May 30 Days Writing Challenge - Day Two: If You Will Get 1000 STEEM Tomorrow, What Would You Do With It?

in #steemit6 years ago

Welcome to the second day of the May 30 days writing challenge. If you don't know what this challenge is about, please have a look at the introductory post. Also, at the end of each article I will post the links to all the posts in the challenge (if you're joining the challenge, I encourage you to do the same). Also, if you join, don't forget to tag your post with #challenge30days and also leave a comment with the link of your post, so I can evaluate if you're one of the 3 lucky Steemians that will get a full upvote from me.

If I'll Get 1000 STEEM Tomorrow, What Would I Do With It?

At first, I thought this would be an easy question, but then I realized it's not that easy. After all, you just got struck by luck, enjoy it and move on. Well, I don't think so...

And it's all because of the mindset. A "short game" mindset will push you to quickly take profits and run away. After all, you just got some free money, right?

But a "long game" mindset will make you at least sit for a while and ponder a few things. And if you're really into the long game - which, as long as it is, it's always more rewarding than the short game - you will start asking at least some of the following questions:

  • if I just got this money out of thin air (or "rewards pool", if you that's how you want to call "thin air", or a random whale, or whatever) what were the processes that led to this? How this happened?
  • if I understand the processes above, would I be capable of generating even more STEEM?
  • if I live in financially stressful conditions, do I have the necessary mind clarity to understand what asset has more value: the fiat money I will get by selling this STEEM, or a combination of crypto assets built on top of it?

I think the most important question is the first one. Because the "thin air" part of the whole thing will probably push you to assimilate this process to a lottery. I just got lucky. And luck, by its very definition, it's unpredictable.

Well, nothing more wrong than this. Getting STEEM (even from somebody else) is not a lottery. That person got that STEEM before you. He may have gotten it very early, as an investor, he may have mined it, back when mining was still possible on the STEEM blockchain, he may have generated it by writing posts or by commenting, or by curating other articles. All of these are predictable processes. You can learn how to do them. Even if you are struck by luck and you find in your wallet 1000 STEEM tomorrow, sent by an anonymous whale, that whale got to that STEEM in a certain way. It's up to you to understand these processes and to try to repeat them.

Also, the last question, the one related to persons living in financially stressful conditions, is very important. It may not look like I know how it is to live in financially stressful conditions, but, believe me, I do. And I know how important is to keep your mind cool when you have a mountain of debt above your head, or when you're struggling to make ends meet because the country you're living in goes through some tough time. And I know that it really pays off to always think long term. If you have to meet a certain financial threshold to survive and move forward, ok, sell some STEEM and pay off the debt or provide for yourself and for your family. But try not to sell it all. Always keep some aside, as an investment. We're going through a massive change in the history of humanity, where fiat currencies will be eventually overthrown by cryptocurrencies. I'm not saying that STEEM will be the de facto currency of the world, or Bitcoin, or Ethereum. I have no way of knowing this. But I know STEEM is in a very good position to secure at least a part of the future crypto currency assets. In other words, it will really pay off to put some aside.

And now, after I sketched the overall approach, let's see the actual answer: what am I going to do with 1000 STEEM if I get them tomorrow, in my account, sent by an anonymous whale?

Well, here's how I will divide it:

  • 50% power up
  • 35% power up and then delegate to specific projects (not necessarily to bots, although some of the bots are ok)
  • 15% converting into other crypto assets (buying into other tokens, to reduce exposure)

The 15% may seem a bit confusing: if I believe so much in STEEM, why would I want to reduce my exposure? Well, because the market is a living being and it fluctuates. That 15% parked in more stable assets will come in very handy when the price of STEEM will become attractive again and I will be able to get even more of it, cheaper.

Now it's your turn. Don't forget to post the link to your post in the comments.

Previous Posts In The Challenge


First of all, I’ll say “thank you fortune!”

Next, I’ll power up on 100% and use them for supporting Steemit community. I do believe in our pond)))

100% powerup ...

I would also do that, hopefully one day I can have so much steem hahaha

First of all, I’ll say “thank you fortune!”

Next, I’ll power up on 100% and use them for supporting Steemit community. I do believe in our pond)))

I think I would just let it ride... in a power-up. I like and have many coins and tokens elsewhere, but where else can you not only grow your own, but help others grow theirs as well.

I have in the past powered down a lot to buy other coins and tokens, but now what I get in Steem stays in Steem. It is growing and I see it as far more stable than other projects out there... so 100% Power up here.

100% powerup.
Also i will help other minnows.

Thank you very much for this challenge dragosroua
Anyway for only 1000 steem i power up all 100%
Here are my entry for Day2 :

Hey, I know you!

yeah me too .

Being quite new to Steem, If I was suddenly given 1,000 of them I would spend the first few hours trying to figure out what they really are.

I think being early into the game, powering up to have a bit more influence and status would be a good idea. I like the people I have met here and seeing their work recognised would make me happy.

it i would 1000 or more steemI will just power up and upvote myself and other minnows like me.

Too many things to do
The first thing to increase the proportion of energy 60%
Second thing I will buy a car because it is my dream and I am a child to have a personal car 30%
I will donate to the poor 10%

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63747.71
ETH 2543.33
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.66