intimacy, you know that it can be very good.
Here in the Glory, it is always very good.

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Together, into the future.
Image courtesy of Yoann Boyer and http://unsplash.com

How good?

As good as the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden; the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. That tree and its fruit were not evil, only forbidden.

Lest you think I am like the serpent who persuaded Eve to eat; I am not at all suggesting that you disobey God while living in the Old Age of the world. I'm merely pointing out that intimacy between non-spouses on Old Earth was a "malum prohibitum offense" - wrong because God prohibited it.

Intimacy between man and woman has never been "malum in se" — i.e. inherently wrong — for if that were so, it would be wrong everywhere and in all circumstances. The very existence of marriage demonstrates that is not so.

In our New Universe, male/female intimacy is no longer prohibited. It's as simple as that.

We're one big, happy family — one big, happy marriage.

Our entire life here is a celebration of that fact. Always, now, and forever. Believe it.

God has designed us all to become one with each other as well as with him. This is the ultimate unity, the final unification of humanity that God intended from the beginning.

"How beautiful are your feet in sandals,
    O noble daughter!
Your rounded thighs are like jewels,
    the work of a master hand."

- Song of Solomon 7:1

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"Your belly is a heap of wheat, encircled with lilies."
Image courtesy of Yoann Boyer and http://unsplash.com

To be sure,

the unity of Heaven is not the "unity of the Borg" of Old-Earth Star Trek fame. We have not been "assimilated." We still maintain the beautiful uniqueness of our individual personalities, our personal identities, our individual bodies.

But a significant part of God's design was literally embodied when, at creation, God differentiated the human race into man and woman. The union of man and woman constitutes the greatest possible act of "oneness" in the physical realm.

We are united with the LORD and with all his people in purpose and in our goals. Likewise, we are no longer restricted from physical union.

Love never fails. We know even as we are known. Truer now than ever.

Since landing on "this shore of the river,"

I've delighted in getting to know a number of wonderful women. Each new friendship has opened a world of joy, revealing new and exciting insights into myself and God's great universe.

Each of my new beloveds has drawn out something new, helped me to become more than I was before, and vice-versa. We've complemented one another in new and exciting ways, to our mutual benefit and to God's glory.

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“Be fruitful and multiply and fill the universe...”
Image courtesy of Colin Maynard and http://unsplash.com

With the new and perfect bodies the LORD gave us on resurrection day, intimacy has transcended anything we ever knew on Old Earth. And together, we've brought a handful of new lives into the world, sons and daughters we'll treasure forever.

Perhaps as you start to take this in, you're worrying about the implications.

Are you married to a believer now on Earth?

Here in the Glory, your marriage will not only continue, but will achieve a level of perfection that you've only dreamt of on Earth. Your relationship, begun on Earth, will only improve as eternity progresses.

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Thoroughly enjoying one another's company.
Image courtesy of Pablo Heimplatz and http://unsplash.com

But it won't be your only relationship with the opposite sex. Your relationships will no longer be limited.

Given infinite space and eternity,

there will surely be "time enough for love," as much and with whomever you wish to spend any portion of your life. Jealousy will no longer exist. The possibilities of every human, interpersonal relationship, will be unrestricted and unlimited.

Don't you recall God's very first command?

"And God blessed them. And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”"
- Genesis 1:28

That "creation mandate" is still in full force. It has never been rescinded. It was in fact reiterated to Noah and his sons. The "earth" God spoke of in that command is the vast, and possibly infinite, universe. We have a whole lot of "filling" to do.

Try to imagine - if you can - raising a family of beautiful, happy children in a perfect setting? I know it's hard for "old Earthers," but give it a try...

Far be it from us to disparage God's first command. Let's fill the universe!

Table of Contents

“Be fruitful and multiply and fill the universe...”
Image courtesy of Kelly Sikkema and http://unsplash.com

Perhaps this series has surprised, or even shocked you.

I hope so.

I hope it at least has you thinking, revisiting your bible. God really does have a lot to say about the future...

Have my letters have raised more questions than they've answered?

That's a good thing.

Since you'll be spending infinitely more time here in the Glory than you ever have or will on the old, fallen, flawed Earth, wouldn't it be a good idea to focus some of your attention and thought on the world to come? Get out your bible and read about it. The adventure's just beginning!

Mumford and Sons - "Not With Haste (Learn Me Right)"

Is my story now over? Is this the end?

Have I finished describing eternity? No, not by a long shot.

Nevertheless, this "major series" of letters in which I've outlined some of the surprising elements of life here in the New Heavens and New Earth is drawing to a close.

But don't worry...

From time to time, I'll send you a "Postcard from the Glory." I expect those will be brief glimpses of our day-to-day life here. I hope one or more of them may whet your appetite and get you looking forward to Heaven in a more realistic, more concrete way than you ever have before.

Watch for one more letter to "tie a bow on it."

Next time.

To be continued...

© 2017, Duncan Cary Palmer. All rights reserved.

“He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.” - Revelation 21:4


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@creatr - Oh how that powerful soul-searching ballad, "Not With Haste, Learn Me Right," echoes! The music, the lyrics, the Willie Nelson guitar and delivery must be absorbed in a few earth-lifetimes of meditation, understanding, soaking. But I do beg to differ with the paragraph below:

"As good as the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden; the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. That tree and its fruit were not evil, only forbidden. . . Lest you think I am like the serpent who persuaded Eve to eat; I am not at all suggesting that you disobey God while living in the Old Age of the world. I'm merely pointing out that intimacy between non-spouses on Old Earth was a "malum prohibitum offense" - wrong because God prohibited it."

(I may have combined the relevant sentences from two different paragraphs.) If I understand you correctly, your interpretation of the sin of disobedience in the Garden of Eden (eating from the forbidden tree) and the sin of sexual intimacy without marriage are not "malum in se" but "malum prohibitum." Because God Himself is the arbiter of all righteousness, if God simply changes His mind and revises the law, then wrong becomes right and evil becomes good because the whole moral standard is arbitrarily "malum prohibitum." Is that what you're saying, or have I over-simplified? Although it may be a circular argument, I strongly contend that God's immutability establishes "malum in se." The deed or act is inherently good or evil and will always be so by virtue of its character, and its character is defined and established by the immutable character of God. Murder will always be evil. Kindness and self-sacrifice will always be good. And the very nature of the spiritual exchange between husband and wife requires and demands exclusivity because the experience cannot be shared with others and retain its holiness, purity, and integrity.

The commandment not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil was not merely a test of obedience, it was a covering and protection. God never intended man to know evil or to have any understanding of it. God knew what Adam and Eve in their created innocence could never have imagined. The first contact with the serpent opened Pandora's Box of horrors and we are seeing the demonic proliferation of that original evil to this very day.


My wife is alway asking about the eternity and marriage thing. For the most part I had not given it much thought. If I can make heaven my home and get section 8 there I would be happy.
I do great custodial work...

Brother, we're going to get far beyond our "minimum requirements," thanks to God's kind grace... ;)

@captainobviou3 - "For since the beginning of the world men have not heard nor perceived by the ear, neither hath the eye seen, O God, beside thee, what He hath prepared for him that waiteth for Him." - Isaiah 64:4 and 1 Corinthians 2:9

Ah, @saraspeaks144,

I rediscovered your comments today, and was so disappointed to discover that you are not active on Steemit.

I hope you might nonetheless discover this response to your comment?

When you quote scripture, I urge you not to leave out (at least) the significant, immediate context:

"these things God has revealed to us through the Spirit. For the Spirit searches everything, even the depths of God." - 1 Corinthians 2:10

We can know far more about the new heavens and new earth than is commonly accepted. The scriptures are filled with information that has been almost universally overlooked and dismissed. That's what this series has been about.

I hope you'll somehow see this, come back to Steemit, and contribute some articles to the platform. :D



I am going to reread this. However my take away is that there is no marrying in the afterlife because we are all married to each other and having sex with each other. There is no exclusiveness to couples in the afterlife. Am i correct? Thanks for sharing. I appreciate it.

That's pretty much it, Troy. The new "state of the universe" will be "married," and there will no longer be a necessity for exclusivity.

This is of course my personal opinion, based on how I read and understand scripture. FYI, I don't know whether or not you've noticed, but I embed a lot of supporting references within my writing in the form of links. Be a Berean and do your own research of course...

Hope you'll be able to hear the radio show this afternoon.

Hey @enjoywithtroy, this viewpoint will fulfil your dream to be united with Marcie in the afterlife. @creatr was on God waves last night. Check out my post how to tune into mspwaves radio. Blessings!

Interesting. Reading through this post has certainly made me want to study this aspect of the scriptures more.It’s raised some questions also. For example, in the passage where Jesus says we will no longer marry or be given in marriage in heaven, he also says we will be like the angels. I assume angels don’t have male and female, nor do they have sex. What are your views on this? Would appreciate it if you could point me to some scriptures to look at that support your views in this post. Thanks for this very interesting series bro.

Thanks, friend, for your thoughtful response.

"I assume angels don’t have male and female, nor do they have sex."

I would agree that this is an assumption on your part. I can't think of any particular scriptures that address the matter clearly one way or another, though I would be glad to be directed to any.

Some think Genesis 6:4 speaks of angels having sexual relations, though I do not agree with that view.

I'm not sure whether you may have noticed, but within this post there are quite a few "hot links" to various scriptures that I believe will provide some of the support you are looking for. I'd appreciate it if you would check those out, consider whether or not they seem to support my view, and then come back with a response?

This is, of course, a fictionalized theological fantasy, but it does in fact represent to a great extent my personal beliefs about the future kingdom age. I may also try my hand at more of an annotated theology essay at some point.

My general thesis is this: The nearly universal conclusion about what Jesus said is incorrect, is a misdirection. Jesus did not intend to say we are neutered in heaven. His point was that marriage is fulfilled in heaven. And while I don't profess to understand his reference to angels, my post presents one possible understanding of that. Namely, angels are beings with an indefinite life span, and we will be like them in the sense that the limitations and restrictions on interpersonal relationships no longer need be restricted due to lack of time.

I look forward to further discussion if you're interested.

Thanks mate. I missed the links to the scriptures. I will have a read of the post again. Thanks for your detailed reply.

You're welcome!

BTW, I will be on the God Waves Radio program this afternoon, FYI, discussing this series...

Some things I just can't process, creatr, and this is one - I'm very earthbound and even photos of the Martian landscape make my stomach turn...I just can't get past alien concepts and I can't bring myself to contemplate another world. I suppose if we have the option of traveling back and forth from heaven and the new Earth, I'd be happy to stay here and let you go surfing on the Sea of Time :)

Part of my point, which I perhaps could have made clearer, is that one of the things that will surprise us about Heaven - a.k.a. the "New Heavens and New Earth" - is just how much like our present, comfortable, familiar earthly surroundings it will be.

It will be very recognizable, very comfortable - just "all cleaned up" and purified.

Given a choice to shuttle back and forth, I would never choose to come back... the present life is too filled with pain... though I might ask the LORD to show me some of his "home movies" of certain events in history.

and.....I don't know who said this but they said Heaven was like living in color but now, we live in black and white.

A good analogy... ;)

And, plus @johnjgeddes, where God is present in full glory, face to face, why would you want to live in the shadows? Wouldn't you be excited to finally have that face to face not by faith experience with Him?

But what if you're married to a non-believer? Many I know would say that person would be single while their spouse would be a little toasty. :) I don't think about the afterlife though the idea of being without my husband makes me very sad. I'd rather enjoy the beauty of life on Earth. The mountains of my home and my daughters beautiful laugh are all I want to hear.

But what if you're married to a non-believer? Many I know would say that person would be single while their spouse would be a little toasty. :) I don't think about the afterlife though the idea of being without my husband makes me very sad. I'd rather enjoy the beauty of life on Earth. The mountains of my home and my daughters beautiful laugh are all I want to hear.

Hello, friend @marxrab,

Thanks so much for reading, thinking about this, and for interacting.

"But what if you're married to a non-believer?"

Ah, that's a sticky wicket!

What the bible has to say about marriage between believers and non believers generally boils down to "it's a bad idea." And I'm sure you can imagine why. There really is a great divide between those world-views.

"Many I know would say that person would be single while their spouse would be a little toasty. :)"

I actually hope to touch on the topic of "hell" in the final installment of this series, as well as to eventually write more of a theological essay about it. For now, I'll just say that as I read scripture, hell is quite different from the most widely held views in Christendom. But it is still fearful.

Have you ever by any chance read C.S. Lewis' "The Great Divorce?" It also is a theological fantasy, but it very vividly illustrates the gap between believer and unbeliever. Well worth reading, and not too long.

"I don't think about the afterlife though the idea of being without my husband makes me very sad."

I can certainly understand the sadness of such thoughts. And it is so true that we need to enjoy the beauty of life and the Earth so evident all around us. I've greatly enjoyed the photos you've published of your home and family.

Thinking again of Lewis, among his excellent writings ( I don't recall in which book - perhaps "Mere Christianity?" ) he speaks of "the numinous" and remarks upon how such beauty in nature can give us a strong sense of the existence of God.

When I write about theological topics or mention them in my articles, my hope in doing so is twofold: I hope to encourage fellow Christians in what we believe and have to look forward to, but also to perhaps arouse the interest and curiosity of friends who haven't yet seriously considered who Jesus is and the claims that he made. Most particularly, his offer to give eternal life and hope for the future to anyone who will believe.

Thanks again for coming by and commenting! :D

Brother Duncan, @creatr , I ask you which place in the Holy scriptures are we invited to turn God's sacred word into a theological fantasy? Also, if Christ himself taught us that in the Kingdom of Heaven we will neither be married or given in marriage but instead will be as the Holy Angels, why do you so boldly call his word nonsense? Where does the scripture ever say that we will be neutered in heaven? Yes I read your words correctly , these are the words of a man who is unwilling to contain his sexuality in this life in the way that the scriptures have taught us , and suggest that they will not be contained by the Kingdom of Heaven in the next life..
Have you considered the Heavenly Words of Christ wherein he says flesh and blood will not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven and agaein when he says except you become as a little child you shall in no wise enter the kingdom of heaven? Will the little children be having a sex Fest in heaven? Will everybody be doing everyone to Total satisfaction? Why does Christ himself as the Holy Spirit and Eternal Father in the Book of Revelations warned us that no whoremongers no adulterers no Liars will enter into the kingdom of heaven? Will you change those words also? I know that you can revert back to your disclaimer that what you have written is a theological fantasy,
We have been warned disclaimers won't work when the book is opened and the final judgment is begun and everyone must give an account of what they've done what they have thought what they have said and what they have writ.. I admonish you as an elder to a child, reconsider the children who will read this fantasy.
Christ, The Heavenly Angels, the Saints and Prophets and the kingdom of heaven are no fantasy, Christ teaches us, in that day many will come saying Lord Lord haven't we done many wonderful works in your name, and I will say to them depart from me you workers of iniquity I never knew you. Brother Duncan, I admonish you once again, don't make a terrible mistake and reserved All rights for you personally...
It's John I said repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand
As Elijah calling I say repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand..
I love you brother but I got to say, this fantasy is never going to fly, as Christians we have no such Traditions as these you speak of... you're in my prayers for your well-being and your salvation. I have children older than you so please forgive me if I speak as some old stogie in your ears... it isn't my intention to offend anyone but that all should come to the knowledge of Christ in the Kingdom of the true and living God...
Just one afterthought, you may not have imagined the countless virgins who have died for the word of Christ, I don't think they want to become your lover in the Kingdom of Heaven, in fact I don't think any of the Saints or prophetss want to become the lover of anyone you know or will ever know, but instead they lived and died to be come the brides of Christ!!!
? Sexy sexy man?? Really,

come quickly Lord even so I pray come quickly Lord

Hello friend @elijhacalling,

Thank you for taking the time for such an extensive comment and for the concern you have expressed for my well-being and salvation.

I would ask you to please read my work more carefully. You have brought many accusations based on what appear to me to be hasty and inaccurate observations. I'll ask you kindly to actually read the scripture reference links I've provided within this article, as I do in most of my articles, for your instruction.

Please also take greater care not to misquote scripture yourself. Nowhere in scripture is it said that we will not be married in heaven. It says we will not marry. There is a very clear and distinct difference between "being married" and "marry-ing."

I regret any distress my article may have caused you. However, I would invite you to simply avoid my blog if you find it offensive.

Nevertheless, should you care to better understand why I believe my story is a reasonable and biblical representation of the future of God's beloved people, I hope to one day write a more scholarly article. In that article I intend, God willing, to lay out a more complete biblical case for my assertions.

May the LORD bless you. I wish you peace.

Thanks brother you are always very kind in your words to others and I appreciate that. I also know that you have a desire for the kingdom of heaven and and appreciation for the scriptures. I've only been dedicated to the scripture now for almost forty four years so I know I still have much to learn to understand and interpret, and by the way I asked you which version of the scripture are you reading, the King James version is the one to which I am most familiar.
I know that you expected someone to be upset, I also know that you appreciate an open dialogue, so please don't be amazed that someone would read your fantasy and interpreted as a perversion of the scripture if not an open Challenge and perversion of the face of Christ. The scriptures teach us to be ready to give an account of ourselves to any man wwho asks , again we read in the scripture ,blessed is he that readeth.
So I will be looking forward to reading your next post, your bow tie with this great gift you're offering to. Reading, and rereading are some of my favorite activities here in this suffering world. Prayer and longing for the Kingdom of Heaven is my daily activity. You are fine writer and I enjoy reading your work, the scriptures teach us the workmen rightly dividing the word of Truth need not be ashamed, like you ,I don't expect to write and not receive some form of criticism, also in the teachings we find that we are admonished to confess our faults to one another, one of my greatest fault is that I am often incomplete in the imperfect and what I have wriyten is often hard to be understood. I would like to attribute this to the mysteries of God, yet I perceive that it is due to my corruptible nature as a human. Let us consider Joan of Arc, who received instructions from the angels, yet it is said that she recounted her own testimony when faced with the fires of death and torture. I don't know if you're aware of the book called ,foxes book of Martyrs, it might come as a surprise to some readers but many many many Christians have given all for the cause of Christ, paying for their own tickets to heaven with torturous agonizing trials, cruel mockings , Savage beatings, Unthinkable murders of every description. The scripture has liking these to, a cloud of witnesses. I speak to you and the world as one of these anointed Witnesses.. often unwilling, to do the perfect work as Elijah, complaining often to the most high asking to be relieved. Even though his grace is sufficient for me I know that soon enough, I'll get straightened out.

as always thanks for reading and for your comments ..

Thanks, friend, for your gracious response.

I would like to assure you that the scriptures are my primary authority for faith and life. I have had a great and growing reverence for them for more than sixty years myself. I use multiple versions but whenever anything may be in doubt I go back to the original Greek and Hebrew, which I have studied though I am no expert. I do understand enough to usually get to the bottom of an issue. I am very skeptical of bible translators, which you will see if you read my "Bible Curmudgeon" series. I do know that most modern translations contain serious flaws. My goal is always to "rightly divide the word of truth."

"...paying for their own tickets to heaven..."

Friend, such is not possible. If any of us are to be saved, it is and will always be entirely by the grace and work of Christ.

"For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them."
- Ephesians 2:8-10

I am familiar with Fox's Book of Martyrs, and I do realize that God has and does and will call some of us to make the ultimate sacrifice as his witnesses.

Thank you for softening towards me, and know that I will always listen to any scriptural guidance you may bring my way. Blessings!

Thank you brother for your kind response, I'm looking forward to reading all of your past post but time is the consideration that I can't overcome quickly.
I would like to say that when I first came to steemit yours were the first post that I gravitated to and you are the first that I followed. I aspire to be such a fine writer as you. We each must take up our cross and follow in the way that we are led, with the Kingdom of Heaven as our final destination , when the confusion of this old life is finished an the Kingdom of Heaven is revealed in all the glory of the Eternal Father it will Delight me to sit with you and talk Story , I suspect we have much more in common than we have in contradiction.. so as Willy sang so beautifully, they tell me of a land where no storm clouds rise .. and I sure look forward to meeting you there. If not here and then.
Never stop we may have different words, yet I know the meaning is for the same intention, to inspire any who will receive the message of Yeshua the living Christ.

And just thank you for being you!

"John answered, “Master, we saw someone casting out demons in your name, and we tried to stop him, because he does not follow with us.” 50 But Jesus said to him, “Do not stop him, for the one who is not against you is for you.”"
- Luke 9:49-50

I look forward to sitting and chatting with you, here or in the Glory... :D

I am following you now. I enjoyed this post very much. Will have to look into this topic further with time. It is actually mind-blowing! Looking forward to future posts! I love your cover photo, I am in love with the ocean!

Hello, Hope!

Thanks so much for stopping by and appreciating my work.

Kindest regards,


We have a whole lot of "filling" to do.

I couldn’t help but chuckle reading that. We sometimes forget the creation mandate came before the fall.

Sadly, this is the first article I have ever read that espouses the new heavens and earth you have beautifully described. I’ll be re-reading this one and perusing my Bible. :)

"We sometimes forget the creation mandate came before the fall."

Ah, yes... so much gets "forgotten," I suspect because of some combination of strong indoctrination and just becoming too habituated to the "party line."

I have, perhaps unsurprisingly, gotten some "push back" on this. Actually, I am somewhat surprised that I haven't gotten more? Hey, one of the "blessings" of having so few readers, right?

Actually, after an average readership of less than fifty, this entry in the series has jumped to over 100... Do you suppose that might have something to do with the word "Sex" in the title? ;)

My friend Lydon, I very much look forward to hearing further observations, questions, and any other reactions after you've done some re-reading and perusing.... Thanks for commenting! ;)

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