Beware of Online Predators

Its easy to fall into a whirlwind conversation with a great person online. You get along beautifully, play well off each other and even like the same things. Before long, you're telling them things you probably wouldn't have told someone you met in person after only a short time!

But I hear children telling faceless online people their full names, birthdates and addresses! They believe the gamer on their team is a kid their age. They do not feel fear- they think it's just a kid halfway around the world.

This is what predators are counting on. They act like you and side with you, and always share your interests. Online predators quickly become your best friend.

Warning signs to watch out for in children:

  • conversation stops or computer tab switched when an adult walks in

  • child becomes secretive

  • begins acting suspiciously

  • online "friend" asks lots of questions

  • child stops hanging out with friends, instead starts spending free time online

Most online predators spend months "grooming" a child. They will stalk them online; visiting all their social media sites to learn all they can. They ask many questions and make the child feel validated and special. They will always side with the child against their family and parents. They gain the childs trust. Then they move in for the attack.

Remind children to talk with a trusted adult if anyone online:

  • asks for personal information- full name, location, address, phone number, where you go to school, etc.

  • wants to meet in person

  • wants to send gifts

  • turns you against parents and guardians

  • isolates you from friends or activities

  • sends sexually explicit material

  • says or does anything which makes you uncomfortable

  • tells you to keep something secret

  • threatens you

Anything you say online stays online

  • Photos and words you type online are there for anyone to see. Once they are published you cannot take them back.

  • Photos and videos posted online can be accessed, saved and altered by anyone in the world

  • This applies even if it's set to "private"

  • Private conversations can also be saved

Think before you post! Anyone can see, including potential employers and the public.

Always trust your instincts, they are never wrong.

Stay safe my friends!

Have you had an experience with an online predator? Share what you learned in the comments.

I appreciate your support :)

With Love and Light and Good Mojo to my Tribe!


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Nice one I love this post, the thing is that some of are parents don't even care about are children, to know who or whom they are chatting with online, it truth that anything you say online stays online, are children sud be be careful that all.

Kids do not know better, it truly is not their fault before a certain mind-age. It is up to the parents and teachers to help keep them safe- that's what adults are for...

I got tangled up with an online predator once. First thing I knew, he was eating at my table and I was married to the creature. For sure, it's a cautionary tale, but not all of those have tragic endings. He keeps the bed wonderfully warm on cold winter nights. He's also a pretty good webmaster, especially since he still works for food.

Ah, yes, yours is truly a tale with the oft-mentioned yet rarely encountered happy ending :)

I would say you are lucky, but I sense your creature is the lucky one ;)

(You are right, but don't tell R I admitted it.) Ha ha, very funny.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


If you are a minor and your Catholic priest sends you a friend request, contact the authorities immediately.

Shared to FB in an attempt to spread awareness and prompt an increase of Steemit users! You've been Furr'd.

Is this the guy who called me a "whore" earlier today? Yes. Yes it is.

Go to the comments tab on his profile. The hypocrisy is breathtaking.


@arbitrarykitten I must have been sleeping I missed seeing this post earlier. That's OK though since I am here now. Great advice for everyone to be secure and safe.

Lol no worries, great to see you :)

Yes, it's important for everyone to be aware, even childless adults :)

Thank You, you Warm my Heart Kitten !

Thanks for sharing this important information with us .
Making people aware of predators hunting teenagers.
They should be hunt down and held guilty for their heinous acts.

It's easy to overlook, as it sometimes seem like it'll never happen to me but there are predators lurking and it's better to be safe than sorry.

It's a shame, and we cannot live in fear or turn off our wifi, so we must be proactive and diligent and protect ourselves and loved ones.

It's better to be cautious and protect our loved ones than to regret after becoming a prey to these monsters.

Great post ! Thanks for sharing

Thanks for reading :)

dear plz help me.......

What have you done to get your reputation so low?

what do i do now

Write original posts every day. Comment with well thought out and conversation starting comments on fellow Steemians posts to make friends. Do not spam. No hate speech. Do not beg follow4follow or upvote me and I'll upvote you.

If you write original and interesting posts, you will gain a following naturally, and your reputation will grow. Give something to the community and you will get something back :)

Nothing comes for free :)

This is good to know, most of which I was already awake, but as the kids gets older, they're going to want more internet access. We let them play games, Frank has some options switched so that they can only access a select few sites and nothing else.

Next year, my step daughter is starting High, School. While at home she won't be online much, only for papers if needed, at school, she could be online more often. I started chatting at school.

Back then, there were Internet cafés, now there is Internet at home, and parents who are aware and who want to supervise. Frank does not want any of the kids using Internet in their own room, until they are 16. They will use the computer in the living room, the screen is the TV screen, it's big. So it will be for research and we will see if they go anywhere else. It might seem strict, but outside of small chats in school, the first time I went to an Internet café with a friend was at 15.

The kids are already awake or some behavious of predators, because of what I've lived, so they know some of the signs of someone with malicious intent.

It's tricky, but I believe we have enough knowledge to help protect them and we may impose certain restrictions, but we still allow a lot of liberty and we let them know why we decide certain things when it's relevant. We will also need to trust their judgement and that they will tell us if they meet someone online who seems fishy or just let us know so we can ensure the person is legit.

Sounds like you have everything thought out and planned, good job!

I don't believe children need personal cell phones until late middle school/high school. I see little kids who can barely talk on iphones- it's so unnecessary imho

Same here. We spoke to the kids' mom when she mentioned that Frank's daughter had asked her for an i-phone. The High School already requires them to have i-pads for research in certain classes, so that's already something extra. We all agreed that she can have a cell phone when she has a job and can pay for it herself. This might seem to her, maybe later on, as unfair, but when she actually does get it herself with her own money and is able to manage her first expenses, she will have such a sense of accomplishment and responsibility, she will be grateful that we never handed it to her. That kind of feeling is important in a person's development and self-esteem.

I absolutely agree 100%!

this is absolutely true. the internet is a way to lure kids and make them vulnerable to their wishes of predators to make them their accomplices of whatever bad intentions they intend to do.

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