Sharing Kansas City Steemit Summer Party Experience and Links

in #steemit7 years ago

Great time meeting & interacting with Steemit users and sharing links of projects related to people I met in person!

credit: @jessamynorchard

With my recent experience I want to take the time to share links related to Steemit, people and projects I have had the opportunity to interact with and sometimes lend my assistance. So much has changed since last summer with my catapulted involvement in so many places with lots of fun to be had and many challenges and even more rewarding experiences.

Will be talking on BeyondBitcoin of this recent experience to explore how we may work on and help others with community events related to steem(it) & other crypto as we work together to spread the use and usability. You may vote on my comment to have me speak earlier HERE: RE: [Guest Signups] Beyond Bitcoin Hangout #213 - 6/30/17. You're invited to check out other projects presented this Friday at 10 AM including: @mrwang's News, Entertainment & Marketing Team, A WangChange Project, and @thekyle's AskSteem Updates/

Backtracking to last summer for a moment when I started interacting with people I found myself working with @sykochica on her founded idea of Steemprentice which we hope to bring back to life more in the near future. As I little mention @steemprentice is now set to vote current members with 10% votes which may be noticed today onward. Will do a post explaining more in the near future. Was great to meet after all this time.

Steem summer party teaser
Steemit Photo Challenge: Entry 2 - Post Steemit Meetup Breakfast!

Great time having breakfast with @sykochica & @jacobts where we talked about many ideas. Look forward to seeing some ideas implemented and working with these two in the future!

Steemit Business Cards : Download > Print > Share 100% Free! by @steempowerpics

#SteemGigs: I'm in need of a Graphic Designer to make a Business Card

Great to see the response for this idea! Would love to see other things like pens and pads of paper that I mentioned at some point. These would be great at meetups to spread the word and as tools for people to be ready to take notes. Unused tools such as these could be given / shown to current and potential steem(it) users.

#GetYourAssOnSteemit Meme Kit: Growth Idea For The M00n

My first EVER Steemit Meetup! What an Amazing time at the Steemy Summer Party in Kansas City!

I was also really excited to be able to meat the non-virtual @VirtualGrowth who I've worked with for so long dating back all the way to the beginning of the Steemprentice mentor group. ~ @sykochica

After the Party I got to have dinner with @sykochica & @jacobts both of whom I had a great time chatting with for many hours over the course of the weekend.

Thank you to @jacobts for two nights of a place to sleep and great hospitality who I have offered to help anyway I may and look forward to working with and meeting again some day! Originally bought a round trip ticket but decided to stay longer and ride with them back to St. Louis to spend more time together and extend my trip which resulted in another (one way) plane ticket back to Las Vegas. We also stopped at a Russell Stovers Store where I got some dark chocolate. :)

Breakfast for Champions in KC MO

Was delighted to make this tasty breakfast for friends and steemit champions, @Sykochica and @VirtualGrowth... ~ @jacobts

The Kansas City Steemit Summer Party Stories

Buddy. It's been an honor getting to hang with you. Thanks for stopping by the Show Me State on your Freedom Flow. And just so everyone knows, thanks for all the generosity you share with everyone. ~ @jacobts

Thank you for the great time at KC Summer Steem Party!

Kansas City's First Steem Party 2017 Was A Success! Check Out The Video

Initially I was only thinking of going with my reply, "50% chance of attending as I would like to, but not near by but traveling around I may stop by for this. Will better figure out my travels as this gets closer."

Then I read some replies thatvalued my visit from @jacobts, "It would be a humble honor to meet you and the other pillars of power here in person." & @stellabelle, "it would be so cool if you could come. I know we would have a lot to discuss, especially the Steemgigs stuff....which I am going to focus on more now... plus you're such a cool person. Please?"

How could I not go along with the chance of meeting many people I would love to meet!? Thank you to everyone for the amazing experience!

VG Spotted at KC Summer Steem Party with Early Responders Links!

Was great to meet @jessamynorchard and see and hear her perform for us as well recording a few songs which you may check out here:

♫Jessamyn Orchard - Live at KC Steemit Summer Party and Steemit Local Music Society! ♬

Also sent her a surprise 100 SBD tip in a great appreciation of her showing up to perform along with looking for ward to her work with starting the Steemit Local Music society.

Normally set out a tip jar when I perform live, but am considering a virtual tip jar (i.e. You like it? Tip me in Steem or SBD transfer for this performance in lieu of (or maybe in addition to?) the jar.

Seems my STEEM found the virtual tip jar from my virtual being ... and was then powered up! :)

Gig Reflections: @stellabelle's Kansas City Summer Meetup: I love meeting Steemians.

Join The Steemit Local Music Society on Discord HERE

@stellabelle's Summer Steemit Event is Today! Honored to have been asked to play a set for everyone! :)

Steemit Music Community UNITE: The Steemit Local Music Society Launches NOW on Discord! (Includes Invite Code)

@virtualgrowth ultimate thanks. For everything.
Not just for the support of my content and ideas, but for all you do for the platform as a whole and your literal wealth of wisdom and practical knowledge.
It sounds so sentimentally-sappy, but honestly, I can't even express how privileged I felt to finally meet and talk to you. I'm still processing everything I took in while I was there. All my Steemit love to you, my friend. Thank you for making it to hang out with us.
All love. <3 ~ @jessamynorchard

Most ultimately welcome!

Wow, Thank You For a Great Returning Welcome Steemit! (a recap of these two weeks back on Steemit, plus what I plan to do next...) by @fungusmonk

It was nice to meet you and hear about your poker experience! My Bitshares is fungusmonk459. Looking forward to more of your posts, as I only learned of you just before the meet. ~ @fungusmonk

virtual-growth sent 0.01 WANGCHANGE to fungusmonk459 1 minute ago
virtual-growth sent 0.1 VIVACOIN to fungusmonk459 1 minute ago
virtual-growth sent 0.1 ZAPPL to fungusmonk459 1 minute ago
virtual-growth sent 1 STEEMFACTORY to fungusmonk4591 minute ago
virtual-growth sent 1 WHALESHARE to fungusmonk459 2 minutes ago
virtual-growth sent 0.1 VIRGROW to fungusmonk459 2 minutes ago
virtual-growth sent 1 SBD to fungusmonk459 2 minutes ago
virtual-growth sent 1 STEEM to fungusmonk459 2 minutes ago
virtual-growth sent 1 FISTBUMP to fungusmonk459 3 minutes ago
virtual-growth sent 10 BTS to fungusmonk459 3 minutes ago

How I Ended Up Meeting Stellabelle, Papa-Pepper, and others at the Steem Summer Party in Kansas City!

Geat to meet and chat with @fungusmonk, who helped us clean up, & @sylviategan who I chatted with some between listening to and recording @jessamynorchard.

It was really great to meet you @virtual growth! Enjoyed speaking with you!! A fair amount of what you were talking about was almost like a foreign language... But I love to learn!! I am going to get a bitshare account & will let you know my bitshares name! :) Thanks!! ~ @sylviategan

KC Summer Steemit Party- Loved it! by @sylviategan

Up voted your post is really nice I was there and it was nice to be around everyone it was really nice meeting you ~ @rebeccabe

The Steemit Gathering 2017 by @rebeccabe


But where are you? Never saw one photo of you! ~ @surpassinggoogle

I almost got a great photo of you myself in this selfie...
Not sure what happened. Your face was totally there a minute ago. ~ @papa-pepper

@virtualgrowth has metaphysical powers which allow his face to disappear or magically be covered by an icon. He's a wizard. :) ~ @jessamynorchard

Last I remembered, @virtualgrowth had been in Florida, so when I found out that @virtualgrowth was going to be at the party, I really wanted to come. It was great to meet @virtualgrowth and I was impressed with the technical knowledge that @virtualgrowth has, since I am not so techy. Though you may see the body in some of the meetup posts, you will not be seeing the face of @virtualgrowth. That's one of the cool things about steemit too; even when someone wants to remain anonymous online, they might still come out to meet you face to face! ~ @papa-pepper


Would you believe that Monster Truck the Pepper has already been to 3 Steemit Meetups?

Seems @virtualgrowth has to try to get to more meetups to catch you with this Steem-tastic four year old! ~ @virtualgrowth

Steem-Ups: The Importance of Real Life Friends (RLF’s) by@bluerthangreen

Very nice to meet you man! ~ @jasonrussell

Steemit Steeemy Summer Party Was Great Time!!!!!!! by @jasonrussell

Steemit Steeemy Summer Party Loose Park KC, Mo (Lots and lots of pictures) Hosted By @stellabelle

We had a great time. Very nice to meet you. ~ @clickinchicken

Steemy Summer Party-Great Time, Great People by @clickinchicken

It was really nice to meet you and chat for a bit @virtualgrowth! ~ @melodyrussell

Summer Steemit party by @melodyrussell

Steemy Party in the Park in KC, MO! (Are you ready for a TON of pictures?!?)

Redeeming my Stella coin!

Steemy Summer Party Kansas City by @goatgarden

Ten Reasons to go to a Steemup, Steemfest, Steem Party or other Community Meetup by @reedracer

After this great experience I am thinking of dedicating more of my time & energy to meetups of various kinds & places.

Thank you to everyone in the steemit community that has helped make sch a thing possible and more to come!



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