Is it a SIN to Lie to the Government?

in #christianity7 years ago (edited)

"The men the American people admire most extravagantly are the most daring liars; the men they detest most violently are those who try to tell them the truth."
- H. L. Mencken -

We first need to ask a simpler question.

Does the bible condemn all lying?

The answer to this question is not as obvious as you might think. Most everyone will agree that the core teaching of scripture on this topic comes from the Ninth Commandment.

"You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor."
- Exodus 20:16

Notice the word "against?" If you carefully research what scripture says about lying, you will find the morality of lying is inextricably linked with the purpose and intent of the lie.

Table of Contents

Do you intend your neighbor harm?
Image courtesy of Breno Machado and

Do you intend your neighbor harm?

If you are using your words to intentionally harm your neigbor, then lying - either about them or to them - is wrong. You are initiating harm against your neighbor with your words. This can be seen in the context of many scriptures about lying.

In this clear example from the Psalms, lies are a weapon of destruction, used to attack the innocent:

"More in number than the hairs of my head
    are those who hate me without cause;
mighty are those who would destroy me,
    those who attack me with lies.
What I did not steal
    must I now restore?"

- Psalm 69:4

Several other similar references, Isaiah 32:7, Psalm 109:1-5, Psalm 31:18, Psalm 52:1-4, all connect the act of lying with the intention to initiate harm.

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Midwives lied about the baby boys.
Image courtesy of Ranjat M and

Now consider these "white lies" when Israel was in Egypt.

You can read the entire story here.

The king had ordered the midwives to kill all male Hebrew babies at birth.

Not only did the midwives disobey a direct order of the king, they lied about it. When the king asked them why they weren't killing the babies, they lied and said that the babies had been born before they arrived on the scene.

Were the midwives' lies sinful? As evidenced by the fact that God blessed the midwives and their families, they were not. Pharaoh had to find others to do his dirty work.

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Rahab lied about the spies.
Image courtesy of Christine Schmidt and

Truth and lies figure prominently in the story of Rahab.

You can read the entire story here in the book of Joshua.

Israeli spies were investigating Jericho in preparation for an invasion. They were staying at the home of Rahab, a local prostitute. Word of their presence reached the ears of the king of Jericho.

Rahab hid the spies among food supplies on the roof of her house, which was an integral part of the city wall. When the king's servants came looking, she lied to them, saying that the spies had already left.

Later on, she extracted a sworn promise from the spies to protect her and her family when the invasion came. Their oath was truthful, the promise kept.

That Rahab's lies to the king were not sinful is evidenced by the fact that she is cited as a hero of faith:

"By faith Rahab the prostitute did not perish with those who were disobedient, because she had given a friendly welcome to the spies."
- Hebrews 11:31

When a government is evil and destructive,

as virtually all human governments are, not only is it not a sin to lie to government agents, it is an admirable thing. Although it may superficially sound extreme, murder is the logical end of every statist policy. When government seeks to rob or kill you or your loved ones, you are morally justified in resisting.

Though having no shortage of flaws, the founders of America also saw matters this way. Thomas Jefferson's personal seal bore the motto "REBELLION TO TYRANTS IS OBEDIENCE TO GOD."

But I am not your conscience.

I've written this article to help inform your conscience, but don't carelessly ignore it. Be sure that any action you take is based on carefully studied and firm conviction.

"For whatever does not proceed from faith is sin."
- Romans 14:23b

Table of Contents

Your family is paramount.
Image courtesy of Kris and

Is it right to resist?

You must decide for yourself whether or not it is right. When the government seeks to rob your honestly earned wealth, consider Paul's admonition:

"But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever."
- 1 Timothy 5:8

It is clear to me that my allegiance is first to God, and subsequently to my family. I owe no allegiance to any human government that pretends to rule over me. I am morally justified in doing whatever is necessary to provide for my family and and defend the fruit of my labor from robbery by government.

If that includes lying, so be it.


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Theologian Charles Hodge wrote about this. He did an excellent job.

Essentially, the Bible commends many people who "lied" according to modern commentators. Rahab, Rebekah, David's spy who gave false counsel to Saul, and Hebrew Midwives are all lauded as saints. The principle is that ethical rebels against God do not deserve truth.

Also, deception can not be deemed inherently evil. Otherwise, camouflage is a sin.

Thanks for the post @creatr!

Hello, @ironmanmatt, and thank you very much for adding to the conversation.

I appreciate you pointing out these many other instances, as well as the fundamental legitimacy of deception in self defense.

Thanks very much for your helpful visit and comments.



No problem, I love conversations regarding the Bible and applied theology. God's Law is the only true way to provide, protect, and grow freedom.

It is clear to me that my allegiance is first to God, and subsequently to my family. I owe no allegiance to any human government that pretends to rule over me. I am morally justified in doing whatever is necessary to provide for my family and and defend the fruit of my labor from robbery by government.

Amen brother!


Thanks for the encouragement, friend! :D

A person who never lie and bounded to truth then whatever he say it becomes realty, if he blessed a person to become rich then he will become richer. In our scriptures lie is not considered as sin when there a harm to life.

Hello, @krisatnet.

Thank you for stopping by, reading, and sharing your insight. I appreciate it.

But the government lies to us, I think we should do everything in our power to lie to the government. Great post! Power To The People! ✊🏿

Yes, you can usually tell that a politician is lying.... any time you see his lips moving.

Thanks for your comment.

Hear hear!!

I agree your opinion but how lightning picture is related to moral behind of lying?

Thanks for your visit.

You could call it "artistic license." Or, a representation of God's anger against sin.

oh i see now. like zeus maybe?

Yes, kind of like Zeus, hurling lightning bolts... ;) Purely symbolic.

Thank you for taking the time to share this, and I particularly liked your comment, "Yes, you can usually tell that a politician is lying.... any time you see his lips moving." Ain't it the truth!

Hi, Mary!

I appreciate your visit and your encouragement. Hadn't you heard that one about politicians before? It's not original with me... But I do find it amusing in a sad sort of way... :O

Good morning creatr..... when I wake up after thanking God for a new day my thoughts are usually about striving to be a decent person. Keeping the focus on myself instead of how I can impact others. Our lawmakers would do well to incorporate that habit into their lives because their actions suggest they start their days in a different direction.

Sounds like a good discipline.

Yes, I would be content if the state would simply leave me alone instead of meddling in every detail of my life with demands and coercion. :(

I enjoyed this. There is so many doctrines floating around based on misinterpretation of scripture that I'm generally turned off, but this was a pleasant change from what I'm referring to.

Do no harm is a great law to live by :)

Thanks, friend, for your kind and thoughtful comment.

I have a great reverence for scripture, and tremendous frustration when I find it misused and abused, especially when doing so supports evil...

Agreed, it's what turned me off so much that I went way the other way. Lately I have been able to look at the bible and stop hearing the bullshit, excuse my language, interpretations of long ago pastors.

That is excellent good news!

I certainly understand and can sympathize with tendencies to be a little "reactionary," especially after having your mind freed from the shackles of BS agendas...

I hope you've seen some of my Bible Curmudgeon series? I'm trying to go down the list of what, to me, are some of the more egregious misrepresentations of scripture.

Admittedly, some entries in my series are no great shakes, or pet peeves, but I hope to also hit on some of the really badly state-worship-twisted "standard" presentations... ;)

I plan to file them all on my Library Christianity Shelf... :D

But the Government has been lying to us all this while. Lie and then ask for forgiveness.

Yes, indeed it has. That is simply because human government is the spawn of Satan. Here's what Jesus had to say about human government:

"You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies."

The human government is full of flaws and weaknesses.

I only lie to keep the peace.

Sometimes I have to lie myself to sleep...'cause I'm so bad.

~smiles fer miles~

Hmmm... OK...

Not quite sure what to make of that, but I appreciate your visit and your time. ;)

I agree wholeheartedly with every word.
Feeling some moral obligation to obey or be honest with the state is bordering on worshipping a false idol.

Thanks, Matt, for stopping by, reading, and chiming in with your affirmation.

Good, good point about "false idols." ;)

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