Review of Thor Ragnarok

in #movies6 years ago

One the major criticisms thrown at Marvel’s films is that they are increasingly unimaginative productions sticking to the same formula that worked so well in phase 1 with Iron-man and Captain America the first avenger.

There has been very little risk taken as audiences are treated to standardized fast food menu that gives you a sugar rush induced high, but leaves you hungry and wanting something more filling

Marvel movies have been reduced to slick action scenes, a flurry of jokes, sometimes forced and the occasional fan-servicing cameo are all staples of any movie with the Marvel logo.

So what about Thor Ragnorok? Does it stick to the play book or give us something new?


Enter Thor: Ragnarok, the third movie in the Thor Trilogy. I ignored the fanboy hype and I had very little hope for this film since the Thor Series has been my least favourite of all the Marvel storylines. Thor 1 was ok at best and dark world was well dark world, I hardly remember much and that says plenty I think

So when I finally sat down to watch the film I was pleasantly surprised at the fresh approach to the series. The film is directed by Taika Waititi, a filmmaker made famous by his eccentric, genre-lampooning horror mockumentary What We Do In The Shadows.

Taika definitely takes Ragnarok and puts his own twist on it, be it within the boundaries of the marvel framework. As a viewer, there was a lot more excitement and less predictability.

As I've mentioned before its prequels were nothing too great and Ragnarok comfortably obliterates them by some distance, and definitely was the most enjoyable Thor movie, and the first that even gets close to realising the true scope of these characters, no coincidence Natalie Portman's absence from the Thor movie is a bonus for all involved.

As much as I enjoyed the movie it was by no means the perfect marvel movie but did set the bar for future instalments to live up to and exceed.

Thor: Ragnarok tries too hard to win over the audience with comedy and as a result, the story does suffer. Individual character arcs are vague, characters themselves are borderline unrecognisable. Literally, everything in this movie comes second to the jokes.

Once you accept this movie is a comedy and is not to be taken seriously you will start to enjoy it. Don't get too hung up on the plot holes, character development and the character arcs and just take it for what it is.

A wild visual ride with some amazing action scenes and plenty of jokes to a long with it. Yes, this does devalue the stakes and nothing seems to edge of your seat world ending but let's save that for Infinity war, won't we? As much as Cate does well to establish our villain along with Jeff, they won't be villains you will remember, a consistent issue plaguing marvel movies to date.

All in all, it's a funny, adrenaline thrill ride buddy comedy with a solid cast and a welcomed addition to the MCU.


I love your style of writing, dude.

Also, I was too distracted by Thor's hair be critical of anything.

Lol I’m surprised you did not mention the muscles he was looking grade A farm to table meaty in this one

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Farm-to-table-meaty. ROFL. I mean....doesn't that go without saying?

Honestly, though, I'm not much of a farm-to-table person, you know? I know, it's weird. And don't get me wrong, muscles are nice I guess? But I prefer the kind of muscles that are surrounded by cerebrospinal fluid and are separated into various lobes and cortices.

Now THOSE muscles are sexy.

Lol you must be a rare species then from my personal experience I always get told you such a smart and funny guy and in a few weeks she’s with some muscle bound brute that needs to wear valcro shoes because tying their laces is too complex a task

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Hmmm. I think I dated one muscle guy once. In high school. He was damn cute. And I was damn bored. I have always liked the intellectual types. Not that muscular guys can't be intellectual, but if he's spending that much time on his abs, then it's less time he has spent cultivating his intellect.

I think it should be a balance.

Oh, wait, there was this one other guy in college. Pretty muscular. And Russian. And passionate. And good looking. And super smart. But, I dunno. Just kind of took the spoon-fed approach to life. Didn't wanna push the boundaries, and always just took things for what they seemed. And that boring! I like a challenge. Original thought. Self-inflicted self discovery. Raw material. That sort of thing.

I adore people who are too brainy for their own good, and have difficulty "fitting in" to mainstream because they are meant for better things, but haven't quite figured out what, or maybe they have. Which is why I fit in here. Too many geeks with nothing to do. It's awesome.

I so much enjoyed this movie. I noticed that you write "Thor: Ragnarok tries too hard to win over the audience with comedy and as a result, the story does suffer. " Maybe I am missing something, or maybe I was laughing too hard to realize the lack of story, but I had such a great time. And not only did I enjoy Thor: Ragnarok, I enjoyed the previous two movies as well...

Somehow the humor and the strength of Thor, combined with his lack of fear, makes him my favorite Marvel hero!

Guess that is why there are so many heroes, so we can all have different favorites!

As you said we all have our own styles and that’s what the MCU is about they use different heroes to appeal to different audiences and then pull us all together for the avengers it’s brilliant marketing machine

I enjoyed the movie but it was a bit too many jokes for my liking but I can see why they need to twerk the formula and why it works so well with Thor was you mentioned!

Since you going back on my old posts I’d really love your opinion on my review of Rampage!

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I have got to watch Rampage before I can manage to comment on it... So far my only Rampage memory is playing the game back in the 90's :) But, it is on my to-do-list, and if time permits, I will watch it within shortly.

I kind of enjoy the Dwayne Johnson movies, so will be curious to find out if Rampage is for me or not. Based on the trailer I would say that it's not, but I have often been fooled by trailers before!

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