🎶 Open Mic Week 73 - My Top 5 Judges Selection 🎶

in #openmic7 years ago (edited)

So this week was a whole new level of challenge for me as a judge, I have been struggling with this decision for days now and no matter the order I place people - it all works, you guys are all capable of winning and it's just tortuous having to settle on only 5 of you each week.

Well because I was struggling so long I am yet again, running behind schedule - but I wanted to let you all know this week was just killer entries left, right and centre!

You should all be so proud of the music you are making and the impact it has on the people around you and in this community, you are so appreciated and loved for sharing your amazing gifts with all of us.

This is one hell of a competition people, best of all it's the least competitive contest - Open Mic is about the love of music, sharing it with our community and pushing ourselves to the next level as musicians.

I can see that it's really happening weekly here, people are practising and improving even when I doubted there be any further room for improvement (you already kick ass remember) - but each week I am shown a little more of people and it only egg's me on further.

Well I will leave it at that and get on with this, here is my top 5 judges selection for week 73!

This week's top 5:

1st Place - @andii- Father, How Long

From the very first note my ears pricked up, then you finished the sentence and you had dropped me on my ass - seriously what a freakin amazing next level voice!

I was just blown away with every passing moment of the song and I couldn't look away, you had me entranced here mate in the best possible way - as a vocalist myself this just made me feel and want to sing along with you, but that super bass voice of your's is far to deep for even my best attempts to keep up.

What a simply stunning, no extraordinary voice - like literally almost unable to find words to explain who this made me feel (congratulations you managed to shut me up lol), it was surreal and unexpected but everything I was looking for in an entry this week.

I am so honoured to have heard this song, you vocal control is sublime and your range is something out of a fantasy - I truly cannot wait to hear more from you and soon!

2nd Place - @justinzidi - scared to be lonely

Damn this week in Open Mic has been amazing and your entry just hit me in the feels, I love this song and you captured it so beautiful - it was an absolute pleasure to hear your entry, I enjoyed every single second of it.

You displayed a stunning vocal range and brilliant vocal control, your playing was spot on - but for me it was the vocals that stole the show, you really impressed me with the way you executed that performance.

I love the subtle changes you've made and the other bits you've left as is, it was a perfect entry and I thoroughly enjoyed it more than words can describe.

I am so thrilled to have heard this, it truly was beautiful and as I listen along now - I know I want to hear more from you!

3rd Place - @melavie - Wastelands curse

As usual you hit us with an emotional powerhouse that I cannot ignore, your tone always gives me chills - this song hit me in the feels in a big way, just such a massive emotional song.

You have a haunting voice lovely and I just eat it up, I can't get enough of it and this song is a perfect display of your exceptional skills - I wonder how many other little glorious nuggets of music you have hidden and yet to show us, I can safely say no matter the amount I look forward to hearing them all!

Each time I hear your voice I am taken on a journey and I am never disappointing when we reach the end - because it really is all about the journey with your music, the places it can take you mentally and emotionally.

Just perfection as always, I am such a fan I know I can go on - but people check her out already if you haven't, your denying yourself a magical experience!

3.5 - @senzenfrenz - Spring's Melody

Oh mate this was just next level, pure musical beauty on display for the world to hear and feel - it's almost sorrowful in a sense.

But it transforms like the seasons, into a slightly my hopeful sound - well you just perfectly captured this piece for me, your musicianship is impeccable!

I have been loving your music for as long as I can remember being a judge, each week you perform your entries are faultless and such a pleasure to hear - I was deeply moved by this piano piece and have listened to it countless times, it just makes me feel so much.

I can assure you your music is adored by the judges and community alike - your skills are without question and I as always look forward to hearing more from you in the future!

4th Place - @hardikv - Kajra Mohabbat Wala

You guys just kicked absolute ass with this entry, just so full in sound and feel - I love the energy in the vocals, not to mention the range and control you all displayed here.

What an absolute pleasure to hear, even though I had no idea what you guys were saying I felt it and in my own (probably terrible way) attempted to sing along with you all - that song is a vocal work out and a half, so kudos to all involved you guys were amazing!

I absolutely love the four layered harmonies, the way your voices melded together was just perfect and intense - hearing you all sing this I was impressed by how easy you make it look, you have some amazing skills people.

I also look forward to hearing more from you and your band again, I loved that entry a little while back (I suck with names sorry) but it was one of the most amazing songs I've heard on the platform - can't wait to hear more.

5th Place - @pechichemena - I want you back

HOLY SHIT @pechichemena I love love loved this entry, not just for your as always stunning vocals and brilliant playing - but I feel like I got to see a new side of you my friend and I am liking what I'm hearing.

Haha this is just brilliant man, I loved the cheeky little grin, how laid back and relaxed you looked like you were hanging out with an old friend - and best part of all for me at least, I got a little taste of the vocal power you have been hiding from me.

Now I know with most of your original music it is very emotional and they guitar is linked in to weave with the sweet soft melodies, it's classic Pechi and I love it - but what got me here is now I know there is more (I had a feeling and was hoping you'd show it) I need to hear more and I have all these ideas about where else your music can take me.

Seriously this is not to diminish your previous vocal efforts, I hope you realise I love your voice in all its capacities - but ohhh mate I'm all giddy excited to think of the possibilities of things to come, it's nice to hear not so much a happy song but a more upbeat song from you.

You know I love your music mate, it was great to see you so into a song ( you looked like you really enjoyed yourself too, which is always awesome ) - as always really looking forward to hearing what other little surprises, you have in store for us in the future!

Honourable Mentions:

@williamsreinoso - Digale

Now I truly hope all that click this give these songs a listen too, I know it can take some time - but people this is some seriously amazing music and the only person your letting down is yourself!

But seriously I am blown away week after week by the exceptional talent, there seems to be no end of it in sight - I am as always honoured and privileged to be a part of this, it is such joy each week getting to listen to you all.

I know so many didn't make this list that deserved to be here and for that I am truly sorry, I do my best to mix it up and really present the ones that stole my heart and made me feel - but there is always someone that misses out and I want you to know, you were probably also on my short (should call it long really) list!

I love you all, I love your willingness to share a part of yourselves each week and I will always be here to listen and love - you guys make this the best job I could ever imagine, not that it is even a job (I just tend to take it that seriously).

I'd also like to remind everyone again that all top five nominations from this week, will feature in the Steemit Musicians live radio show on MSP-Waves next week.

A massive congratulations to all of those to be featured in the show, it is going to be great opportunity to get to further share the awesome entries we receive each week - I can't wait to hear the audience's feedback on our selections and your entries.

I hope you can all drop by and support those who made this week's lists, I'm sure they'd appreciate the support - not to mention if you join you get to help choose the weekly 20 SBD winning entry!

Please join us for Steemit Musicians this Sunday 12-1 UTC!

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On the note of the community I thought I'd take a moment to mention that, over at the minnow support program on our discord chat room Peace Abundance and Liberty - the recently revitalised music room has been getting rather active lately.

As well as the recent burst of activity, we have also added a jukebox to the room - so now when you're chatting with people in the music room, you can choose and play music from youtube (this includes open mic entries, I may have already played a couple I really enjoyed).

So far I have seen a few open mic regulars hanging out and about on the PAL chat rooms, now we have a place where we can actively share music live with people were chatting with - this can help musicians in so many ways, not to mention it's just fun to hang out and chat over and about good tunes.

In addition to the new music room Peace Abundance and Liberty chat rooms have a lot to offer, you can access bots to vote on your posts, you can also meet and interact with over 5000 steemians in the channel - this can be a very useful resource to new steemians, but is also a fantastic place to meet and interact with like minded individuals on many different topics.

Again a big thanks to @soundlegion, @meno, @verbal-d and @passion-ground for all they do as judges, please remember to go and check out their top five selections each week and to @luzcypher and @pfunk thank you so much for making all of this possible - until next week.

Which was your favourite entry this week?

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or follow me on twitter @krystlehaines
Please consider voting @ausbitbank for witness here


Lovely @krystle! I don't know where you see the perfection in my songs since it's my biggest struggle to never feel good enough to myself. But with every time I try to let go of my self doubt and you feel the essence of my songs I get better in accepting myself. You are a great inspiration to me just because you understand and speak the language of people's heart songs. Thank you so much!!!

Ohhh thanks so much love, I really connect with strong lyrics - I'm all about the words lol and the music generally, but then your melodies just take me places and work so well with your songs it's perfection.

I hope that in time your confidence in your skills, does grow as your skill with writing takes my breath away - I love the power behind words, the multiple meanings that can be extrapolated and when you combine them with your music and melodies the package becomes complete.

Your ability to connect the lyric and the music with the melody is truly sublime, I could listen to you on repeat for weeks and never grow board - I am honoured to have you with us, sharing your immaculate creations with us is more than I hoped to be able to receive and my words are all I have in support so I will use them as best I can to ensure you get the attention your work deserves!

Love ya lady, have a good one and chat soon <3

Thanks for all the hard work @krystle! These are some beautiful performances.

Hey mate had to mention, this week was one of the hardest choices I've had to make in ages - your song was absolutely amazing and I loved every second of it, just so compelling and emotional.

It never feels right when you have to leave out an amazing song like this, but when I saw the other judges digging it as much as I did - I figured I'd try and share the love around a little more, but really your entry this week was everything I want in a song and I just had to say that. Cheers <3

Yeah I understand! It's gotta be tough and I don't envy any of you judges. Keep up the great work! :)

@krystle love you to tha moon..... The main philosophy of the open mic isn't to be a winner, but to put original and cover music out there. I love to see your work every week, the whole team is doing a huge work.

Haha I love that you get this mate, your an amazing vocalist and guitarist and I truly love hearing your entries - I am oh so impressed you made me like this song, I'm not a Beiber fan and really haven't played much mind to his music.

But the way you reworked this song was sublime, I love the new feel the more mature take on the lyrics and the whole execution of the performance was just next level - I loved your vocal control in this entry, just an absolute pleasure to hear <3

saludos @krystle (Muak)
I must say that the work of @lucybanks I love. It has a beautiful performance.

Oh man I feel ya, @lucybanks is always on my short list when she enters - her voice is divine and I just can't get enough, if only I could place her in my top every week!

But alas I cannot, but she always makes me feel the music - it's awesome to see other entrants are fans as well <3

yaaay!! @krystle ! Thank you for including me in the top 5's .. i was not really sure about doing that tune.. but I'm glad I stepped out of the comfort zone! This contest gets ''tougher'' each time! so much talent coming in! LOVE IT!

Hahaha I'm so glad you saw this and got what I was trying to say, I kept freaking out that it seemed like an insult and it really wasn't intended that way - as your music is always so beautiful and emotion packed it really speaks volumes of your musicianship and skills.

But you found the words I was missing and stepping out of your comfort zone is exactly what I was trying to say, you smashed it and I loved seeing this other side of you and now I know there is so much more you can amaze us with - I love seeing artists test their boundaries and I think you are truly capable with any genre of music, I so look forward to hearing new elements of your music in the future.

But this was a real treat and I couldn't have enjoyed it more than I did, Micheal Jackson is not an easy act to follow and you created a new feel to an old classic and I loved it so much - so thanks for this little musical nugget of gold, it's a true treasure <3

I like music ..I am guitarist ..My leisure time playing game guitar

Music is life for a lot of us Open Mic'ers, you should enter sometime so we can hear your playing <3

holy you are amazing! Thanks for these warm words! I really enjoyed this reading ;-)
it was much fun to join the openmic week. And i will keep on posting some Songs. But it's gonne be hard to top that! I'll keep on going. This is such a nice platform for us musicians and it is sooo much fun. Here are a lot of nice people around! Good JOB !!!

Haha I'm so glad you got to see this, your singing was the epitome of perfection - I just loved the tone and texture so much, the power and range you displayed was just breathtaking!

As for topping the performance, it was sublime of that I'm sure - but with a voice like that I could listen to you sing almost anything and be enthralled with the performance I'm sure.

I am stoked to hear in spite of your doubts you will give us another go, we love all music here and I know in time the community will revel in your voice as much as I do - it can take a little while to find your footing, but just wow your voice is amazing and I just want to hear anything you have to sing mate <3

Thank you so much @krystle
This one was just kinda improtu and last minute and it just came out well. :)
Thank you for all your encouring words 🙏🏻
The song you are talking about is 'Log Kya Kahenge' 😁
I will try to participate with the band in coming weeks. Will telll them people still remember our performance ✨😊

I love hearing amazing music from other places, I don't get a lot of chances in my day to day to discover this sort of stuff and I absolutely love it when it's pulled off to such a brilliant level.

As fro the other song, just so much energy and great musicianship it's gonna be a hard song to forget - With the next Sounds of Steem event coming up, I wanted to mention it would be amazing to have you guys perform that for us live on MSP-Waves!

Just a thought let me know if you think you'd be interested <3

Of course interested! :) I had already spoken about it to the band's vocalist and he is up for it as well. Let me know when it's happening.

Also, for discovering new music, I've started this new tag #mondaymixtape and getting some great response on it. You not only get to discover new music but also understand why someone likes it. Do check out the posts in the tag if you are interested 😊✨

wow really nice friends, good singing mix, i really like this one, success for you guys, @krystle

Wow mantab,hasil yang bagus dari beberapa kerja keras @kristle,terimakasih buat semuanya

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