Fuji 5Lakes Training Blog - 11.5.2017 - The "Post-Poison 6 Mile" and Running as My Path to Serenity

in #running7 years ago

I took this photo mid-run tonight by the Agano river.

After going out drinking and overdoing it a bit with a friend last night, I had to get back on the path and renew my vision and focus today.

I have been experiencing feelings of deep discontent, self-doubt, and fear recently.

Running helps me to conquer all of those. Feeling revived and refreshed now.


Tonight I ran with my ambient music playlist, got a lot of new ideas while running, and felt some deep emotions bubble to the surface. I'm glad I chose to go out and go for it, even in my somewhat compromised state today. Fresh air and the sunset, and getting my body moving did me good.

I'll be officially signing up for the Fuji 5Lakes Ultramarathon soon, and am feeling pumped. Early signups get a sweet North Face bag as well! Gotta get in on that.

Tonight's Run:

DISTANCE: 6.02 miles
AVG. MILE TIME: 10’40”
THEME SONG: “I" - Radiante Pourpre





Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as Facebook and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)


ambient music and running, sounds good

I feel its very easy to be cerebral and meditative in Japan.

You know what. In many ways, I think you are right.

Would you be inclined to help a newbie out by resteeming my "The best looking man in the world (humor)" post? I'm not going to just post a link here. I just don't have the 1$ for a bot yet lol

I'm not going to go on a rant. But I'll just say that in western civ your senses are constantly assaulted with things you're better off NOT paying attention to :)

Proud of ya man. Keep it up! Running and gunning for greatness, that's all that matters. We get better - the world gets better. Healing is giving. Giving it all you got. Giving it your best shot. Gambatte as they say! (is this right!? my Japanese is with a limp)

Agree 100%. And thank you man. That means a lot to me.

Good distance to run, hopefully it helped a lot. I can't really run myself, but started my toning workouts again as I want to also feel better about everything and it helps.

It really does doesn't it man? Just moving. Getting the body moving. It's so huge for clearing out the mind.

It is very pleasant to run and to empty your head ♪

Great post and a beautiful pic of the river! Glad that you are staying on track for the Ultramarathon! Great Job! @kafkanarchy84

Definitely, Running helps to conquer all of those.

Amazing post really nice & mind touch blog😁..I like this👌.Re-steem😍😍

Running is great , its help so much thanks for sharing

Yeah..you have shown how focussed and determined you are... that's why even after having a late night party with your friend, you went out to accomplish your mission ...Good luck..keep it up..

Thank you. Will do.

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