Shoe. 5 Minute #Freewrite

in #fiction7 years ago

The shoe sat there, never moving. It had been staring at the same wall for ages. People and shoes walked by it, ever by it, never stopping.


The shoe barely remembered love. The fun of running, of jumping. Of being a part of something.

Hell, the shoe would even love to sit through a full day of lectures, bored out of it’s shoelaces, than…


Unwanted. Unneeded. Nothing more than a discarded heap of leather and cloth. Missing its twin. Missing.

The rain, the dogs, the cars and bikes. Shoe did not see these anymore. As shoe was fading from consciousness.

Loss of love does that.

When you no longer are needed, when you no longer belong, you begin to fade and melt into oblivion.

You become a thing. Then a nothing.

No love equals no-thing.

I appreciate your support :)

With Love and Light and Good Mojo to my Tribe!


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That was pretty cool babe.
I suspect it may be a clever anology. Great work Kitten ❤️

Write what you know...


This was so deep. I liked how you connected a simple shoe to something so profound and even painful. You also opened up some of my wounds and took me down the memory lane so you really have quite an ability to touch the hearts of others. :)

Oh. I don't even know what to say hun. Thank you.

Hugs for you <3

That brought tears in my eyes. How many greats have come and gone and now their memories are all in the dust or like you said "melted away". This is what reality of life is that when you are no longer needed on earth, you fade away.

Thank you for writing this. Resteemed

Even one shoe can be needed. I know a young teenage boy in our village that was born with only one foot. If I ever come across a left shoe, slipper or any footwear, I will stop and pick it up and put it back in circulation. So, even one shoe doesn't have to be lonely!

Oh how serendipitous! And the shoe in the image I found is a leftie <3

Yes, I noticed that too! ;)

Wow that was deep... upvoted and resteemed!!!

No love equals no-thing.

Yes and it is sad when love grows cold. People treat other people as things, not as people made in the image of God. @ironshield

Everyone belongs, and should never be discarded...

Poor lonely shoe! If it only knew that there was a whole world of crafters out there that would love to use it as a planter or something else artistic.

Or, look at the very top comment here by @retiredinsamar ;) Seriously, this could not have been more accidentally perfect!

That's hilarious!

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