Writing Challenge Update - Week 1 Entries - And Week 2 Writing Prompt Reveal

in #writingprompt7 years ago (edited)

Hi Everybody!  Welcome to the Writing Challenge update.  Entries are now CLOSED for Week 1.  Thank you for all who entered!  A list of all eligible entries is below for you to visit if you have not already done so.

Week one saw an amazing turn out of brilliant writing.  At least two of our entries had the pleasure of being #curie award winners, which is amazing!  Those folks have already been awarded far more than my little challenge prize payouts.  Most importantly, it indicated the level of writing we have to offer Steem right here in my little Challenge following.  And who knows... maybe Curie eyes will be on us next week too. ;-)

So I am going to keep this as short as possible, I had Lasik surgery (successful) this morning, and my eyes are still blurry, so I'm fumbling my way through this.  Here are our eligible entries for week 1.  It now becomes the responsibility of @hopehuggs, @arbitrarykitten and myself to come to a consensus on the winners.  Payouts will be awarded by no later than this Sunday along with an awards post.

Your Week 1 Entries, in reverse order of how they came in:

 creativesoul53  ·  My entry...called this short story 'Elysia One' https://steemit.com/writingprompt/@creativesoul/plain-mike-s-writing-prompt-challenge-elysia-one-original-short-story

harrywill52  My entry. 





ascharya47 That is an amazing artwork! Here is my entry for the challenge.

topkpop49  ·  Alright, said I would try this out so here it is.

decimus63  · I really enjoyed this contest - thanks for setting it up!
Here's my entry: https://steemit.com/writingprompt/@decimus/plain-mike-s-writing-prompt-challenge-next$0.30

mother2chicks54  ·  Hi there, this is my entry for your writing prompt contest https://steemit.com/writingprompt/@mother2chicks/plain-mike-s-writing-prompt-challenge-bionica
Thanks so much for putting this together!🐓

wandrnrose751  ·  This was fun to write and l love the art! Thank you for the prompt. Here is my entry: https://steemit.com/writingprompt/@wandrnrose7/plain-mike-s-writing-prompt-challenge-a-femmebot-scorned

authorofthings48  ·  Here goes mine: https://steemit.com/writingprompt/@authorofthings/i-am-neil-the-forgotten-one

spokerman1245  Thank you for hosting this contest! Here is my entry: https://steemit.com/writingprompt/@spokerman12/plain-mike-s-writing-prompt-challenge-entry-216-b

rensoul1753  ·  Greetings to all and thank you for this opportyunity @mikepm74, here is my entry https://steemit.com/writingprompt/@rensoul17/plain-mike-s-writing-prompt-challenge-periphery-2-0

bigdave225043  ·  Here is a short poem hope you like it 


mitchelljaworski62  ·  Woohoo! After seeing @kubbyelizabeth entry decided to jump in on the challenge too!

kubbyelizabeth52  ·  I gave this one a go. Here is my entry called Robo Girl :D

agsttne52  ·  Hi there! Here's my entry 


carlschrijft40  ·  This what I made of it. Hope you like it ;)


Please make sure you give all of our writers a visit, a follow and upvote their stories!  They all did a terrific job, and the judges are going to have a tough time choosing the winners.

100% of the liquid reward from the post will go into the reward pot to fund this and future events.  If you like the idea of getting artists and writers together, please give me an upvote so we can continue to put these challenges together.  

Now who is ready for this week's new prompt???

We're going a little silly this week.  If you haven't visited our featured artist's blog yet, you need to go see @fishmon.  He does a Steem inspired set of Hearthstone Cards that are a lot of fun. When I asked him about participating in the art prompt challenge, he immediately pointed out that one of his characters needs a backstory.  So without further ado....

<center> RADOWHALE

Extra credit will be given if you can put together a story utilizing more than just this one of fishmon's now 38 cards.</center>

Entries for week 2 will be open until 19:00 Eastern Time Thursday, September 14.  Please link your entries in the comments below.  I will be working on the judging format this week, so not announcing any guest judges at this time.

Entries need to contain the tag #writingprompt and be titled: Mike's Writing Challenge Week #2 - Your title

Enjoy the new challenge, go visit the entries from week 1 and give them an upvote.  Let's have another great week of writing!!!

And please be kind...




Steem on Crazy Steemers!!


My entry ! Can't resist a Final Call!
"Randowhale Is Awake. Me, Not So Much"

Terrific! Thanks for getting in under the gun! I look forward to the read!

Awesome Mrs Huggs!!! ;-) Look forward to reading all the entries this evening!!

Lady Huggs if you don't mind lol

My entry for week 2 writing prompt https://steemit.com/writingprompt/@mother2chicks/luck-of-the-draw
Thanks for putting this on, wanted to upvote but it wouldn't let me. I can transfer a upvote to you.

Thanks for getting your entry in! If you feel like upvoting a post of mine, feel free. But it is not required for the contest.

I look forward to reading your entry!!

Don't know how I let this one slip through the cracks, but I'm in! Here ya go: https://steemit.com/writingprompt/@mitchelljaworski/mike-s-writing-prompt-challenge-2-the-ponzi-player

hey what card game is that? not Magic right? lol

According to @fishmon these are Hearthstone Cards. I'm not familiar with the game, so I am taking his word for it.

hahaha you must love this @fishmon to took his word lol

do you play any card games?

@fishmon is good people. I suppose if I was that interested, I could look it up. But not all that worried about it.

I played Magic the Gathering DECADES ago. But not so much anymore. My 10 year old has Pokemon cards coming out of his ears, but he doesn't know how to play the game correctly, so I avoid that whole mess. LOL

I have no time for writing my Steem posts let alone play card games for FUN! LOL

Good luck to everyone! Am reading....

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Resteemed your article. This article was resteemed because you are part of the New Steemians project. You can learn more about it here: https://steemit.com/introduceyourself/@gaman/new-steemians-project-launch

Cool deal I will work on a story for this one

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