May 30 Days Writing Challenge - Day Twenty Four: 3 Accounts I Follow On Steemit Because They Are Useful

in #challenge30days6 years ago (edited)


I have been meaning to join in on this writing contest ever since it started,  but oh well, life. never the less, there are still a few more days left.  I am planning to make good use of them . Soo, Help me God! lol

@dragosroua has created very simple topics that anyone can participate in really, so if you want to join in on the few days left, i encourage you to do soo. For that matter. i will use some of his topics for the contest for my future posts , even if the contest will have ended already. 

so lets get on to it. 

Three accounts i follow on steemit because they are useful to me. Here they are and reasons why. 

1. @extremeromance

I love traveling, so much. i have a dream to do so, someday soon. But for the meantime, i travel through peoples post. On my feed here on steemit, and even on Instagram, i follow many people with travel related posts.  I love to live virtually in their world for the moment. i came across this couple  few months ago, when they posted that they decided to both quit their jobs and go on the road, they started with Nepal and conquered the Himalayas , they awoke something in me, and i have journeyed with them, ever since. They went to India, and now are in Bali, i just love them.

2. @surpassinggoogle 

if you know me and my journey here on steemit, then this should not come as a surprise at all. oh my, you probably will have to forgive me, because i have mentioned this  person too much in my posts. i just cant help it because the love he passes around is REAL. I have not seen any one here on steemit, supporting the growth of minnows like this  person does.  and he does it all, for everybody , to everybody . he spreads the love around equally. and to be honest, i am still standing strong on this platform, because of him. i don't even know him personally, but i can tell of his love. 

3. @adsactly

i think what this person does is give content creators, the perfect platform to publish their posts in order for them to receive their much deserved attention. one of yje authors he has given the lime light too is a lady i have come to admire here on steemit @jeanwandimi. i love reading his posts which always make it to the trending page. they have a great variety of diversity that makes his followers not bored and always looking forward to the next one. Lots of useful knowledge derived from his posts.

The list goes on and on, but since i am only required to present 3, then there goes my list. 


Previous Posts In The Challenge

 source from @dragosroua


Everyone seems to be following @surpassinggoogle
Nice one


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