Follow That Hair!

in #beauty7 years ago (edited)

Hair. Many see it as your crowning glory. Some see it as something rapidly fleeting. But everyone can agree- hair is a very personal thing.

Those tresses on your head are rightly yours, and only yours.

So why does modern culture have everyone following the masses and styling their coif as everyone else does. Oh look, (insert famous singer here) cut her hair? I must do the very same thing, where’s my stylists number?

Hair should be as personal as the individual. I am a white girl with dreadlocks. Sure, I get the common misconceptions “What’s it like to stop washing your hair?” Wait, what? I wash it every two to three days! Anyone who knows hair knows clean tresses lock faster.

My hair is actually healthier than it was before I locked it. I now do not use any chemicals- organic pure cleanser only, because I now know firsthand that anything you put onto your hair stays in your hair and alters it from the very root.


Did I do this to follow anyone? Let me ask you this- can you think of any white girl in the media with dreads?

I used to follow the trends and colors of the season. Ever changing. Spending a small fortune. But now I am truly happier. And my hair has never been healthier! And it smells divine, something I never got from store bought shampoo as I learned how to make my own from natural ingredients.

Do something for you and do your hair the way you want for a few weeks. See how this changes your perspective on a whole lot of things :)

Happy Thanksgiving my friends! I am thankful for you.

This post is inspired by the 5 minute freewrite hosted by our very own @mariannewest :)

I appreciate your support :)

With Love and Light and Good Mojo to my Tribe!


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I'm starting to think we might be connected trough a collective unconscious because I had been preparing a post about my current hairstyle for a few days. And just then you make a post regarding to hairstyles, so let me share mine:
enter image description here
The full post about it

I never knew you have dreads! That's awesome!

because I too had dreads a while ago but I was supposed to leave it as a secret for a future post where I'll elaborate more on my hairstyles, but let's pretend nobody saw this... 🙊

I had that very same thought not too long ago...!

Your secret is safe with me :)

@arbitrarykitten Women with great smelling hair is HOT !

Lady Gaga has a song called "I am my Hair". My hair is pink, mischievous and spoiled. :)

I used to :)

OMG perfection!!!!!!

Too funny- this is the only picture I think I have on this computer with my pink hair- and you and I happen to share the same pose...

We know how to pose for a selfie. :)

Vogue, baby

True story - I know this kid. He's my hubby's art teacher. That gif was part of a project he did.

Ongsh, the pictures are hilarious! The most dramatic hair cut I’ve done is a really ugly short length the lady cut wrong and then bangs. Btw, I love the way you organized your previous post at the end of your post. 👏

I once had the back short and super long bangs, too! Unfortunately it was before Pink, or I could have styled it better with a comparison. Needless to say, I couldn't do with it what I wanted, lol, but at the time of the scissoring, I thought I was the shiznit ;)

Yes, you would have been, but now you are pretty big deal too! Your gif game is so strong

Thank you. Thank you very much :)

I don't use chemicals in my hair either. Well, hair dye lol But those a pretty chemicals. And bleach. But my shampoo and conditioner are all natural. I alternate with Green Beaver's Cranberry one and a Tea Tree Oil one from an Australian company (not Aussie). My hair is no longer waxy. It's also growing much faster, which makes me so happy. I want it long, long, I say. It is long, you say? It could be longer! (That's what she said!)

I take care of it all myself now too, no hairdresser to trim split ends, cut ends to adjust length or anything like that. Maybe it doesn't look liek that super model's hair, but it's mine, it's green, and it's long, and it doesn't cost me anything lol Other than the hair dye. But the argan oil helps it stay not too dry and not too brittle, especially int he Winter.

Happy American Thanksgiving to you then. We had ours last month :p Hope the food is good.

By the way, that kind of mullet type hair cut from that image, here we call it a "Coupe Longueuil". My sister had one of those when she was young. I sported a mushroom cut for the longest time. Growing up in the '80s was so much tougher than people realise haha

HAHA Priceless. Beautiful fashion of the '80s lmao

Hair has always been an issue for me so I keep it pretty short all the time
When I was a young one, if my hair grew it would grow curly and I would always get the Ohh the girls would love your curls from random people so I cut it short and always have, now by hair is thining on top but if I try and let it grow the curls still come so sticking with super short which works for me

Happy Thanksgiving

Why so self conscious about the curls, Jay?

they just don’t suit me especially now that I am going bald in spots lol

Copy that. My oldest son took years despising his strange ginger curls, but he has finally made his peace with them :)

I was planning to grow it out when I retire but long hair and a bald spot justvfo no go well together

I had a white teacher back in the 80's who had no choice except an afro. He wasn't particularly pleased by it either.

The teacher had the unfortunate name of 'Kirk' so of course the kids called him 'Kink'

Love the lizard hair doo I want that although don't think work would agree. Dam the who are they too rule my life, I need to be free haha.

I've have many colour can't find any pic though :(

My hair is normal now!

lol, okay, fine then!

I just don't know what do with this mess...
Suggestions welcome.



How 'bout a shaved design?!

I'm sorry, I didn't make myself clear - I actually meant 'what can I do with this mess, without actually doing anything that entails doing anything with it'


Ok, I got it.

Pass out at a college party. It will be taken care of for you.


the perfect solution! lol

I thought so :)

I did the 3 prompt series this weekend then fell asleep on my keyboard somewhere between editing and formatting... Lost the whole thing! I was so mad I just left my computer.

I'm doing todays tho! Thank you :)

Oh no!!! That is so frustrating!!

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