Fuji 5Lakes Training Blog - 12.16.17 - Icy Rain / Fighting Winter Laziness / Thoughts from Church

in #running7 years ago


The laziness isn't really about the running itself. That felt great tonight. The laziness is about just getting my ass out there.

Winter's hard. It's dark almost all day here (no sun to speak of, really, and the sun goes down around 4:30), cold, and rainy. Inside the house there is Steemit, whisky, oranges, and heat. There's an all-around feeling of lethargy (which is actually quite nice, at times, in its own way) and hibernation. Lacing up the ol' running shoes to head out in a pair of shorts and light t-shirt is a distant-ass memory. Summer's gone, and my body's telling me to get fat so I can survive. My brain is telling me "You bastard! You're running 73 miles in April, you can't get fat now!" On top of all this I noticed that my mental state has been swinging back and forth through depression/mild existential crises again. In light of all that, I had to get my ass out there tonight.

Running is kind of like the metronome and balancer for my life now. If I don't run, and get all those random thoughts and feelings filed away, and work that frustration and anxiety/angst/static stagnation out of my body, something just. ain't. right.

Tonight's lesson from church (i.e. running with headphones and an ambient playlist on):


Thanks for reading.





Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as Facebook and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)


Winter's hard. It's dark almost all day here (no sun to speak of, really, and the sun goes down around 4:30)

That sounds just like the UK mate. 😂

I was running up until a few years ago when my knees decided to stop me. I used to listen to Rage against the Machine to really get the legs pumping. Listening to those guys spewing out the truth used to inspire me to go harder, give it a try buddy 😉

Glad that you can keep on track and get out and do something. I am the same way in the winter months. I hibernate, do a lot of cooking for the family, and only go out for work. Then it's back indoors to work on hobbies and wait for spring.

"...Inside the house there is Steemit, whisky, oranges, and heat..." I was like "mmmm" ☺

Take care @kafkanarchy84!

Haha! Yesssss. What's funny is that as I was reading your comment I felt the same way about:

I hibernate, do a lot of cooking for the family, and only go out for work. Then it's back indoors to work on hobbies and wait for spring.

Cheers, @jbcoin!

When I think about my own running and laziness it's the same... once I'm out there it's great. The hard part is just getting out the door.

Did you catch the ultra-marathon podcasts I sent your way? What did you think?

Dang. I think those got lost in the shuffle. If you don't mind posting the links here once more I'd be much obliged. Or if you can just point me in the right direction. OR. I'll just go back through my posts and find them! Lol. Either way, yeah man, just getting out there is the hardest part!

Always worth it though, huh.

Peace, @v4vapid.

Success is the pursuit of your heart

It's good that you started running, moving your body again. Depression can destroy you mentally and physically, so I am very happy that your body noticed before it get worse 😊
Do you run outside? I have been doing workout challenge with steemit and has been to gym 6 times a week since I started.
Now I know you run too, so I feel like now I have running mate ;)
Thank you for sharing your life @ kafkanarchy84 !

Hi, @kawaiipower! Great! Yes, let's be online running buddies!

Depression can destroy you mentally and physically, so I am very happy that your body noticed before it get worse 😊
Do you run outside?

Thank you. You are so right. Yes, I run outside, or in a tunnel near my house that goes under the Shinano River. Good on you for taking the workout challenge! That's awesome!

Cheers, @kawaiipower, and have a great day.

My treatment against cold, wim Hof method. Can go outside in my t shirt in snowy icy cold ice burn. Also feel allot better and stronger and have less overall pain. It works, which is awesome.

I'll have to check out the wim Hof method. I'm not familiar with it. Cheers, @geckothailand.

Wow great thought friend,the ultimate destination of the river is the great ocean. Japan is now in a deep winter blanket, we Indians have experiencing a little bit winter Now. Thanks for sharing such a beautiful thought, enjoy your time friend.

the ultimate destination of the river is the great ocean. Japan is now in a deep winter blanket, we Indians have experiencing a little bit winter...

Thanks for sharing such beautiful words. :)

I know the feeling of being alone with only steemit. Even here in the Philippines luckily we don't have winter thankfully because I don't have heater haha or else will be freezing to death.

As of now I don't know what my heart really wants I think I am lost.

Sometimes it's a mystery, finding out what we want. It's also kind of a great place to begin, though: wide open. Peace and blessings to you, my friend.

same to you my friend. Happy holidays.

here is minus temperature so you cant go a lot outside because its freezing, its nice to be able to still run in winter:) so ye body is like full mode to gain fat

so ye body is like full mode to gain fat

YEP. The body is concerned with ONE THING. SUR-VIVE! VIVA! LIVE!

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