Zuthphen: Resto Review and City Architecture in Impressionism Mode

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

Have you ever heard of Zuthphen? It used to be a port - round and looking like a castle in a moat with just a very few houses inside it before the WWII. It was heavily damaged so just a few of the thick wall were left. Jack took Jackeline there to unwind because she gets sickly when what she does gets routinary.

They went there for the Whispering boat and you may read about her log on it here.


After the boat ride Jackeline decided to take a leak so they headed for the resto where they could claim their free coffee. They've also decided to take a snack since Jackeline was famished for having her energy drained from all the attention and glances her boat mates threw her. She's never getting used to being stared at - now she really gets it when her students used to tell her how awkward it is for them to be stared at the whole half an hour train ride on their field trips. Everywhere in the world, its very much the same. You look different - and your skin tone is different from the locals you automatically get stared at.

Back at the resto - this is what she and Jack had and her review on that International Resto.






Zuthphen is one of the oldest cities in The Netherlands and to give you the idea of how old it was - it actually looked like this before. A ringed port.

Only these were what's left of those ringed ports that were heavily damaged during the WWII.
***To give you that same feel of what it probably looked like I've decided to present the photographs I took of the city of Zuthpen in Impressionism - digital style.




Yes, even that Berkel Bridge where Jackeline took the whispering boat was part of that ringed port.

This city has also been licked by flames which destroyed most of the houses there which brought all those buildings above since an order has been released that houses must only be built in bricks. One of them burned architectural design was this Walburg Church which was a project of a bishop for a German Emperor who used to live in the Walburg Ring Port.

This is what it looks like from the hotel Hampshire resto where Jack and Jackeline had fresh mint tea and another beer just to refresh themselves up before they went to their vegetable garden.

On the way back home, Jackeline noticed a few men on the road hanging some lamps on the street. She took shots of them lamps and then braved asking the guys - "What are these lamps for?"



They told her, that night the EURO RUN for cancer will be passing by there and it's going to be a long night for them so they've decided to hang these lamps to show them their support through these lights as that part of the city is rather gloomy after 23:00 pm.

The city was soon empty though it was Sunday but surely more appealing.

**sources 1,2

*** I took these pics with my Samsung Galaxy A3, 2016 and turned them into digital art there as well.
Are you still reading this? Given a chance, would you check Zuthphen out?
Thank you very much!
Till the next travel post!

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Here you can find my other reviews, travel/weekends out and culture and traditions related articles.

Restaurant Review : EU : NL

I usually blog about cooking, gardening and photography and if you happen to be interested in all of those, too .



I look on your photo @englishtchrivy that u ve enjoyable travelling. U deserve to get upvote. I hope someday i could visit it. Visit my blog for latest post, i hope u like it. Have a nice day.

thank you, I wish you the same thing :)

Like old Lhokseumawe

Looks lovely @englishtchrivy.

What beautiful photographs.


thank you dahlin ..
inspired by you :)

Hi ya....we are burning the candle at both ends.....are we?

Very kind of you.....aw! ^_^


......now has earrings...what do you think...?

The energy out here is palpable....


Wow, that is beautiful scenery! It makes me want to go there! :)

The pics of the food make me hungry ... really good

and the historic pics are excellent..

I would check it out. Such fantastic architecture!

are you coming here on a holiday?
pm me :)
no tweet me hahah

'proof of yum' nice.

Haha yes I heard of it, you have a Dutch reader. It's actually written as Zutphen, but don't worry about it, our language is in possible haha. Great to re-discover my own country like this, thanks for writing it down.

hi you!
I haven't seen you for quite a while
am glad you're alive and all seems well cause you're up again
Yes it is Zutphen indeed :)

Sometimes there's internet, sometimes there's not haha. I put some recent posts about Brazil, if you're interested ;) Looking forward to more Holland posts!

Great place! Do not know about the coffee question, guess there was some fish involved and I lost my focus. ;-)

Like some filters you have used there Ivy!

no more coffee for me - stomachache :(

Take it easy, coffee can be bad to drink sometimes...
Hope you soon feel better Ivy!

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