The Posture of Self-Change

in #life6 years ago (edited)

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The posturing of self-change is an exercise in and of itself. It's the breath by breath to move yourself in your body into action, into a participation with 100% self-directive principle here.

This is a huge distinction for me.

In having created many different instructions for myself at times - putting responsibilities on my plate as ways for me to make something for myself...

There's usually been this resistance...this heaviness energy in getting the point of stopping me in my tracks at times....and other times just going through the motions of completing the task because I said I would....but I kind of drudging through it....this fighting myself the whole way through.

This fighting myself the whole way through is unnecessary. It's not required. It's something that can be short circuited in the moment. It's the realization that, I was actually putting in the labored effort of making the moment to be that of a real drudgery and like a self fulfilling self-agony like experience.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for negating the experience of myself within my body - thinking that I have to just accept whatever experience comes up. I realize I've been rather unconscious in my reactions to the subtle energy movements and experiences within myself throughout my days.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for resisting to let go of my own drudgery and agony of myself.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to just go through the motions of moving through things because I haven't allowed myself to be 100% with the vigor and vitality that I really am.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realize and understand how my body language is always communicating to me my acceptances and allowances - that which I am holding onto within myself.

I realize that in being sensitive to my body here - I am able to give my best participations in the moment as really deciding to take ownership for the living in my body.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having so much so just kind of dragged my ass through pretty much everything to some extent or another.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for making things more difficult and hard then they need to be. I realize I've been creating my own hardships as the experience of myself on a subtle yet deep level.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for existing within a way of 'coping' to live. Like I am "trying". I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing my body posturing and my responsibility for my posturing as an expression of myself. Who holds me here in my body me - realize I've been flip flopping in pushing myself down and then pulling myself up. I'm realizing the balance in holding myself accountable as the balance of my living here equally so in body, being and mind.

When and as I experience myself within a resistance and drudgery like experience where I am sort of dragging my ass - I stop and breathe - I stretch myself out making a flex of, "Yes I am here 100% in my body...This is easy - What am I doing now? I made the body and breath adjustment, letting go of the state of stress and strain I was holding myself hostage within as my body. I realize the ridiculousness of such an existence. I commit myself to correcting such ridiculousness.

I commit myself to checking myself before I wreck myself.
I realize this 'checking' is a point of regard in listening to what my body is communicating to me as my experience - I realize posture alignment is a physical action I can make to account for an instability within me at deep level.

I realize change doesn't have to be hard and it's best as an in the moment thing. I mean all change is in the moment - sometimes there's like more moments of change than others....but what else is the moment really but change itself?

The question of support to leave myself with today is this:

If I do not experience myself as "the change I want to see" in the world - What am I holding onto here that is preventing myself from seeing myself as the "change I want to see". It's playstation me. Best recognize myself here as the first controller player. It's my Life.

Let Me Know What You Think - Let's keep the discussion going - It's important to communicate about the things that aren't being talked about all that much. When we make a point of addressing the problems - we can in fact get into viable solutions.

My Body is precious and I've decided to care for it. Creating responsibility for my sculpture - my life.

The World is One Class of Players - Class is Always in Session

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  • What I like about this social experiment, is the fact that it's success is directly dependent on ordinary people everywhere - where there's a willingness to say,

"Yes - I accept a weekly payment for being a human being to cover my basic costs of Existing Here."






Very true. Self belief is vital to maximise your potential!

very helpful boss for every one, thanks for sharing

A lot of people need to go through the self evaluation process, actually I retract, we ALL NEED to go through that process if we want to actually find any sort of long term happiness within yourself. Anyone that has lived on this earth for more than a decade knows that it seems designed to get us to the point of self evaluation, and what do I truly see myself as....and do I want/need to change that or accept it. And being truly honest with oneself....I mean REALLY BRUTALLY honest with yourself is harder and more rewarding than you would think.'In the end it really is self mastery that is needed....and those masters of self are the ones we can look up to and emulate, not in becoming as they are, but becoming like them in that....and then becoming the best that we can by doing so

Usian boult is a thunder boult i agree with you sir.

Great informative post sir

Life does have mixed situations and the way we deal with it is the way we get to direct our life to.

While you should buddy take care of the health after all it is one of the most important to go on !

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