Restaurant Review : EU : NL - French

in #food8 years ago (edited)

I took each pic with a Samsung Galaxy A3 2016 edition.

Here you can find my other reviews, travel/weekends out and culture and traditions related articles.

I usually blog about cooking, gardening and photography and if you happen to be interested in all of those, too .


I took some of these pictures with my Samsung Galaxy Note 1 and some with my Samsung Galaxy A3, 2016 edition.


great work!! Amazing... up and resteemed**

@homeartpictures really?
thank you very much!
not joining the SCC this week?

really. SCC contribution has just been submitted!

Lovely! ☆☆☆☆☆😎

@michaelstobiersk thank you !
post again you! :)

Hi! I'm so glad when I see you somewhere out of my blog. Have a good day @michaelstobiersk ♡♡♡♡♡😍

Hello @bontonstory. It's good to meet you unexpectedly!

I'd like to introduce a good dentist for the gold. :)


Well done!

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

@kus-knee oH! thank you!
it's always nice to see you around!

Good post. I love French cuisine.

@shady thanks!
me, too
I think everyone does

The bon-bons look so yummy. Looks like you have a great time at the French restaurant.

@anca3drandom they are indeed and they have fruits and some have nuts and truffles in them.
We just finished the 2nd tier
yes we did have so much fun - the waiters were so entertaining and funny, too
I haven't seen you in a while I hope all is well with you!
reminds me of @poeticsnake..

I have been a little busy I guess. Hope to be soon more active :)

@anca3drandom I think we all are ..
time seem to pass by faster these days ..
soon I'll be busier, too specially in March - gardening will surely eat me up
it's my shrink - but free :D

Very lovely.

What editing tool did you use to make the nice red-box presentations?

@creatr hi, thank you nice of you to drop by
I'm sorry for the late reply I must have already unplugged when you wrote this

these are all pictures I uploaded at imgur
I edited them in paint in the comp
then wrote those text on it using Arial - font size :72, some bolded and some 85 and 100
then I just used the same box over and over - just saving each of them first and then copying a bit of red and pasted it and stretched out to the whole box. You can do it too better yet .. choose your own color, font and font size
I'm only doing this to distinguish my review post though :D

Hi, friend @englishtchrivy, Thank you so much for explaining things to me!

I understand completely now, and appreciate that you took the time to make me understand.

Yes, it has a very nice effect and makes your restaurant review posts very distinguished! Keep up the good work. 😄😇😄


@creatr you're welcome !
always glad to help
it takes a bit of time though
and the challenge is to make your text fit in the box
its handy when you make a mistake though.
good luck with it I was worried my explanation was unclear as my brain is sick too today

I'm not sure if I'll try it or not, but I always like to have new ideas ready and so just knowing about it makes me happy... Thanks again!

I'm sad to hear you're not feeling well today. I wish and pray for you a speedy recovery! Hope you're feeling as good as new, or even better, soon! :)

@creatr thank you! that's very sweet
well I haven't been kind to myself lately so abusing one's body would definitely take its toll - I need to slow down so its all good

What an amazing experience and review. Love to read each of your words, actually feeling a bit more hungry now that I finished.
I know it's not appropriate to ask, but this bill kept in the two digits (€) for one person or for ​both? Got curious how much a regular meal costs in The Netherlands (of course this one must be more expensive)!

@liliana.duarte thank you.

this bill was 3 digit cause we had a lot - including the machiato and cakes I didn't take a pic of .. but this meal alone is also 3 digits cause we added coffee in it plus water too but its for 2

a regular meal in Holland .. you could get a French fries - with a chicken snitzchel and a salad for 5 euro.
In this resto the salad was just 4 euro so it's not that much is it. A huge French fries is 1.75 in a normal snack bar here, too.

Thanks for your reply. That place must be really special!!

Glad to know a regular meal there has a regular price for a Portuguese wallet!! The resto from the link has very similar prices with what we can find here.
I laugh so much when you said the plates looked like licked by a cow, I do the same thing when I enjoy a meal! ;)

@liliana.duarte oh not everything here is expensive there are many cheap ones and they also have food chains but I like the Asian more
we have something like this a lot of street foods that are very cheap but yummy I suddenly miss Thailand I want to fly there now .. I haven't been to Portugal just been to Spain almost drove there in 2015 from Spain but our vaca was cut short due to hubby's work

Thanks for your input. I got curious because I always listen people saying that Portuguese food is great and cheap. That's why I expect expensive restos (for my wallet) in other european countries. It' possible to find street food in Lisbon (Martim Moniz square), but not in other cities because they all have many restos where we can eat cheap (10-15€/ person). I'm sure if you ever come to Portugal that you will love our cuisine, who don't!? ;)

@liliana.duarte probably!
I hope I make it there one day indeed!

Shake it! You shot all this on your cell phone?
You are truly capable people. ^^

Hi, nice to see you here. ^^

@sochul nim, oh long time no see!
thank you!
I shot the pics but the text and the red boxes I made them myself :)

This is great @englishtchrivy
Thanks for sharing :)

@bontonstory thank you :)

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