One photo every day: I wonder where our snake is hiding right now. (147/365)

in #oneo7 years ago (edited)


Being nocturnal animals, I would've guessed it'd be out and about. It seems Kiemis likes hiding.

Out of sight.

Fascinating creatures those snakes.

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[Previous post: One photo every day: Dark clouds over a plain (146/365)]

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Tack sharp (139/365)
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Kiemis (141/365)
Yule Tarts ::: Joulutortut (142/365)
The Little Troll (143/365)
Acrylic caves of Acrylia (144/365)
What does interstellar travel look like? (145/365)
Dark clouds over a plain (146/365)

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Wow! How big is your Kiemis? How old is he? Will he grow to be three or four feet long one day? Then, you would need a much bigger cage for him!

I used to have a Singaporian friend who had a very big snake as a pet. One day he broke out of his cage. So, we had to look inside every room in the house for him, because he also had a cat with three kittens! Luckily, the snake was hiding under the cupboard, all the cats were not eaten!


Kiemis is now 1 year and 2 months old. I guess it is already 3 feet, not sure about the metric to imperial conversion. I'd guess it's about 90 centimeters long, give or take a few. Anyway, if it's a female it can grow upto 150 centimeters whereas the males will grow only to about 1 meter long.

We will likely end up having to invest in a bigger terrarium yes.

My sister-in-law has "a zoo", where she has a number of cats, snakes (cornsnakes and an angry one), lizards and other crawly creatures. Roughly a year ago, one of her cornsnakes escaped from its habitat, and in the end the cats had eaten it.

Thank you very much for your kind reply @gamer00. I am very surprised to hear that the cats ate the snake!! This would never happen in Thailand! And you sister has a zoo!! ZOO!
Wow! your snake will grow up to almost 150cms! Thai people are very afraid of snakes and whenever they see snakes, they will kill the snakes.
So, it has been quite strange for my gardener to learn from me that snakes are not really aggressive and we should let them go on their paths. Last week, she found another baby green snake!


Wow! Your snake is so comfortable. Leaving it's home and going back whenever it pleases him. Even I didn't have that freedom growing up. 😁

drop a feeder in the snake should come out.

Awasome💢 shot
But i don't know☑ thats your pet is 🐉snake
Really🐍 amazing
Because i am new fan of you
Now i join your discord channel

nice shot, well i think he finds the comfortable place, he might comes out again when he feels hungry, thanks for sharing

seems like he is playing hide and seek cool shot

Is kiemis a real snake? It looks real, at the same time not real.

Very real. :)

Bet you the very moment you turn away it's out and around!

He did managed to get out of sight and that is indeed a nice shot buddy !

I hope you found Kiemis. Its probably enjoying some hide and seek game. lol.

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