Week 29 - Pay It Forward Curation Contest

in #payitforward6 years ago (edited)


The Pay It Forward Curation Contest is all about increasing exposure for high quality posts and increase the level of engagement on steemit. You can take part by entering the contest or just helping visit the entries and their featured posts. Everyone chooses their level of involvement and we appreciate the efforts of everyone who helps promote quality content on Steemit.

No changes of note so for the regulars go start curating and those of you who are here for the first time welcome and read below for the rules.

As always check back to this post often and scroll to the end to see a list of this week's curation entries!

How to Enter the Pay It Forward Curation Contest?

To enter the Curation Contest you will find 2 high quality blog posts written by reputation level 55 or lower steemians and then write a curation style blog post like this entry by @viking-ventures from week 16 which won a Judges Choice Award. The idea is to highlight both posts and why you thought they were high quality.

To be clear the Level 55 max is only for the bloggers who are featured, anyone may submit a curation entry.


  • Curation Style Post that highlights your 2 featured blog posts.
  • Link to the high quality blog posts in your curation post. Keep in mind that many will follow this link and upvote so pick a post that isn't close to payout!
  • Include a link to this contest in your entry post
  • The 2 bloggers you curate need to be rank 55 or below
  • You need to comment on this post with a link to your post, this is how we track everything!

👉👉Clarification for Quality Required for valid Entry👈👈
We are looking for Quality Original Content and that post spells out what that means. If you are new please read it.

No less then 200 words of original written content. So a single photo is fine as long as there is 200 words with it. 200 words is about 12 lines of content.

Posts from Parley and dmania are not acceptable.

Contest Date Range

This contest run from Now until Saturday 10/27/18 at 11:59pm CST (USA, Chicago).

The winners will be announced on Wednesday 10/31/18 at 12:01am

Prizes: Steem Basic Income

This week 14 winners are going to get a sponsorship for #steembasicincome!

There will be 2 SBI Sponsorship's purchased on a random basis. Anyone who wins a Judges Choice SBI is excluded from the Random SBI drawing.

There will be 4 Judges Choice Awards based the quality of the blog posts you feature in the eyes of our Judges, @lynncoyle1, @tryskele , @headchange, & @viking-ventures. Each Judges Choice will get 1 SBI share for winning from the Judge that picked them.

All 8 of the featured bloggers from the Judges Choice Winners posts will also get an SBI Share. These shares are purchase by the sponsors listed later in the post.

@steembasicincome is run by @josephsavage and is a great program designed to provide a lifetime income to members who have SBI Shares.

Prizes: Steem-Bounty

@steem-bounty of 2 Steem has been created. We will only upvote entries for the Author's 95% of the Bounty. No other comments will be upvoted as the goal is to reward those who enter the contest.

Steem-Bounty has been sponsored by Need Sponsor this week!

@steem-bounty is also a witness account and is run by @knircky. To set @steem-bounty as witness you can go to: https://steemit.com/~witnesses and enter the "steem-bounty" account into the text field and click vote.

Sponsors, Visit Them and Upvote Them!!

SponsorsType of Sponsorship
@thehoneys1 SBI Share
@bengy1 SBI Share
@andrewharland4 SBI Shares
@el-nailul2 SBI Shares
@stever821 SBI Share
@thedarkhorse1 SBI Share

Current Entries - Please Visit!!!

This is the real purpose of this contest, visit these posts and help upvote the bloggers featured. This list will be updated as new entries are added. Please check back during the week!!

CuratorEntry #
@aggamunEntry #1
@insight-outEntry #2
@macooletteEntry #3
@stever82Entry #4
@bengyEntry #5
@celinavisaezEntry #6
@zorankEntry #7
@rembertomarsadaEntry #8
@trincowskiEntry #9
@cicisajaEntry #10
@viking-venturesEntry #11
@dipoabaschEntry #12
@mmunitedEntry #13
@simplymikeEntry #14
@pehteemEntry #15

| Entry #


This is a show weekend for me. So nothing will be done for the next 15-16 hours while I'm working for the day, then I will try hard to jump on shortly...but after a 15-16 hour work day who knows.


@pifc has set 2.000 STEEM bounty on this post!

Bounties are a new way you can earn rewards irrespective of you Steem Power. Go here to learn how bounties work.

Earn the bounty by commenting what you think the bounty creator wants to know from you.

Find more bounties here and become a bounty hunter.

Happy Rewards Hunting!


I made it again.. finally have enough RC to post this.LOL
Here is My entry for Thsi Week Second Attempt

Thank you and I'd love to hear some advise about my post too

Good entry, @pehteem!

I'm trying to catch up on the entries I skipped. With so many participants, it starts to be very difficult to visit them all. But that doesn't stop me from trying.

I'd like to try too.. but sometimes I just wandering around all tags and upvote some posts before I read through😂 so when I typed the comment and hit the post button, the notification appeared.. buy steem because you run out of RC.

But I'll keep trying.. perhaps next week i'd be better. Thank you @trincowski🤗

My biggest problem is that I don't like to give upvotes of 0.00 nor 0.01. So I tend to exhaust my Voting Power pretty fast, when I visit the contest entries. 😂

Entry #15

Entry #1
Note, to tired to read everything, but at a glance it looks good. Will upvote and read tomorrow.

Hah! You beat @zorank for the first entry this week, yeah? Good going... 😊

Hee !! I had prepared this post in my note 2days ago. But I have not a purpose to beat anyone. 😋

Posted using Partiko Android

Finally I'm not the first. Congrats, @aggamun, but I'll "beat" you next time, lol. I'll check your entries later on.

Two days ago. Wow! It looks like you're very excited in joining that you really prepared early, yeah? Very good!

Really I have a secret. I tell you this. Nobody knows ( especially @zorank). Because I have no idea to create any posts. LOL!!
Just kidding! Have a great day!!

Posted using Partiko Android

Hehehe... that is actually one of reasons when I was pretty new here on Steemit. So somehow, pifc entries help me. 😉

Hola @aggamun, gracias por tu entrada, pendiente, en el próximo concurso, @zorank quiere recuperar el primer lugar. Un abrazo.

Gracias a Dios por fin.(casi un dias sin internet)
Mi entrada:

Entry #6

Nice choices, señorita Celina! :-)

Thank God, At lat I finished it
My entrance

I don't remember seeing you here before. Is this your first entry?

I think it's his first entry - even better that it was directly after he was featured! Kudos for that!

Very cool! :-D

Yeah, This is the first time!

Well done! 😉

Yes! This is my first entry

Entry #8

Best of luck to the entrants. Pass it forward.

I almost lost in the battle today and forgot about the contest a little while, but at least I managed to create an Entry fot his week, Here it is >> Entry to The Pay it Forward Curation Contest : Week 29

Thanks everyone and see you around

Entry #10

Battle? What battle? 😂😂😂

don't you know? she's addicted to the Steemmonsters battle now.. LOL, she lost a lot of the battle rather than win

We are the same I reach gold II. I make a post about reaching gold III and giveaway CRUSTACEAN KING.

😂😂 I'm outta that biz 😆 I did stop her from entering the battle tonight.. but I dunno whether she managed to play tomorrow😆

You got sucked into Steemmonsters, didn't you??!! :)

😊😊😊 I did but I survived😂😂

hahaha Are you enjoying it? Still playing?

Yes.. but I have to manage my time, at least 5 hours in a day but not everyday. One day to play, one day to learn.. im on training under davemccoy supervision 😊

@davemccoy is the best teacher to have! Make sure you keep up your duties at your coffee shop and taking care of those cats:) Oh yeah, and pifc too!

Thank you 😊 I'll remember that. What about Brian? Dave asked you before, whether brian would love to play too😉

Thank you Lynn! :D

Finally I can have a seat in front of the weapon (laptop) while my contender has her diner and create this post.. LOL and Here is my Entry for this week Entry to Week 29 : Pay it Forward Curation Contest
Thanks in advance for any support.

Where are you @pehteem, are you draining your RC again?

Entry #12

This post has been rated by the user-run curation platform CI! In this platform users are able to manually curate content. This is done regardless of Steem Power, for both rewards and vote size calculation.

Join in at our site here!

Or join us on discord to interact with the community!

This post was submitted for curation by: @f3nix
This post was given a rating of: 0.7352162440154824
This post was voted: 77.52%

Thanks for your participation, @macoolette!
(And now I'm going to take a pause to let my Voting Power restore. See ya all tomorrow!)

pause is granted hihi see you tomorrow @trinkowski

Thanks for all your support.

going to visit your entries now :)

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