My first EVER Steemit Meetup! What an Amazing time at the Steemy Summer Party in Kansas City!

in #steemysummer7 years ago

Words can't fully describe how awesome it was to meet so many Steemians face to face!

I was pretty bummed out having to miss the Springfield, MO meetup back in January due to moving to St. Louis just a few weeks prior. Even though I did get to talk with @Papa-pepper and @Stellabelle on the @steemittalk podcast through just wasn't the same. This time around I was DETERMINED to make it no matter what!

Just like time spent here on Steemit, it felt like there was SOO much packed in to a couple of days. @Jacobts and I left St. Louis on Saturday morning and managed to get to the park in time to help @Stellabelle get things setup. I was absolutely flabbergasted by how much she put into this with things like having "Fun Car" spelled out on her vehicle in black tape, had Ned dollars attached all over the place, her HUGE Steem-bling necklace and a massive amount of fantastic food. I have to give her mad props for all of this on top of the actually organization of the event which is no easy task.

She even had the amazing idea to have "Full Vote Certificates", a Steem Coin and a business card for every attendee. The best part about these is that once a certificate is used, we are supposed to pass it and the steem coin on to another Steemian who can then redeem it once and pass it along again! What a great idea...I love it! :D

I didn't get to take a ton of pictures (especially compared to some of the others), instead focusing more on getting to talk with everybody, especially the newbies (shocker I know.) It really was a great time being able to meet everybody, put a face to the names and just spend some real life time with so many great people!

The passion, intelligence and friendliness of every person there was beyond compare!!

I was also really excited to be able to meat the non-virtual @VirtualGrowth who I've worked with for so long dating back all the way to the beginning of the Steemprentice mentor group.

The Few Pictures I Took

I did wander a bit at one point to take some pictures of gorgeous flowers that were around the park. I've posted a few of these and will have the rest in a separate post. There were some people who I didn't get much time to talk with, but I honestly hope to be able to rectify this at some future meetups!

Special Thank Yous!

I wanted to give a special thank you for @Stellabelle for making this all happen and to @JessamynOrchard who had a phenomenal performance (and made sure to bring the Weird Plastic Baby!)

It was great to meet everybody that made it there! It was really a very special experience for me!






@rebeccabe with her husband and adorable dog Max


@sylviategan + her mom and grandma!










I was so inspired with my FIRST EVER Steemit meetup that I just can't wait for more! Over the weekend many of us already started talking about getting St. Louis and Springfield Missouri ones organized ideally in the next few months!

After all talking with @stellabelle, @virtualgrowth, @jacobts and @fungusmonk until about was finally time to at least get myself checked into my hotel for the night. Myself, Virtual and Jacob then skidaddled to find somewhere for some dinner, ending up at the Green Room, which just happened to be next to the improv building that Jacob had done a workshop at in the past.

How amazing was it that the stars aligned that he was able to run into some of this old friend how came through the restaraunt after their show!!

The Next Morning and the Drive Home

@Jacobts's sister was nice enough to let him and @VirtualGrowth stay at her house for the night. And the next morning I met back up with them over there, where Jacob made us a fantastic breakfast while the three of us talked Steemit and Crypto for HOURS!! Thank you Jacob!!

After being on the road for a while, I started to get really tired and wanted to pull off for a bit. We were just going to do this in Columbia, MO and find somewhere for me to wake up. But WAIT!! What was that sign right there?!?!?!?!

Russell Stovers Store?!!?! YESS!!!!!

Every time I traveled from Springfield to St. Louis I would see one of these shops but never stopped. NOT THIS TIME!!! OMG OMG OMG!!

The shelves and shelves of chocolate, fudge and other sweets! I ended up grabbing a few boxes (one for me, one for my mom and one fro my sister.) If we stayed much longer, I would have REALLY been in trouble.

This was JUST what I was needing to finish the drive home. Man was I exhausted, but I'll remember this weekend FOREVER!

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where's randowhale? :)

He was hiding behind that REALLY BIG tree! Next to the land shark! Lol

Ooh, man! I would have loved to have been here, but honestly I don't think I'm worthy! Hahaha. Look at all those whales!!!! Jeezlaweezafreakinlukeskywalkertexasranger!!!!

Nonononono..there was someone there that had joined the day before. There were a lot of other new people there too! That's what made it so much fun! Personally, I spent most of the time with the newbies!

People are people on here...not Steem Power level, reputation, etc....just people. :)

Great to meet and spend time together @sykochica and get some talking together of our shared crypto & steem(it) passions. Great to work with you and interact with you over the past year and more to come!
shared on twitter

virtualtoken Virtual Growth tweeted @ 27 Jun 2017 - 04:13 UTC

My first EVER Steemit Meetup! What an Amazing time at the Steemy Summer Party in Kansas City! — Steemit… /


Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

Things are only gonna get more amazing from here!! :D

nice photos! awesome necklace!

Thank you! :D

I'll admit I think my flower pics came out better than my people ones. And these don't compare to some of the other's like @melodyrussell and @jasonrussel's. I highly recommend checking their posts on the event to see those!

And thank you!! I love that makes me smile. :)

Wow sykochica - Seems to have been quite a party. As you have described - The main attraction obviously was meeting other Steemians and exchanging excited views about Steem. However, I can not help noticing the funky sunshades, the nice Steem medallion and the smart outfits of Steemians. The food also seems to have been great. I would love to attend such a Steem event. Sigggghhhhhhh. No such events in my country yet. Someday, I will gather enough Steem to fly to attend one of those. :) Thanks for sharing. Upvoted

I would be honored if you take a look at my latest blogs when you have time. Your valuable comments are eagerly awaited. Thanks

Very cool stuff! KC is really close. I wish I had known about this!

DOH!! Sorry we weren't able to catch you for this one.

However, after I get caught up on life and sleep..I'll be workin to organize a Springfield and St. Louis meetup within the next few months. :)

Whole thing sounds awesome! Nice pictures. And Omg yess. I want some Russell stovers now lol

It was a unbelievable time!

Hehe...that was totally the icing on top!

They had boxes the size of boardgames in there!! It was nutz!! and quite dangerous. Lol

Yeah very dangerous!

great photos

LOL ! That was Funny 😂😂😂

That's awesome.. so u had fun.. and those picture of dollars are so cool. "Ned Scott" will be so proud of watching this.. haha 😂 and yes I want that chocolates. Lol.. 😂😃😊😄

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