Movie Review: Glass

in #movies6 years ago

Hey Movie Fans

Its been a while since I did one of these, shows what slim pickings we have when it comes to entertainment these days, or well at least for me, that is. Last night soccer was cancelled so I went to see Glass instead, the final chapter in M. Night Shaymalans Trilogy that should have never been.

If there is one director that is more hit and miss, please name him or her, M. Night can go from the spectacular to stupid in a matter of seconds so you never know what you're going to get going into his movies.

Also his renowned for going after original concepts and providing shocking twists you usually don't see coming which is why his movies have such a draw factor.

I will try not to give away any spoilers in this review since I want to encourage people to see this film.

Let me rant for second

This movie is as strange as the previous instalments and so is this trilogy, what makes it so strange is that unbreakable was im sure a stand-alone project

Then split came along and was a box office success and he decided well hey im going to leave an open-ended cameo of David Dunn from unbreakable in case this gets picked up for a sequel

Then creates an elaborate tale for Glass on how all the stories are interconnected, it's actually quite crazy if you give it some thought. Sorry I needed to get that out of my system since I didn't see anyone mention it lol thought I was losing my damn mind

Image source: bleedingcool

What is Glass About?

The movie is set 3 weeks after the events of Split and sees the return of Security guard David Dunn who has now partnered with his adult son to become a vigilante crime-fighting time. He uses his supernatural abilities to track down Kevin Wendell Crumb, a disturbed man who has twenty-four personalities.

The altercation between the two sees them captured and placed in an insane asylum with Elijah aka Mr Glass.

They are placed under the supervision of Dr. Ellie Staple a clinical psychiatrist attempts to treat all 3 of their supposed super hero delusions

Trailer for glass

What I thought of Glass?

Let me start by saying that this is not a superhero movie or an action-packed sci-fi flick; this is a psychological thriller with people having supernatural abilities, or do they even have these abilities at all? Have their delusions all gone a little too far?

Just like in Unbreakable and Split, you will have your doubts and theories but in the end, it all ends up going in another direction and then another one, that's M. Night and his twists for you.

What stands out in this movie is without a doubt the acting across the board from the main cast: James McAvoy, Samuel L. Jackson, and Bruce Willis are great.

However, like in "Split" McAvoy is definitely the standout portraying so many personalities one after the other is fascinating to watch. Although the setup is great and intriguing, it feels glossed over to get to the main plot.

Shyamalan's direction with camera angles and also shots standout and help capture the scenes along with the colour scheme as seen in the other movies.

The major let downs for me was this movie was pegged as a supposed long-awaited sequel to "Unbreakable", yet Bruce Willis' character does not have much depth and is more on the sidelines.

There is a lot of talking and some parts definitely drag making the film feel longer than it actually is, however even with this not much seems to develop and happen.

My rating for Glass

The movie tended to drag a bit, and plenty of filler scenes that were not needed and I feel that time could have been better spent fleshing out the story arcs of some of the supporting characters instead.

I appreciate the overall theme of the movie and the message Shyamalan is trying to tell but suffers in the end and pacing.

Some of the CGI and special effects were noticeably bad and not acceptable for a series releasing in 2019 never mind a movie with a reasonable budget.

What I think he did brilliantly was interconnecting the three seemingly unrelated stories and characters as if they were planned from the beginning which to me has to be applauded.

I did enjoy the movie which had some great interactions between the 3 characters and some epic monologues. Even if you didn't see the previous 2 you can still check this one out as a standalone, which is the same for any movie in this supposed trilogy.

I'd give this a 7 disturbed personalities out of 10 and worth the watch!

Have your say

Have you seen Glass? What did you think of it? Have you seen Unbreakable or Split? Do you think this was a viable trilogy? Let me know in the comments

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I haven't seen any of these movies, but I want to start with Unbreakable sometime soon... But, it was comforting to see that you also can watch this as a standalone movie.

One frequent thing I have read about this movie is that people complain that it can easily be felt that it wasn't planned this way originally, and thus it has been created a third movie, simply to make money and to fill a gap... I am not sure about it, just read it several places!

Oh for sure if you're going to look for it you'll find the gaps and plot holes of a movie that was somehow turned into a trilogy and not planned from the beginning. I do think he came under pressure after the success and this was more of a studio project he had to get out of the way in order to do what he really wants.

He already stated his writing two new original scripts for concepts he wants to explore

Going to watch this one, i did not see this review before, so doing that asap
Gr. Britt

Awesome enjoy the movie and let me know what you think after. 😋

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First have to find it

I have not watched the movie yet, so I'll hold my impression for a while. However, I watched the previous 2 and have had my fair share of disapointments in those and other M. Night Shyamalan's projects.
I think he have been pushing his audience's patience with the ambiguity of the magical or supernatural. It is about time he goe full throttle with one way or the other and forgets about dragging twists.

I know right? Its been a feature of M Nights movies he focus's so much on shocking us with the plot twists that he forgets to flesh out the story in the first place. He doesn't really go full throttle in this one so you may be dissapointed on that front

I think however his earned the studio enough money to earn a passion project so I think his next one could be really good

Good take on the movie. Your take on the director is spot on. It is either a home run or he strikes out. Now I wait to see the reviews before I go see his movies. I am also now following you.

Thanks for the follow and if you liked this review you may want to check out the others I’ve done in the past they are linked down below

Well I think you should give M night a chance with this one it’s a welcomed break from the traditional super hero movie formula

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Will do. Probably see it sometime in the next week.

Wow congrats for your nomination

Thanks it’s nice once in a while to have your opinion on something validated and rewarded! Even if it’s something as silly as a movie review which isn’t really quality content as some would say

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Aww. Well everything you write is quality content in my eyes.
You deserve this. You work really hard and it pays off.

you just gave me a nice movie advice for this evening. its amazing how cool is steemit right now, I am avoiding portals like imdb or facebook when i am searching for a recommendation, because I believe that people wouldnt post a shit over here.

Thanks man I’m glad you found my review helpful! I agree on looking at websites like IMDB I think a lot of it has been altered by bots and paid reviews so it’s hard to find which ones are honest opinions

I’ll continue to share my thoughts on movies and series I pick up and you can always follow me for more or drop some recommendations for me to check out

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and actually I do not know why I didn't follow you immediately after this comment. Obviously I will add you to my list of following accounts. It is good to keep eye on the other people's quality opinions about quality movies ;)

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You have many reviews. How great to get your profile. Now talking about Glass. You gave it 7 out of 10. I think you've been the best review I've seen so far. I have not had the opportunity to see Glass because I still do not see the first of the trilogy; unbreakable. I've only seen Split ... I think it's necessary that I see the first 2 installments. otherwise, I will not be able to appreciate this movie.

Thanks man that means a lot! You really don’t need to see unbreakable to watch glass but it does give you a little bit of extra context if you do!

It would make for a fun marathon to watch all 3 movies after one another though I’m sure

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I think that's what I'll do. a marathon. Split I liked a lot.

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