#SteemGigs: I'm in need of a Graphic Designer to make a Business Card

in #steemgig7 years ago (edited)

I'm looking to pay 25 SBD, but this can be negotiated.

What I'm looking for is a Graphic Designer (or any one with the skills) to create me a generic business card that Steemians can add their user name on so they can be easily handed out. Right now most of us have to write down the site name and the address to our own blogs. I want these to replace the need to write things down as well as add that little bit of professionalism.


  • 3.5 inch x 2 inch size
  • Must have a Steemit logo on it (you can use artistic license on which one)
  • Must have steemit.com on it
  • Must have a steemit.com@/ line where users can put their their own user names into later
  • on the back put: "Steem work makes the Dream work."
  • be a jpg or pdf file (including photoshop or other layered files too would be great)

I'm willing to give a lot of artistic license outside of these requirements on layout, coloring (probably still good to be based around the Steemit colors), bordering, fonts (as long as they're readable) etc...

If interested feel free to contact me by leaving a comment here or send me a direct message in steemit.chat or discord (my name is the same in these.)

I'm stoked to be able to higher a Steemian for this job! I had a time frame of about 2 weeks in mind, but I'm somewhat flexible on this if you feel it would take longer.

[NOTE: I'm not a designer myself, so feel free to make suggestions.]

[UPDATE: There's already been a big response to this. I'm new to putting out #steemgigs, so hadn't thought there'd be so many wanting to do this. I hate making people do extra work when it can be avoided. If you are able to do a quick, rough mockup it'd help me find the ones I'm looking for, without having to put in all the hours first. But I've got to go to work right now and will be back this evening to follow up with this.]

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check this guy out - https://steemit.com/@chrisgoans

Awesome, ty!! I'd seen him around, but didn't know he was a graphic designer too. Extra bonus that up till recently I lived in the same town he does. :P

@sykochica, I can recommend @missberg, she made some excellent business cards for me 👍

Oh hell yea!! Thank you! I'll check her out :)

I have the designs still on my machine - see what you think...

Was the design that I went with

She came up with a variation as an alternative option too

Not sure if you want the back of the card, but she did that as well for me - although I've blurred some of it out for privacy reasons


Alrighty. First draft.



Nice!! Gimme a few days to look this and any other that are submitted over.

I love the back!

Cool. Btw, I've got this in jpg and pdf forms

Sorry for the bad timing with me having to have an expected break from my computer. Since I didn't like what this break caused, I want ahead and paid everybody that linked a submission here.

If you still had any larger around, I love to get the images for these. Since I'm going to use them all as options for people to choose from.

No problem. I'll send you the images and even the PDF on steemit.chat. that work for you?

Thank you a lot!

No problem at all. Took me about an hour to whip up. I've been around the "starting a business" block a few times, so business cards are definitely something I'm good at. Might even make a whole gig for it :D

Did you have any larger versions of these available? No biggie if not

They should be 3.5"x5" or whatever the standard business card is. I'll get on my computer and see how big the jpgs i have are



I took my old business steemit card which were made just to be given out to new people and changed it a little bit to match your description.

Sorry for the bad timing with me having to have an expected break from my computer. Since I didn't like what this break caused, I want ahead and paid everybody that linked a submission here.

If you still had these around, I love to get the images for these. If you wouldn't mind, could you make a version with no name after the @ so people can put their own in there? Since I'm going to use them all as options for people to choose from.

Hey sykochica, do you still want to do it? Because I have seen that you do it by yourself.

Bigger images.

That's freaking awesome!! :D
I'm gonna give this the week, just to let others get submissions or mockups in...to be as fair as I can. But I really do love this! :D

@skyochica how were you looking to distribute these - from a post or website? I ask because depending on the intended use (home printing, vistaprint or other professional printing) the source files can be large in size.

I have come to appreciate your energy and drive in support of the Steemit community, with events, contests, and networking. You never cease to amaze me. I can definitely draft up some designs to add to the mix, having multiple designers and designs would give people a nice selection of unique styles to choose from. I would not require payment for the designs I contribute since this is something in support of the whole Steemit community.

What I had in mind was to gear this to allow Steemit users to add their name onto the card and then print them through a drop-shipper like vistaprint. I remember them (and others) having the upload a template file sort of thing.

I'd figure if the files were high enough quality for a service like that, they could also be done with a home printer if people wanted. Just to allow both routes.

My thoughts were that even if people didn't have photoshop, they could always use something free ranging from paint to GIMP to get their name typed in there with a font of their choosing.

While I'm stoked to make it easier for people to have their own Steemit business cards in general...my end goal of this is to have them for people organizing, running and/or attending meetups (both social and informational.)

I'd love to see what designs you had in mind. I just figured I'd start easy with one (though definitely open to having multiple available.) I would still like to pay something to those doing the work...even if those SBD are simply paid forward to somebody else. :)

With all this being said...having the layered files available would be good to me to have in hand when it's all said and done...however I would likely distribute them to others as a pdf, jpeg, etc so people didn't require a specific program to open them.

And thank you for the very kind words at the beginning! (You can probably tell when I get into 'business' mode. lol)

You're welcome. Sounds good. I will put some things together for you in the next day or so.

Good Evening @sykochica - I have 4 card designs completed. 3 are single-sided where the back can be blank or have an optional Steem logo, 1 is a double-sided design. I have all the file in hi-rez (300dpi) print ready format both with and without bleed, along with the editable PSD source files posted up on my web server.

Let me know how you want me to go about this. I don't want to blast web links all over your post :-) Should I create a post with preview images of the designs and list links to all the files people can go grab and download them and link that post back to your post?

Join our discord server: https://discord.gg/wWrnSXK
It would be lovely! Over a hundred steemgiggers now!

I am a member on discord. Thank you. I joined a few days ago for a photo contest I entered.

Welp gave you some upvote. . lol..maybe I can get some time rest from building our team sites...and i havent gone to sleep yet so if this message is
totally>>that>>way> >> then you know why lol..im sure you will find a bosstype plenty to chose from...I Love Steem its like a New Earth LOL <3 @sykochica

i can do it!

Nice! This is my first time doing something like this. So I hadn't honestly expected there to be many people wanting to do it. So I figured I'd let this run at least a couple days to see who all wants to do it. I'd love to at least see a quick mock up of what you had in mind.

I think it is very interesting Right???

I can make some business card designs. It's my 30th birthday, so I'm a wee bit busy, but I can find a couple hours to sit down and work on it in around 4 or 5 hours. Sound good?

Happy Birthday!
Let me take a look this evening at who all is wanting to do it. I'm down to see what you've got in mind. Enjoy the bday though.

@sykochica Here is my first draft:


Sorry for the bad timing with me having to have an expected break from my computer. Since I didn't like what this break caused, I want ahead and paid everybody that linked a submission here.

If you still had these around, I love to get the images for these. Since I'm going to use them all as options for people to choose from.

Awesome! Thank you!

And sorry again for the delays on my end.

I can recommend vistaprint. I got these cards recently. They have an awesome website where you can custom order your cards and design them in all different ways with a variety of finishes as well.

1business card.jpg

No problem.

Avery was better and cheeper than Vista

Join our discord server: https://discord.gg/wWrnSXK
It would be lovely! Over a hundred steemgiggers now!

Join our discord server: https://discord.gg/wWrnSXK
It would be lovely! Over a hundred steemgiggers now!

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