The Broken Man (a fiction-trail challenge # 2 entry)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #fiction-trail8 years ago

At four years old, I already knew the cobbled streets of the city like the back of my hand. By my fifth birthday, I had rediscovered all the forgotten places. And before I was seven, I knew secrets that even the City elders didn’t know.

My favourite time of day was siesta time, when the rest of the household and the rest of the city slept. I was never like other children; I didn’t mind the heat and I didn’t seem to need as much rest.

As soon as my nurse was asleep, and the rest of the house grew quiet, I crept from my bed and quietly slipped out of the house. I had the knack of timing it to be back in bed, pretending to be asleep, before she stretched and yawned and came to wake me.

I was fascinated by the houses and buildings of the city. Not because architecture was of any interest, but because I could feel their stories. I could look at a house and know that someone within its walls was in love, or in pain, or was deceiving their husband. I knew when someone had died there recently, or 100 years ago.

I’m not telling this clearly. It wasn’t the emotions of the occupants that I felt. It was the feelings of the building. Sometimes I felt empathy, sometimes condemnation or exasperation, sometimes grief. I seemed to be the only person who understood that our homes love us. They want us to be happy and do their best to protect us.

But that’s not the story I came here to tell you today. I need to tell somebody the story of the Broken Man, because I don’t know how to help him, and maybe you do.


One thing I found as I roamed the city is that whenever I was thirsty, there would always be a drinking fountain nearby. And they were always the same. They had a face, with clean, clear, sweet water pouring from the mouth.

I began to notice that the fountains weren’t always in the same place. That’s how I discovered the greatest secret of them all. There was only one tap with a face, and it moved. It moved to wherever I needed it to be.

From then, it was no time at all before I realised he wasn’t following me just to be of service, but because he needed my help. For there was no doubt in my mind, the tap was a he.

It took me many months to put together his story, as he could only communicate emotions to me. I had to interpret, suggest scenarios to him, and feel for his approval or disappointment.

The first astonishment was that, unlike houses who know no other life, he hadn’t always been a drinking fountain. I’m still not clear on exactly what he had been, but the closest I’ve been able to get is that he’s now like a genie in a bottle.

When he first became aware of his new way of life, he was in the courtyard of a wealthy man. His water was always collected in silver goblets, and he refreshed the richest and most cultured people of the city. He knew my parents! He was proud to be of service to such fine owners and their guests.

But he began to hear things. The way they spoke of the poor disturbed, then disgusted him. He heard the ways they treated trades people. Despite his inbuilt need to love and serve, he became profoundly unhappy. Then he learnt something that was planned. Something that would devastate parts of the city, and leave many homeless.

So he left, in search of somebody who could prevent this terrible deed. But nobody would listen to him. Nobody could even hear him. He was a broken man, in the depths of despair and admitting defeat, when he first saw me. He finally found someone who noticed him.

But I am eight years old. What can I do to stop this? Who can I tell? That’s why I came to you. There’s nobody else who I trust that may know what to do.

You can help? You know what to do? All I need to do is go home, and sleep, and tell nobody, and we’ll talk again tomorrow?


I don’t know how much time has passed or how old I am now, but there is no longer any joy in exploring the cobbled streets of the city. I can be anywhere I want, at any time. I feel the houses and buildings commiserate, and grieve for me. Once I saw my parents walking by, wearing black armbands, but they didn’t see me.

Sometimes a person will stop to drink from me. But mostly I look endlessly for someone who can hear me. Now I am the Broken Man.

Thanks for reading

Pictures from Pixabay.

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I like the way this twisted and turned. Great entry and ending!

Thank you, M! (easiest to type) Nice to hear that from a man of your diverse talents.

Very engaging and imaginative. I couldn't stop reading! 😄😇😄


Thanks! Michelle seems to have a knack for finding pictures that fire up creativity and imagination. I'm enjoying trying my hand at fiction for the first time since primary school!

That's really cool! I have also been finding the Steemit community to be very inspiring! Steem on! :)

A very nicely written piece. You scripted the emotion conveyed really well. I really like how you tied it all up in the end. Beat for beat, this was such an entertaining read. Best of luck in the challenge!

Thanks, @jedau! That means a lot from a practiced writer like you. I've just been reading A Day In The Clouds and Silver Lining in the last couple of days and am really liking them both.

Crap, I think that might have actually dropped it a cent! How can that be? Well, that answers a question I've been wondering about...sort of. Maybe if I had unvoted and revoted nearer to when my vote was put in, it would have affected it the other way, I'll have to try that out too. If I keep on the trail that is, it's still just an experiment. Sorry! I'm going to have to send you some steem now ;)

No worries :-) Your moral support and good opinion of it is worth more than the cents. It makes me very happy that all you great authors like it.

Of course, now that you have sent me some Steem, I'll accept it graciously and with many thanks x

:) xo Oh...I think they found our poor poor donkey in nn's newest post...

Oh yes I saw that post, but was on my tablet and was going to reply later. I've replied to it now, but not directly to your post, so you won't get a notification.

I wouldn't say "practiced", I'm just a beginner who has put some reps in haha I'm so glad to hear you say that! I hope to hear from you in the comments section one of these days :D

Oh, I really liked this one, awesome deb!! It looks like the trail I'm on liked it too...which is great on one hand, but on the other...I wonder if I should unvote and revote, because that trail doesn't use my whole vote. I think I'll try it, this needs my one hundred percent backing!

Intriguing and interesting story. I like the way the story is told with emphasis on the emotions of supposedly inanimate objects. A hidden story, available to those who know how to look.

We project our own feelings onto inanimate objects. But what if they already have their own feelings? It was an interesting idea to explore.

This was chillingly good. The twist at the end was quite unexpected. Brava!

Thanks, mere. Nice to get good feedback from someone with your great taste in fiction :-) The twist at the end was unexpected for me too!

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I pick you because U seem an awesome Steemian...

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