Fuji 5Lakes Training Blog - 11.23.17 - Speaking in “Tongues” on a Runner’s High

in #running7 years ago (edited)


I know, I know. What a title, right? Not a lofty or ambitious title at all. Well, I’ll try to do it justice.

I’d like to preface all this by saying, first and foremost: I AM NOT RELIGIOUS!!!! I do not think of myself as a “Christian” or a “Buddhist” or anything else like that as far as words go. As far as labels go. I can’t stomach it.

Joe Bloe “Christian”:

How’s your walk with Jesus, Graham?


Walk!?! Fuck you! I’m running!!! Jesus is back at the 7/11 calculating my splits.

That disclaimer out of the way, I think there is magic in this world,

and science may well one day find it, explain it, quantify it, and put it in a textbook. Phenomena of collective consciousness, weird episodes of déjà vu, inexplicable, serendipitous moments.

In my previous post where I claimed “logic is my god, and religion is neurosis” I argued that to attempt to make these weird occurrences out to be more than they potentially are by automatically ascribing some detailed and totally arbitrary meaning to them, and then attempting to get others to believe the same thing (religion), often has disastrous consequences.


The crusades, Jim Jones, radical Islam, Heaven’s Gate, Benny Hinn, etc, etc.

I stand by every word I said in that video. In tonight’s post it may seem like I am attempting to alienate as many people as possible, and lose as many followers as possible, by delivering a seemingly contradictory message. It makes me laugh. One day bashing religion as hard as I possibly can, and then the next day talking of “speaking in tongues.” Oh well, fuck it. Whatever.

What happened tonight.

I was listening to this song:

running in the cold, bracing air, alone, on a rather dark night

I had felt (due in part to the runner’s high and the numbing blasts of frigid wind coming in from the sea as I crossed the bridge) almost separate from my hands, arms and body prior to

approaching this moment in the song where all the imagery it elicited in my mind, and the sensations, coupled with the warm, perfumed smells from the home I was running past, and feelings were so...

big? warm? lovely? otherworldly yet impossibly familiar?

that my tongue just kind of started fluttering from all these uncontainable feelings as I attempted to express them and define them better. It was a kind of gibberish language.

I may upset a lot of the religious folks reading this, but this is, in my view, what churches call “speaking in tongues” and “anybody and they mama” who is feeling the true force of life and beauty and just that other-worldly, desperate, beautiful, deep, ineffably so real and vastly expansive and so familiar something other, can do it. Kids can do it. Dogs can do it. We all can do it. It’s a gutteral howling of the spirit yearning to be free, and speaking things that words of our standardized language and grammar just can’t. i.e. “tongues of angels.”

Of course, churches have turned this into big business, and interpreting “tongues,” making prophecies of them, and deciding who “has the gift” and who doesn’t, is an excellent way to leverage power over guilt-ridden, desperate people, and to fleece them of cash, time, and other resources. It would be interesting to see how many times the gift has suddenly appeared in someone (i.e. been acknowleged and labeled as such by church leadership) immediately after the offering plate was been filled adequately with “seed money” by the adherent desperate enough to “give in faith” to receive said gift. I am not saying that the interpretations of tongues given at churches are never “real.” There’s really no way to prove that, either way.

I’m just saying the whole thing has been bastardized and misunderstood, in my opinion, and turned into a legend. A myth.

Well, there it is. That’s about all I have to say. People’s interpretation of the Bible is both true and not true regarding “tongues,” in my view.

True in that humans do it, not true in that flames of fire literally rested on people’s heads while they spoke, or that it is some kind of gift magically imparted after being dunked in water.

That’s just my opinion. People from all over the world, from many different religious backgrounds (or lacks thereof) express themselves in this fashion, it seems to me.

All I know is that tonight I felt something beautiful. And I suppose, for now, my final take on all this stuff is:

There is something that I know, and it’s impossible to say.





Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as Facebook and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)


I'm not religious either however as a history buff I have studied almost all of them and read the scriptures and holy books.
There is IMO a separation of religion and spirituality which is something that many fail to recognise.
There is much hidden history in the scriptures too that has been bastardised (as you stated), edited and misinterpreted for many reasons but mainly to promote the agenda of the control structure.
Many of my history posts allude to this.
For those who wish to dip their toes into the true nature of the esoteric nature and potential of the human being go check out the blog of my great friend @perceptualflaws his work on this subject will blow you away.
Nice one Graham 😉

Thanks man, I will definitely check out @perceptualflaws, and it sounds like I need to sit down and read through your posts more in-depth as well. It’s a relief to me to know that I’m not alone in feeling like maybe there’s more to the discussion. Cheers!

I hear what you are saying, and believe that our many abilities as humans donot need to be tied to any religion, we can create ceremony and ritual apart from it and experience 'speaking tongues' as you put it with out it also. Thank you for the lovely music too.

Glad you liked that song. It’s kinda become my November running song now.

humans donot need to be tied to any religion, we can create ceremony and ritual apart from it and experience 'speaking tongues' as you put it with out it also.

Well said.

@kafkanarchy84 The only thing you sometimes have control over is perspective because Science is a way of life. Science is a perspective. Science is the process that takes us from confusion to understanding in a manner that's precise, predictive and reliable - a transformation, for those lucky enough to experience it, that is empowering and emotional...

Nice post thanks for sharing

You're an incredible figure, you have the energy for ten people. Your brain works while you're sleeping.

I'd like you to tune into some of the news out here in Pakistan. People have been incessantly fighting over religious beliefs and going on strikes for weeks. The army is taking over. Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, etc have all been blocked thanks to some religious maniacs.

That is disgusting and I am very sorry to hear that.

Good post

Salam dari @itikna09

So... beautifull post you today.I like your all post.Your all post is very very great post. I love your post.

Truly inspiring even though I'm not religious.

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