Steemy Party in the Park in KC, MO! (Are you ready for a TON of pictures?!?)

in #steemit7 years ago

This is going to be considerably large post as far as photographs are concerned. However, the ol' brain is about to shut down, so I won't be clogging the post with my "wordy-words" (as @jasonrussell) describes my writing style ;) My main motive tonight is just to share photos.

That said, I'll keep this short and sweet by saying that this was an incredible day of learning, networking, and just hanging out with kickass Steemians! I will probably edit in the near future to caption the photos and to shout out to of the awesome people that were a part of this. And, of course, to write, write, write about what an uplifting experience it was!

Super short shoutouts though, to @stellabelle for organizing the event, and all the time she invested into making food, and bringing all these people together for a real life experience! To @sykochica for taking the time to chat with me and sharing her optimism and wealth of knowledge, and to @jessamynorchard for providing some badass unplugged acoustic tunes!











































It was wonderful to meet all of you! And like I said, I'll be adding more of my words very soon to describe my take on the days events. @jasonrussell will be adding his set soon, and he got some really awesome stuff! (Keep in mind, I'm a little rusty in the photography field, so Jason will be sharing some super badass shots from his camera!!!) For now, I hope you enjoy the view from behind my lens! Steem on!


It's great to see Steemians getting together. The fact that you'd never see something like this occur with something like Facebook is further evidence to me that Steemit does a lot of things right. I'm envious. I wanna meet Steemians near me! Alabama anyone? lol.

Never with Facebook! Wholeheartedly agree! This was such a cool experience and it's all thanks to @stellabelle for making it happen. I highly recommend creating an event like this to all of you Steemians out there! There were only about 20-ish people at this one but it was great because it was an intimate gathering that gave everyone the chance to converse and engage! And people drove from all directions to be there! (It was roughly a 4 hour trip one way for us.) You guys can make it happen too! 😊😊😊

Damn. Cool beans!

You know that feeling when something cool happens? Yeah, that. Thanks for being there to capture and share the moment.

It was very cool to meet you @jacobts! I thought I had more pictures in of you in my set, but you can definitely expect some from @jasonrussell! I was so happy to be a part of it, to meet all of you, and to help Jason document the event!!! :)

Great shots @melodyrussell! What a great afternoon. All those Steemit heavy hitters in one place! Awesome you were there to document it!

Thanks @kommienezuspadt! I felt very privleged to be a part of it!

Awesome photos!!!! Thanks so much for taking these!!! They are all really great, but some of the ones you got of @jessamyn playing are SUPER great!!! <3 Let's do this again soon, yeah? :)

This really does need to happen again soon! It was so great to see you and reconnect with you @sylviategan!!! I'm so glad you've decided to join us and I'm looking forward to seeing what you bring to the platform! (Loved your poetry post, by the way!)

Aw! Thanks!! That's about the only decent poetry I've written...So there probably won't be too much more of that.... BUT, you never know! Once the creative juices get to flowing.... Really looking forward to YOUR posts as well. Your photography is awesome!!!!!!!

So cool to meet all of you!

Great idea! Good way to meet fellow Steemians.

It was so neat to that Steemit brought us all together in one place to have fun and discuss so many topics!

I need a Steemian necklace like what Papa is wearing! OMG!

Just so AMAZING! :)

I thought you said that @papa-pepper was in some of these pictures?

He is in the first photo of this post and in several others.

It was a camouflage joke, sorry

Derp... lol, I should have picked up on that. I'm sleepy ;)

Wow congrats to all of steemians

A lot of picture and sounds like one big reunion full of fun! How was the guitar music? What did he play? Somebody needs to write a song about Steemit! thanks for sharing this. Looking forward to more!!!!

She played an acoustic set of her original songs. She is a super talented musician and a great person! Follow her @jessamynorchard! I bet we could come up with a song about Steemit ;)

I will check out her blog. YES WE NEED A STEEMIT SONG!!!!!! Someone needs to write one. With all of us musicians we should at least get one song. Perhaps a song writing contest with some steem as a prize! LOL IT would be great advertising of Steemit!! A Jingle or something.

There have actually been several "Steemit Songs" entered into the weekly #openmic contests over the months. :)

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