The Curmudgeon's Bible - What Are The "Governing Authorities" of Romans 13:1?

in #christianity7 years ago (edited)

"Let every person be subject to the governing authorities."
- Romans 13:1, ESV -

This is my "lightning rod" post of the week.

It's time to address the translation corruption of Romans Chapter 13, Verse 1.

I consider modern-day bad rendering of this verse the "great granddaddy" of egregious bible translation errors.

Why would I classify this as possibly the worst?

I believe this is part and parcel of a systematic conspiracy to divert to the state worship properly belonging to God alone.

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Who or What Are The "Governing Authorities?"
Image courtesy of Pete Linforth and

In today's "Curmudgeon's Bible" article,

I'll limit myself to one verse, examining only a few key words.

Virtually every modern English "translation" of Romans 13:1 renders two key Greek words as a variant of "governing authorities." If you scroll through this list at BibleGateway, you can see how many. On closer examination, you will find that all are relatively recent translations, most within the last thirty years or so.

Is your favorite translation among them?

With such a long laundry-list of modern translations going this route, I will now raise the key question:

Is "governing authorities" a legitimate translation?

I don't believe so. In this article, we will begin to scratch the surface of "why."

These are the original Greek words:

"ἐξουσίαις ὑπερεχούσαις"

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It's all Greek to me...
Image courtesy of meineresterampe and

Here is each word, with a link to its usual lexical meaning(s) and notes on the grammatical form:

ἐξουσίαις - noun: dative, plural, feminine

  1. power of choice, liberty of doing as one pleases
        a. leave or permission
  2. physical and mental power
        a. the ability or strength with which one is endued, which he either possesses or exercises
  3. the power of authority (influence) and of right (privilege)
  4. the power of rule or government (the power of him whose will and commands must be submitted to by others and obeyed)

The word "ἐξουσίαις" has been translated as "authorities." Looking at the hierarchy of possible meanings, by itself, this may not be unreasonable.

ὑπερεχούσαις - verb: present, active, participle, dative, plural, feminine

  1. to have or hold over one
  2. to stand out, rise above, overtop
      a. to be above, be superior in rank, authority, power
         i. the prominent men, rulers
      b. to excel, to be superior, better than, to surpass

The word "ὑπερεχούσαις" has been translated as "governing." I believe this is quite a stretch. You could possibly bend the sense of "superior in rank" to "governing," but it is far from a clear choice.

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How'd they come up with that?
Image courtesy of Tero Vesalainen and

How then did translators come up with "governing authorities?"

Using Google search, it is extremely difficult to find a concise answer to that question. I will probably have to make a trip to the local seminary library to try and unearth the history of those choices.

One thing, however, is quite clear:

The phrase governing authorities is a novel interpretation of the passage, not really a translation at all.

It is really a paraphrase. It is a departure from, for example, the professed "essentially literal" translation policy of The English Standard Version.

Prior to the middle of the 20th century, available translations rendered these Greek words as "higher powers" or "superior authorities." In my opinion, either of those renderings is a distinctly better and far more literal translation.

In none of the other four instances in the bible where this Greek word appears is it translated as "govern." I'll use the English Standard Version to illustrate that this is true, even in a "modern" translation:

The novel translation "governing authorities,"

and the myriad commentaries that now exist reflecting that rendering, act precisely like the first domino in a row... Once you topple the first, the rest are all lined up and doomed to fall.

I conclude that translators who chose the word "governing" knew that it would not be taken in its most generic sense. They knew that the connotative connection with "government" would rule (pun intended) all subsequent thought.

Once you embrace the notion that the first words of this chapter relate to human government, you simply assume the rest. Your mind is open to being brainwashed into sycophantic subservience to human government.

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God laughs at "governing authorities."
(Read Psalm 2:4)
Image courtesy of Paul Brennan and

Here is my curmudgeonly opinion.

Beginning in the latter half of the twentieth century, and continuing to the present, most bible translators have chosen to translate ὑπερεχούσαις as "governing."

I believe this is a choice driven by dark and subversive influences. Translating this way provides the translation committees plausible deniability.

Translators chose the English word possible, but least likely to match the meaning of the original Greek.

Simultaneously, although governing is an English word that could be understood as "superior" or "supreme," it most likely would instead convey the wrong and misleading meaning to the English reader.

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God laughs at "governing authorities." (read Psalm 2:4)
Image courtesy of Ben White and

What's the bottom line for readers of the English Bible?

If you come across something in the bible that doesn't quite seem to fit the overall context, be suspicious. Do some digging. There are a plethora of online tools these days that can help you investigate and study the bible more deeply.

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When it comes to translations, ask questions!
Image courtesy of ShonEjai and

The modern "governing authorities" is not a good translation.

It is a novel, intentional misdirection designed to muddle your thinking.

Don't be fooled into misdirecting your worship to the state. Remember the words of Jesus:

"And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me."
- Matthew 28:18

Visit my Library Christianity Shelf for more in the "Curmudgeon" series.

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Interesting take, here. What do you think Paul is talking about here? It's interesting to me that Paul goes on the talk about punishing evil-doers and taxes: both things that civil governments do.

"What do you think Paul is talking about here?"

Great question.

I plan, God willing and over a period of time, to write more about Romans 13 in context... not only its immediate context, but also the entirety of scripture. I believe it is one of the most severely abused and misused and consequently most widely misconstrued and misunderstood passages in the bible.

I believe that this passage, seen in its larger context, is not speaking exclusively about civil authority, though it may subsume civil authority within its scope.

Thanks for visiting and commenting.

Yeah, I agree it's been widely abused. It's one of the more difficult passages for me. Can't wait to hear your take on it, brother!

Regardless of how one translates the Greek, the state is the object of the passage. And while there are those who will use this passage to manipulate others into believing that they inherently owe an allegience to the state, Paul is simply saying that if you are going to play the state's game, you need to follow their rules. The good news is, believers are not obligated to play the state's game. Unfortunately, most people don't understand how the game works, and end up playing it without even knowing it. Such people tend to be those who use resistance to try and fight the powers that be, which is against Paul's counsel. Little do they know that resistence is like poison ivy, the more you scratch it, the worse it gets. Those who use the state to further their own ends know this, and use it to increase their power, as Solomon said.

"For the transgression of a land many are the princes thereof." Proverbs 28:2.
From my experience, this man does the best job of laying out how the state's game works.

Hi Timothy, thank you for your thoughtful comments.

"Regardless of how one translates the Greek, the state is the object of the passage."

This may be partially true. I believe that this passage, seen in its larger context, is not speaking exclusively about civil authority, though it may subsume civil authority in its scope.

I do agree that head-on resistance is not a good or wise program, and also that this passage may in part be counseling a degree of cooperation where appropriate.

However, there is and must be a clear place for resistance ( James 4:7, I Peter 5:9) when the action and intent of the state is demonic and when we see an opportunity to defend our brethren.

Finally, Thank you for the link to Marcus and Servant King, I will look over that material as I have opportunity.


Thank you kindly for the Re-Steem. ;)

Sweet Jesus i was coming to pray but all the hip kids sent you running away you got egg on your face but the faithful keep washing your feet.

Hi, Jordan,

Always nice to meet a fellow surfer. We also seem to have some common interests in the realm of sustainable living. I wish you well in your sojourn on Steemit.

hey man,

Yes it is, i just recently transplanted to the mountains and miss it every second. Snowboarding should help in the winter and spring!

I have not yet tried snowboarding, but I would love to. My surfing/snowboarding friends tell me that some of the skills are transferrable...

Did you know that band is from San Diego? Love Reliant K.

I agree it was a stretch. Perhaps it was altered to help control the masses to obey the government rather than the TRUE supreme authority of God. Compliance to the rule of government. Perhaps a conspiracy to adjust the Bible to fit the agenda. Don't know. Thanks for sharing.. - Troy

"And they worshiped the dragon, for he had given his authority to the beast, and they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast, and who can fight against it?”"
- Revelation 13:4

Have you ever heard it said, "You can't fight city hall?"

Now you know where the saying comes from.

I concur with your curmudgeonly opinion, I believe in God but I don't trust in mankind, probably half of the bible is already changed. Just out of curiosity; Are you an Atheist?

Hello, friend @jonsnow1983, and thanks for stopping by and commenting.

No, not an atheist at all; I am a believer in Jesus. I believe that Jesus is the one true living God and creator of the universe. After a lifetime of study and reflection, I also believe that human governments are perhaps the greatest manifestation of the gates of hell on earth.

If you check out my Christianity and Liberty library shelves, you can read a lot more about my beliefs. Just click on the GIF below to access my indexed library.

BTW, Thank You for the Re-Steem!


Will check it out Amigo, Thanks! "I also believe that human governments are perhaps the greatest manifestation of the gates of hell on earth" I couldn't be more agree. My countrymen and I are living literally in hell thanks to our glorious Goverment. Best Regards!

Hi, Edgardo,

I am so very sorry to hear of your struggles in Venezuela... I don't watch the news much, but I have seen enough to know that life there is very difficult right now.

I've visited your Steemit blog, and I'm following you now. If I may offer up a suggestion?

I really think that many Steemians would appreciate reading about the day-to-day struggles that you and your paisanos are experiencing in your country. If you could tell some stories about the struggle, I suspect many would want to read.

In case you decide to write a true story like that, Please drop me a note here. I would definitely want to read about it, and if I find it of good quality I would gladly re-steem it.

Thanks for visiting my blog.

Seconded on that. Here in the US the State controlled media doesn't like to talk about what's going on in Venezuela.

Thanks bro! I accept your suggestion with open arms. Best Regards!

Fantastic! I'm looking forward to reading your stories!

Thank you for the insight. I have also come upon things in the more modern translations that I questioned. I now do Bible study with several different versions of the Bible, and I let myself be led by the Holy Spirit.

That is a good thing. If you ever have the opportunity to study Greek and Hebrew, I highly recommend it. While I am far from an expert in the biblical languages, I can at least make some independent evaluations rather than simply taking "typical" translations at face value.

If you found this interesting, you may enjoy the earlier articles in this series.

Thank you for your thoughtful comments.

I have browsed through some of your earlier articles, and find it insightful. I hope to see more as well!

Every religion is teaching peace

Islam teaches war against unbelievers.

Your previous comments under my articles suggest that you may support the U.S. federal government in its global war-making efforts... Thus prompting this question:

Does your version of Christianity do the same?

Thank you for your comment. Have you found peace in your religion?

Peace is a fruit of the Spirit for the mature Christian. No nonbeliever will have peace.

That was my point in asking the question.

John 4:10

This reflects a misunderstanding of many religions.

I think it is important to read much of the scriptures with open yet suspicious eyes. I think those of us blessed with the ability to analyze and reason should do so. At some point, after we've collected enough information and opinions, I think we come to an understanding of what God wants from us. I think he has empowered us with the gift to do that. I think we sometimes have great difficulty accepting what we know in our heart to be true.

I think I say "I think" too much, but I do not think I think too much.

Hello, @moeknows,

Thank you for your thoughtful and insightful comment.

"Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth."
- 2 Timothy 2:15

Understanding and acting on the scriptures is a life-long discipline and challenge.

"...we sometimes have great difficulty accepting what we know in our heart to be true."

This is why we need to interact with others who also respect the scriptures. We also need to allow the scriptures to change our outlook on life.

"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect."
- Romans 12:2


Thank you for this excellent analysis of a passage that has caused a lot of confusion. Going back to the original Greek and Hebrew words is so helpful. When it comes to governments and their authority, or lack thereof when it comes to Believers, I also think of the following passages, in fact, I was just reading these this morning so your post was very timely for me;

1 Samuel 10:19
"But you have today rejected your God, who delivers you from all your calamities and your distresses; yet you have said, 'No, but set a king over us!' Now therefore, present yourselves before the LORD by your tribes and by your clans."

1 Samuel 12:12
But the thing displeased Samuel, when they said, Give us a king to judge us. And Samuel prayed unto the LORD.
"When you saw that Nahash the king of the sons of Ammon came against you, you said to me, 'No, but a king shall reign over us,' although the LORD your God was your king.

1 Samuel 12:17
"Is it not the wheat harvest today? I will call to the LORD, that He may send thunder and rain. Then you will know and see that your wickedness is great which you have done in the sight of the LORD by asking for yourselves a king."

1 Samuel 8;9
Now therefore hearken unto their voice: however protest solemnly unto them, and show them the manner of the king that shall reign over them.

1 Samuel 8;11-15
So Samuel spoke all the words of the LORD to the people who had asked of him a king. He said, "This will be the procedure of the king who will reign over you: he will take your sons and place them for himself in his chariots and among his horsemen and they will run before his chariots. He will appoint for himself commanders of thousands and of fifties, and some to do his plowing and to reap his harvest and to make his weapons of war and equipment for his chariots. He will also take your daughters for perfumers and cooks and bakers. He will appoint for himself commanders of thousands and of fifties, and some to do his plowing and to reap his harvest and to make his weapons of war and equipment for his chariots. He will also take your daughters for perfumers and cooks and bakers. He will take the best of your fields and your vineyards and your olive groves and give them to his servants. He will take a tenth of your seed and of your vineyards and give to his officers and to his servants.

Certainly sounds familiar.

Psalm 20;7
Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the LORD our God.

Thanks, friend, for the encouragement, and for sharing these other scriptures that show God's attitude towards usurping human "government" quite plainly. :D

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